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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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LMAO Mighty No.9 Final boss and ending are crappier than I expected. Fix it Jesus.

Jesus can't help you now.

I can't believe I backed MN09, then didn't back Bloodstained because I was so upset over how shit MN09 looked. Then Bloodstain ends up looking good.


irresponsible vagina leak
Jesus can't help you now.

I can't believe I backed MN09, then didn't back Bloodstained because I was so upset over how shit MN09 looked. Then Bloodstain ends up looking good.

What I find annoying is that there was potential with the concept but it simply looks boring to play, enemy positioning looks off in area which slow down the pace of the action, enemies are not really that interesting, not really challenging and the final boss drags and doesn't seem challenging by any means. Also the OST seems forgettable which is sad.

Bloodstained its looking damn great and that has another year to come out so there is polishing and more effects that can be added to it along with the gameplay actually looking fun and not draggy. Hopefully Bloodstained boss fight from the demo is a decent representation of the length of boss fights cause it feels like the right time for a boss and having the traditional boss patterns of a Castlevania game. Iga will deliver!


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Glad I backed Igavania at such a high level.

Currently playing through Metroid with my daughter on our NES. I put on NARPAS SWORD0 so I'm not totally sadistic. She is having a hard time keeping track of where she is going.

*This is for making me watch you build shit in Minecraft


irresponsible vagina leak
Glad I backed Igavania at such a high level.

Currently playing through Metroid with my daughter on our NES. I put on NARPAS SWORD0 so I'm not totally sadistic. She is having a hard time keeping track of where she is going.

*This is for making me watch you build shit in Minecraft

Make her play Castlevania 2.


huh never knew that. guess it's just not as big here.
Hallmark probably doesn't have as much influence :p

I find it annoying cause I'm expected to wait hand and foot on them. Birthdays you're expected to give a gift, this kind of day you have to do breakfast in bed and all that kind of stuff (note that that's probably partially just in my family)


Fathers day is on a different date in Australia than the US, so I always have a second or two of "Oh shit, forgot to get Dad a card" when I check the internets first thing in the morning.


I was too tired and thought it wouldnt kill me ...well...

I've had that happen, but normally I take at least two showers a day. I take one in the morning (a lot of times I exercise in the morning so I have to take one after that) then one later towards bed time.

I'll take an extra one if I do anything disgusting at any point.

It's actually a lot of work


Sonoma was hot as fuck.

Put on sunscreen. Still got burned.

What SPF did you have?

I was too tired and thought it wouldnt kill me ...well...



Father's Day is pretty important for me because my Mom remarried after the monster of my bio father and the new dad was great and supportive and generally a great dude.

Fuck my bio dad forever though, seriously, so glad he's dead.

Now, I'm going to take a shower, order pizza (I've had very little to eat over the weekend) and call my dad and be like "yo, thanks for being twice as awesome as you needed to be".


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
This thread is a tire fire as expected of any thread about diversity on GAF.

But I'm glad the gays are finally getting more acknowledgement in the videogame realm.


So is this the latest fad and buzzword in games? It's not open world, it's not celebrity voice actors, it's not global illumination, it's not 1080p, it's not 60 fps, it's LGBT characters? I mean, if Dishonoured was about LGBT people then sure. But I have the feeling it's thrown in there to satisfy the tumblrinas and will be used as marketing.

I very much doubt it plays a role in the story at all and is like one of those things, "you know I'm trans right?".

How good am I?

So fucking good

Amazing. Took less than 15 posts after his call out.

It's the hetero version of a soggy biscuit.

���� good shit go౦ԁ sHit�� thats ✔ some good����shit right����there right✔there ✔✔�� (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mᎷМ�� ��НO0Оoooᵒᵒᵒᵒ
wanted to use my new keyboard shortcut


Amazing. Took less than 15 posts after his call out.

���� good shit go౦ԁ sHit�� thats ✔ some good����shit right����there right✔there ✔✔�� (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mᎷМ�� ��НO0Оoooᵒᵒᵒᵒ
wanted to use my new keyboard shortcut

That shortcut is lit fam.



I haven't had pizza in like 6+ months but this past Friday my nutritionist told me to be more liberal with my diet.

I had less than half of this stuffed slice from this Italian joint less than a mile from my house and I feel like I never want to eat again

Also Father's Day with the fam was great. I hope everyone had a glorious Sunday
If I can't play as a straight white protagonist in my games anymore I'm done.

Exactly. Don't forget male.

It's just most videogame writers are straight white men, you know? And it's literally impossible for a writer to write outside of their own experiences because I'm pretty sure that's how writing works and has always worked and no writer in history has written anything about any character who wasn't a straight white man.


When are you coming to Pittsburgh?

Depends on when he decides to come visit!

I haven't made any plans yet, I honestly wasn't aware yet that I was!

