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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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SAO 14

LOL, Changed into Immortal Object.
Asuna's voice reached her peak of shittyness today. Goddamit, what a fucking annoying voice.
At least she fucking dies... too bad it's only temporarily... power of love my fucking ass.

It was just like I tought... a shitty ending to a decent arc.



Because, Yayoi.

Looks like A1-Pictures is animating Oreimo Season 2 instead of AIC.


Damn, how can A1 handle so many projects?

As long as they stay true to whatever source material they use I suppose. Except that one thing...

Eureka Seven AO - Flawless Flowers in Jungfraujoch

I'm not even going to bother saying more about this. This is a gag OVA with a one track mind, and this is the track:

30 minutes of this shit. Over and over. Take that as you will. I'm going to go hide under a blanket now. Bye.

More Elena is always welcomed. However this does look like a shit OVA.

Wait, this is seriously genderflipped musou stuff? Oh man.

Yes, that's exactly what it is.

New pictures of Fairy Dance were released by Dengeki Online

More pics in the link below. Beware of Fairy Dance spoilers.



More new characters. It might be a more interesting world. I really hope so because Asuma and Kirito are still very dull. But at least they seem to be

Detroid Metal City 1

This is weird as hell.

You have NO idea. DMC is amazing.


Decided to try GAF on my 3DS. Kinda neat, though I doubt I'll use it often.


Yeah it can do that, but its not very useful at all. 3DS sucks for browsing when a smartphone can do it better.

Chuunibyou - Ahahaha, this show is incredibly cute. I went into it thinking it's going to be another overhyped moe show.

The OP is incredibly seizure inducing though. Looks like something taken straight from SHAFT.

Yeah its super cute. It was always going to be an overhyped moe show though. thats the kind of show it is, just with high kyoani production values.

Am I the only one who doesn't find the Chu 2 boyos OP seizure inducing? Note that I suffer from motion sickness in FPSs a lot.

Its not really, just infuriatingly directed in a way that is a total mess and confusing to look at.

Does that mean you'll give episode 15 a try?

14 was the dumbest arc ending I have seen up to this point in any show so far so I'm interested to see how the writer can possibly follow up something that stupid. Plus there seem to be new cute characters and a more interesting world. I'll treat it like a reset.
Little Busters - What's GAF's opinion of this? Looks incredibly generic and boring, with annoying characters all over the place.

Has an interesting set of characters and the goal of starting a baseball team for the larger plot is compelling. Lots of the characters are funny and over the top, like Kyousuke, Masato, Kengo and Riki are great too. Fun school anime thus far.

People are claiming its better than Angel Beats...but Ive yet to see it reach that pinnacle.


Has an interesting set of characters and the goal of starting a baseball team for the larger plot is compelling. Lots of the characters are funny and over the top, like Kyousuke, Masato, Kengo and Riki are great too. Fun school anime thus far.

People are claiming its better than Angel Beats...but Ive yet to see it reach that pinnacle.

Thats a huge claim. I doubt it will be as fun as angel Beats is. Angel BEats had an afterlife girls rock band and rocket chairs. What could Little Busters possibly deliver of equal worth?


[From The New World] - 2

While this weeks episode of FTNW isn't quite as impressive as the opening one it quashes any doubt in my mind that the show won't be able to maintain a fairly high standard in terms of both the production and the writing. I find the pacing to be deliberate and controlled, some people appear to have found that slowness a little frustrating but if you rush headlong into things you don't get the chance to build up to something in a satisfying manner. Based on what we've seen so far I am confident that the show is clearly building up towards something important.

A good chunk of this episode is devoted to a tournament between various groups in Saki's class. I can understand why some of you have felt that they spent too long on this rather minor activity but I disagree. This tournament was important for all the children in class to an extent where losing at the those who lost literally broke into tears. I think this whole event speaks volumes about the kind of school that these children are participating in and, presumably, the kind of society that they live in.

