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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I was going to judge you for that until I remembered that I felt like trash after I broke up with my last bf but then I thought of how his birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks and I had no idea what to get him anyway. that was my ray of sunshine then. also the money I saved.

I used Christmas as an excuse for me to end it last time (though it was also family stuff and junk instead of just being about gifts)

oh and it was an email after new years after not speaking since mid december. I handled that well :)


I was going to judge you for that until I remembered that I felt like trash after I broke up with my last bf but then I thought of how his birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks and I had no idea what to get him anyway. that was my ray of sunshine then. also the money I saved.

For me we had been dating like maybe 2 months and I was completely sure I was not into it anymore, and as her birthday was looming I was in this weird spot where I didn't want to dump her because it was going to be awkward, but I also thought if I got her something it would be a waste and she would think I was more involved.

I made the adult decision. It just happened to be shitty timing.

As an aside: What makes it funnier and makes me shittier is she got me birthday gifts the month before, then after I broke up with her I ran into her at the gym months later wearing the Patriots hat she bought me.


just got off conference call with adult swim, sounds like PAX is going to be a go :) they have plans for me to do something, sounds like

:: flame level increases ::


just got off conference call with adult swim, sounds like PAX is going to be a go :) they have plans for me to do something, sounds like

:: flame level increases ::

What are the options of doing something.

Introduce the game up on a main stage or do you just stand by your booth and give out hj's.


What are the options of doing something.

Introduce the game up on a main stage or do you just stand by your booth and give out hj's.

something involving a stage, heh. I'm scurred.

and I just realized I increased my flame level instead of fame level like I intended. That's the first time anything has ever gone wrong.

Who's the scary unga bunga lady with the face paint? :S

it's your mom oooooohhhh!



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Also, getting to know my co-worker... she's such a sweetheart, although she comes off as high-strung and abrasive at first. Amazing how people present themselves as totally different from who they are.

I can't tell you how weird it feels to not be broke.

Story time: I was engaged to a trust fund baby at one point. She lived in Puerto Rico and was from an influential family. I could have lived the rest of my life without ever working again if I married her. Too bad she was fucking crazy and named her different personalities. Called that off, eventually. A (bad) part of me still regrets it.


I want something better than lame ass chipotle like I had last night but I'm going to school tonight and there is nothing particularly cool on that side of town :/

maybe I'll get burger 21

getting burgers is such a cock block though because I can't have fries nowadays


that's....well an improvement! Audrey <3

you're soooooooooo wrong. everyone can appreciate that picture. Lilith can make shirts right?


I'm gonna go with donna till i think of something else. I don't have the personality to pull of audrey :p

though this pic is too small...
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