How long are you in Pittsburgh?

Also I read your post from last night -- triggered, lots of people to fite, etc, the usual :)

What is that game called again... Saint's Row 4, where you could put a male bodybuilder type in drag and sparkles (so awesome). I think that's about as much 'LBGT' I need my play avatar to get (and I still just picked a naked chick. To be fair: I did the same thing with Wei Shen in Sleeping Dogs, because that ripped Bruce Lee body needed to be worshipped by the fools who dared lay hands on it. I suppose I'm "fuck clothes" too? Jeez, I'm starting to sound like a full-on crazy person... so like Jobbs :\ ).
I suppose there's always Nier (PS3) for some actual LBGT stuff, but forcing it on a game is just sad, really. Not because the gender bending should not exist (and has always already existed in the MMO - MUD domain), but because 'gamergate' has made it so blindly obvious that developers can't even handle basic gender equality (and it's issues) to begin with.

Like those comment on 'female Link'.... uuuurgh. So disappointing.

can anyone help me unravel this post XD maybe I"m just burned out from working/drawing all day
What is that game called again... Saint's Row 4, where you could put a male bodybuilder type in drag and sparkles (so awesome). I think that's about as much 'LBGT' I need my play avatar to get (and I still just picked a naked chick. To be fair: I did the same thing with Wei Shen in Sleeping Dogs, because that ripped Bruce Lee body needed to be worshipped by the fools who dared lay hands on it. I suppose I'm "fuck clothes" too? Jeez, I'm starting to sound like a full-on crazy person... so like Jobbs :\ ).
I suppose there's always Nier (PS3) for some actual LBGT stuff, but forcing it on a game is just sad, really. Not because the gender bending should not exist (and has always already existed in the MMO - MUD domain), but because 'gamergate' has made it so blindly obvious that developers can't even handle basic gender equality (and it's issues) to begin with.

Like those comment on 'female Link'.... uuuurgh. So disappointing.


can anyone help me unravel this post XD maybe I"m just burned out from working/drawing all day

three word summary: "Gender is bullshit." 'Kay?


Exactly. Don't forget male.

It's just most videogame writers are straight white men, you know? And it's literally impossible for a writer to write outside of their own experiences because I'm pretty sure that's how writing works and has always worked and no writer in history has written anything about any character who wasn't a straight white man.

I've read a lot of 'classic' science fiction over the years, frankly some men should not try to write anything other than straight white men because they are incredibly shitty writers and, I'm willing to bet, incredibly shitty people too.

anyone help me unravel this post XD maybe I"m just burned out from working/drawing all day

Uh, being allowed to subvert gender norms without the story making a big deal about it is enough for them?
Joint op? Sounds fun

What is it with dads and golf?

Yeah. We went to this Korean barbecue place with all-you-can-eat meat, then played nine holes on a nearby course (though, to be fair, there are dozens of nearby courses). The course we played on is where my brother is getting married next month, so he showed us around like where the reception and everything is going to be.

My dad doesn't golf a whole lot, but Justin's dad is super into it and we did a bad job of coming up with something to do for my dad, so Justin suggested we tag along. It was a lot of fun, but like 100°F out so kind of uncomfortable.

Also Father's Day with the fam was great. I hope everyone had a glorious Sunday

Oh, yay! How's your sister holding up with everything? Has it kind of died down some?
Didnt you heard the gays will be the new fad in videogames? That post was... something.

I love it when people post "I'm not sexist/bigoted, BUT women/gay being in video games is only because there is money in it".

Um, asshole, think about WHY there is money in it.

People love to bitch and scream that inclusion is part of an agenda.

What the fuck is that agenda, quite frankly?

I 100% am sure that if you actually prod someone on that, it will boil down to "women think they can do things".


What is that game called again... Saint's Row 4, where you could put a male bodybuilder type in drag and sparkles (so awesome). I think that's about as much 'LBGT' I need my play avatar to get (and I still just picked a naked chick. To be fair: I did the same thing with Wei Shen in Sleeping Dogs, because that ripped Bruce Lee body needed to be worshipped by the fools who dared lay hands on it. I suppose I'm "fuck clothes" too? Jeez, I'm starting to sound like a full-on crazy person... so like Jobbs :\ ).
I suppose there's always Nier (PS3) for some actual LBGT stuff, but forcing it on a game is just sad, really. Not because the gender bending should not exist (and has always already existed in the MMO - MUD domain), but because 'gamergate' has made it so blindly obvious that developers can't even handle basic gender equality (and it's issues) to begin with.

Like those comment on 'female Link'.... uuuurgh. So disappointing.


three word summary: "Gender is bullshit." 'Kay?

what do you mean by "forcing" lgbt stuff into a game? that's the part that aroused confusion in my cerebral vortex
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