As we saw last week, there's a clear focus on training team skills among the school children. I mentioned last week how I think this is pretty clearly supposed to be preparing them for some kind of combat and this Ball Rolling Tournament which much closer to that. Previously they'd been using their Cantus to compete against other groups in a rather remote manner - such as performing a set task faster then another group. This time is different - the teams square off against each other directly in a battle to see who can use their Cantus more effectively. More over they're learning how to plan ahead, defend, attack and so forth. My one real problem with this scene was the rather thumping soundtrack that felt rather out place when compared to the rest of the music in the show. It really brought me out of the moment and ruined the tension that had built up. Anyway, if for some reason all this stuff isn't obvious they even through in this shot where the beams make it look like everyone's in a prison. The symbolism isn't exactly subtle:


Some of the stuff that I mentioned last week reappeared in this episode. We were treated to another 'history lesson' that's clearly a disguised tale about sacrificing yourself for the group. Once again someone performs in a way that's unsatisfactory to the school and they're immediately removed from the picture. Last week the girl simply wasn't good enough to continue, which doesn't really seem fair, where as this week someone clearly broke the rules. As we've seen, rule breakers aren't to be tolerated. What I find interesting is that, during the competition the teacher said that it was an accident but clearly he knew that it wasn't. No-one's actually punished directly or overtly inside the system, which makes it all the more menacing and ominous. Saki, of course, is the only one who wants to question the rules and go against what she's been told.


The most interesting scene, besides the Queerats sequence, is the brief interlude between Saki and her father. His discussion of 'rebelling in secret' seems to have a number of possible meanings: is it idle chatter? Are the Queerats actively rebelling? Or, more interestingly, is he actually rebelling against the system in some secret manner? There's not enough information for us to know, but I feel that the letter he's writing and sealing away has to be pretty important. If you take a closer look at the way he seals the envelope:


Does this appear familiar to you? It should, because it's the same crest we see in the opening sequence that details the coronation of the Emperor of Delight. See here:


Is it some kind of royal insignia or crest? The camera only lingers on it for a moment but it has to be important.

The rest of my thoughts on this episode are rather scattered. They manage to do a fine job of retaining an undercurrent of tension even during everyday activities. Saki can't even do a little gardening with her mother without encountering it:


Also, I think they're going a little crazy with some of the filters during the 'history lessons'. Sometimes it looks fine, other times it's a bit much.

Oh yeah, I guess the ED is pretty:



[From The New World] - 2

While this weeks episode of FTNW isn't quite as impressive as the opening one it quashes any doubt in my mind that the show won't be able to maintain a fairly high standard in terms of both the production and the writing. I find the pacing to be deliberate and controlled, some people appear to have found that slowness a little frustrating but if you rush headlong into things you don't get the chance to build up to something in a satisfying manner. Based on what we've seen so far I am confident that the show is clearly building up towards something important.

A good chunk of this episode is devoted to a tournament between various groups in Saki's class. I can understand why some of you have felt that they spent too long on this rather minor activity but I disagree. This tournament was important for all the children in class to an extent where losing at the those who lost literally broke into tears. I think this whole event speaks volumes about the kind of school that these children are participating in and, presumably, the kind of society that they live in.

As we saw last week, there's a clear focus on training team skills among the school children. I mentioned last week how I think this is pretty clearly supposed to be preparing them for some kind of combat and this Ball Rolling Tournament which much closer to that. Previously they'd been using their Cantus to compete against other groups in a rather remote manner - such as performing a set task faster then another group. This time is different - the teams square off against each other directly in a battle to see who can use their Cantus more effectively. More over they're learning how to plan ahead, defend, attack and so forth. My one real problem with this scene was the rather thumping soundtrack that felt rather out place when compared to the rest of the music in the show. It really brought me out of the moment and ruined the tension that had built up. Anyway, if for some reason all this stuff isn't obvious they even through in this shot where the beams make it look like everyone's in a prison. The symbolism isn't exactly subtle:


