it's a hard fucking G. why would anyone think otherwise? even creators make mistakes. look at god for example.
it's a hard fucking G. why would anyone think otherwise? even creators make mistakes. look at god for example.
How about we just remove the confusion and call him Obbs.
I like Gobbs because it sounds a bit like goblin.
Gobbs is one of them
Did...did you not see all the gi- words I gave?Considering almost everyone uses hard g you don't get to play the persecuted card
I have several well reasoned arguments for it to be a soft g, you guys have "uhhh just because"
Did...did you not see all the gi- words I gave?
EDIT: Give
He was probably on drugs and couldn't properly pronounce the hard g at the time.
How do you pronounce twat Jobbs?
Being persecuted for relying on facts and substance is more typically an american thing. I expected better
gib gibbon giddy gift gig gigabit giggle gild gill gilt gimbal gimme gimp gingham ginkgo gird girl girt girth git give gizmo
"grammatical guideline" my ass. That's a worse myth than I before E.
I don't pronounce Voldemort the stupid way without a T, so why should I pronounce GIF the stupid way? Creators are full of shit sometimes. Language is a living organism, so if everyone else says hard G then it's hard G.
There's honestly no confusion on the issue. What you do have is some shut in nerds who never talked to anyone except online, so they could invent their own phonetics without sounding silly back in the prehistoric days of the Internet.
But then something magical happened. Internet usage was taken over by normal people and GIF images saw a resurgence. It's no coincidence that the logical pronunciation took precedence.
I wont jump off a bridge just because id probably die
Just because
That's not really what's meant by "just because" in isolation. It's more of a "just because I say so" thing.
No, the only "just because" person is you. You've never been a language prescriptivist. Whenever someone counters you on a matter of language you (rightly) point out that language is a living organism. But now just because it goes against your personal inertia you've decided to stick it out for the minority pronunciation.
GIF has a hard G because its nearest phonetic neighbors have a hard G, and because the word its derived from has a hard G. That's not "just because". That's direct inference.
I've had so many false pronunciations embedded in my head until embarrassingly corrected later in life. In high school I caught a bunch of slack for accidentally pronouncing maniacal as maniac-ull, and butcher as butt-cher. Per my teacher at the time, I butchered the pronunciation of butcher. Then it wasn't until college that I learned with humility about the difference between infinite and finite (finnit, according to me).
I'm sure there were other words I tripped up on as well. It happens to the best of us.
Well since you don't want to humour me
I assume you pronounce twat to rhyme with what, given that's how all Americans I've ever heard say twat pronounce it
Except, there are examples of twat being used in the 1600s to rhyme with hat. Before your country even existed
Therefore, if you always deferred to the creators on how to pronounce things, it should rhyme with hat, no?
So either change your pronunciation of twat or admit you're a hypocrite
Leave.Twat rhymes with hot, not what.
Twat rhymes with hot, not what. So I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Twat rhymes with hot, not what. So I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Around here "what" usually sounds like "hut", and no one says "twut" that I've ever heard.
lol wutAround here "what" usually sounds like "hut", and no one says "twut" that I've ever heard.
Easiest way to pronounce it.
Chris PRATT is a TWAT.
You fail at speaking.Pratt and twat don't rhyme in America that I've ever heard.
Pratt rhymes with hat.
Twat rhymes with hot.
What rhymes with butt.
The danger of twat rhyming with hat, which is what I've always understood, is that it also rhymes with Matt :O
Tony, why the Chris Pratt hate? click the speaker button. that's the way I say it.
Does NOT rhyme with Matt.