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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Hate to break it to you but it'll probably be more patterned after the game reboot, in other words, tiny shorts seem very unlikely

she may even wear pants
old lara can go away forever

well that movie definitely had some intense licking and eating of things whether it was buttholes or not, I don't remember exactly

did you hide under your covers

I actually enjoyed that scene. Pretty much the only sex scene in a movie that i've ever liked. helps a lot that its directly related to the character development and overall plot


everyone back the fuck up

daisy is my future wife

I won't contest this because lauren mayberry is my one true waifu



agreed, honestly. old lara was stupid the 2013 game and rising are both imperfect but a HUGE improvement nonetheless and I liked lara as a person in each one

the tomb raider reboot game was everything I hate about modern gaming

I liked shooting things with the bow though



I could EASILY be wrong but I get the feeling fromt his video that "they" are trying to style her up in a way that doesn't quite work, she seems a bit out of her element

that's just my own theory/impression obviously I could be wrong, and if that's her preferred style then that's totally fine, but that's kinda the impression I got from the video


Basically, yeah, she had us down as being in a relationship, but thought we should slow down. I told her we weren't in a relationship, she started crying. I told her I don't have time for silly games. She asked to be friends in that case, I said no.


Basically, yeah, she had us down as being in a relationship, but thought we should slow down. I told her we weren't in a relationship, she started crying. I told her I don't have time for silly games. She asked to be friends in that case, I said no.

cold blooded.


I could EASILY be wrong but I get the feeling fromt his video that "they" are trying to style her up in a way that doesn't quite work, she seems a bit out of her element

that's just my own theory/impression obviously I could be wrong, and if that's her preferred style then that's totally fine, but that's kinda the impression I got from the video

When I saw CHVRCHES in October she was rocking the little black dress so I think this is what she is going for these days


When I saw CHVRCHES in October she was rocking the little black dress so I think this is what she is going for these days

she always seems kind of like a scared little deer to me

so there's some dissonance there when she does the SLD thing while all glammed up, I guess


When I saw CHVRCHES in October she was rocking the little black dress so I think this is what she is going for these days

I'm hoping they come near Chicago again soon, I haven't looked though to see their tour plans. Really want to go see them since I missed out last time.


Redmond's Baby
Took several painkillers and I am off to bed. Pain moved to upper thigh area. Good thing is that I work for only 6 hours tomorrow.


I'm hoping they come near Chicago again soon, I haven't looked though to see their tour plans. Really want to go see them since I missed out last time.

Yeah it was a really great time. I was a little nervous because when I first saw them perform on tv for I think letterman years ago she was pretty robotic and off-key but the show I saw had so much energy it was crazy. Well worth it.


Was it really, though? She knew going in to this that I am not after a relationship. We even discussed it on the date yesterday.

Nah as long as you we upfront the entire time I don't see an issue. Some people just refuse to listen or hear what people tell them.


why is everyone so crazy clingy out of nowhere? didn't toastedbread have a similar problem not that long ago?

Last girl I went out with was the same way. I woke up after our 2nd date to THIRTY TWO text messages from her... on top of that she said she couldn't wait for me to meet her two kids and how they need someone like me to be their father...

Ya um... we've seen each other twice, nope! lol
Last girl I went out with was the same way. I woke up after our 2nd date to THIRTY TWO text messages from her... on top of that she said she couldn't wait for me to meet her two kids and how they need someone like me to be their father...

Ya um... we've seen each other twice, nope! lol
woah creepy. idk...even if I was mad in love..my pride would never allow me to act like that. some peepz need some self respect yo. but then again, I didn't get shit done with that attitude either lol.

I was saying it in this way.

I once dumped a girl a day before her birthday because I didn't want to buy her anything.

I was going to judge you for that until I remembered that I felt like trash after I broke up with my last bf but then I thought of how his birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks and I had no idea what to get him anyway. that was my ray of sunshine then. also the money I saved.


I just had cava grill and I'm reminded how good it is. Every bite is like heaven. 😍😍

I would love to own one and invest in them. They are looking very promising.


woah creepy. idk...even if I was mad in love..my pride would never allow me to act like that. some peepz need some self respect yo. but then again, I didn't get shit done with that attitude either lol.

Ya I've never experienced a creepy situation like that ever till then, had to block her # and everything because she wouldn't leave me alone.

I mean we've all had bad dates, but this one took the cake for me. It's partially why I've not bothered dating for awhile lol, has worked out though just been focusing on the gym and have thought about taking up writing again which I haven't done since high school/early college.
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