Some of the stuff that I mentioned last week reappeared in this episode. We were treated to another 'history lesson' that's clearly a disguised tale about sacrificing yourself for the group. Once again someone performs in a way that's unsatisfactory to the school and they're immediately removed from the picture. Last week the girl simply wasn't good enough to continue, which doesn't really seem fair, where as this week someone clearly broke the rules. As we've seen, rule breakers aren't to be tolerated. What I find interesting is that, during the competition the teacher said that it was an accident but clearly he knew that it wasn't. No-one's actually punished directly or overtly inside the system, which makes it all the more menacing and ominous. Saki, of course, is the only one who wants to question the rules and go against what she's been told.


The most interesting scene, besides the Queerats sequence, is the brief interlude between Saki and her father. His discussion of 'rebelling in secret' seems to have a number of possible meanings: is it idle chatter? Are the Queerats actively rebelling? Or, more interestingly, is he actually rebelling against the system in some secret manner? There's not enough information for us to know, but I feel that the letter he's writing and sealing away has to be pretty important. If you take a closer look at the way he seals the envelope:


Does this appear familiar to you? It should, because it's the same crest we see in the opening sequence that details the coronation of the 5th Emperor of Delight. See here:


Is it some kind of royal insignia or crest? The camera only lingers on it for a moment but it has to be important.

Oh yeah, I guess the ED is pretty:


It looks to have a lighter atmosphere than the first episode. Although if its a flashback that would explain a lot. I cant wait to watch it.


Magi 1-
Well Mor was cute as hell. I was also somewhat surprised about the personality of Ali, I thought he would be more of a goofball and is instead much more serious. He so far anyway feels like the heart of the show which threw me for a loop. The episode itself was fine although I had an issue with how Ali seemed to go along with Aladdin in the beginning and let himself take the blame for Aladdin's screwups. Most people would have more forcefully stated, "I have no clue who the hell he is and I have nothing to do with him". I mean it seems like the show was almost implying that the two had met up previously. The show also had some great gag moments. As for the visuals in general, I thought the backgrounds were very well done but had bigger issues with the character art. Those fucking teeth. I see the ricebowls everywhere and the designs can really look bad at times.
I also cringed, literally, at the whole "I always wanted friends" bit.
The ED song is also pretty god awful.


I'm not dead or anything, just real tired... anyway this is a pretty good summary...
Sometimes, it's not fun to participate in a place when you have to deal with them bashing something you like all the time. I can understand how it'd be tough, since I'm kinda experiencing the same thing somewhere else. I hope he comes back though.
I agree, and I'm not really condemning anyone for anything. People are free to have their own opinions and there isn't anything wrong with expressing them. I think that's what makes it tough for people whose opinions are in the minority, because the more respect you have towards others' opinions, the easier it is to question your own opinion, and that's kinda frustrating. I'm just saying that it's still possible for people to get put off by discussion, even though no one might necessarily be in the wrong.
I'm not going to bother following the conversations for anything in here for a while; if I have an impression of an episode, a question about something, or news of any kind to report, I'll drop by, but otherwise I'll probably leave it alone... speaking of the latter, it looks like they made an announcement about the Steins;Gate movie for next year.
The official website for the Steins;Gate film opened on Sunday and revealed its title and Spring 2013 opening. Chiyomaru Shikura, the head of the original game's developer 5pb. (MAGES), confirmed that the Steins;Gate Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu (Déjà Vu of Load Domain) film will have an original story set after the "true end" of the earlier story. He added that since it will not be a compilation of the television series, he could not recommend it to people unfamiliar with Steins;Gate.

The announcement was first made at Sunday's "Science Adventure Live & Drama 2012" event. Kanji Wakabayashi is directing the film with supervisor Tarou Deji and chief directors Takuya Satō and Hiroshi Hamasaki. Tatsuya Matsubara and Naotaka Hayashi are supervising the story scenario, and Jukki Hanada is writing the screenplay. Kyuuta Sakai is once again adapting huke's original character designs for anime and overseeing the animation process at WHITE FOX. The TV cast is also returning.


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm not dead or anything, just real tired... anyway this is a pretty good summary...

I'm not going to bother following the conversations for anything in here for a while, if I have an impression of an episode, a question about something, or news of any kind to report, I'll drop by, but otherwise I'll probably leave it alone... speaking of the latter, it looks like they made an announcement about the Steins;Gate movie for next year.


so it's a sequel? OMFG YES
As Long as There's Love, It Doesn't Matter If He is My Brother, Right - 01

That was like the most creepiest experience with something Japan related since U***i D**p. Although Ibuki Kido has a cute voice and perfoms on a pretty high level for a 14 years old girl, it's more than obviously that the choice of her as VA was a pure marketing move. Well, the first episode had some good jokes after all, some harem antics and deliever surprisely the best eyepatch girl of the season.


14 was the dumbest arc ending I have seen up to this point in any show so far

oh my

I'm not going to bother following the conversations for anything in here for a while, if I have an impression of an episode, a question about something, or news of any kind to report, I'll drop by, but otherwise I'll probably leave it alone...

but how will i find out who's going to be crowned saimoe queen?
I'm not going to bother following the conversations for anything in here for a while; if I have an impression of an episode, a question about something, or news of any kind to report, I'll drop by, but otherwise I'll probably leave it alone... speaking of the latter, it looks like they made an announcement about the Steins;Gate movie for next year.


Kind of sad they don't animate something based on one of the bad ends like
Okarin and the gang against SERN (and Christina).

but I'm still happy to see that the movie is not dead.
SAO 14

So fucking smart.
I could feel my int buffs refreshing while watching this.
(I would have loved a mundane sequence of Heathcliff asking everyone if they are buffed + food before they entered)

I laughed a couple of times.
Will continue watching.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I'm not going to bother following the conversations for anything in here for a while; if I have an impression of an episode, a question about something, or news of any kind to report, I'll drop by, but otherwise I'll probably leave it alone... speaking of the latter, it looks like they made an announcement about the Steins;Gate movie for next year.



Please don't ruin the perfect ending. Oh God.

... But that's also such great news. I'm confused.


The Steins;Gate news sounds awesome! Can't wait.

Magi Episode 01


That was fun. Started off a bit slow and different from the manga but the second half was pretty great. I didn't like Aladdin's voice at first but halfway through the episode it really did grow on me. The animation quality seemed pretty weird at some points but the manga always had those weird "loose" super deformed character frames that I never particularly cared for. I did like the action scenes though. Ugo is so bad ass.

But yeah, with the manga I didn't particularly get into it until they started venturing into the first dungeon so the next episode should pretty great and I'm definitely looking forward to some of the later arcs even though I have a lot to catch up on with the manga. That ED song sounds so bad though.

And yes I couldn't un-see the rice bowls. :|


sealed with a kiss
Magi 1

Considering that Magi took quite a few chapters to actually be good, this was about what I expected the opening episode to be. Aladdin's voice is terrrible, unfortunately. At least Alibaba is good, and Mor was sufficiently moe.


[Magi] - 1

- The storytelling felt a little bit disjointed.

- Some of the humour wasn't really to my liking.

- Alibaba came to a dramatic realisation about himself by the end of the episode, but I didn't feel like there was any build up to this important moment. Perhaps it was paced better in the manga because here is felt unearned.

- Why didn't they just overpower everyone from the start?

- Why did no-one try to rob Aladdin when they saw what he had?

- The ED track is just awful.

- Ricebowls.


[Magi] - 1

- Alibaba came to a dramatic realisation about himself by the end of the episode, but I didn't feel like there was any build up to this important moment. Perhaps it was paced better in the manga because here is felt unearned.

You know, that might be more of the issue I had with the scene than the scene in of itself.
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