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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Hmmmm... okay I have thought about it more and I have a qualifier that will help narrow things down: Which show has the least sentimental crap?

It just doesn't work on me. I guess the most refreshing thing about Gurren Lagann was Kamina telling everyone to stop being little bitches, and
the biggest drags on the show were when he wasn't around to do so with Simon and Rossiu.
For me, sentimentality drags down story progression even when it is in a positive light, so what tends to focus all on the events that are occurring?


A Good Citizen
Hmmmm... okay I have thought about it more and I have a qualifier that will help narrow things down: Which show has the least sentimental crap?

It just doesn't work on me. I guess the most refreshing thing about Gurren Lagann was Kamina telling everyone to stop being little bitches, and
the biggest drags on the show were when he wasn't around to do so with Simon and Rossiu.
For me, sentimentality drags down story progression even when it is in a positive light, so what tends to focus all on the events that are occurring?


[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] - 1

Perhaps the worst sequence of the episode is this POV running shot:

you mean the BEST SEQUENCE

Hmmmm... okay I have thought about it more and I have a qualifier that will help narrow things down: Which show has the least sentimental crap?

It just doesn't work on me. I guess the most refreshing thing about Gurren Lagann was Kamina telling everyone to stop being little bitches, and
the biggest drags on the show were when he wasn't around to do so with Simon and Rossiu.
For me, sentimentality drags down story progression even when it is in a positive light, so what tends to focus all on the events that are occurring?
Time of Eve Movie

oh and Mononoke


Maturity, bitches.
Be prepared for an opening episode so bad I lost all desire to ever touch the show again.

Back when I was casually becoming aware of the shows they didn't broadcast on Fox Kids in the UK I learnt about the current popular shows of the time like Haruhi and Lucky Star. So we're talking 2007. I watched the first episode and was bored to tears. Remember I was basically new to the anime world apart from the odd Pokémon and Digimon episode here and there so for me this was basically jumping off at the deep end. I didn't go back to the show until a year ago. The first couple of episodes (i.e. the ones that get you fired) were still a chore but after that I found the show to be really enjoyable. Did kind of help that I'd watched a whole lot of Lucky Star MADs in the mean time.


Hmmmm... okay I have thought about it more and I have a qualifier that will help narrow things down: Which show has the least sentimental crap?

It just doesn't work on me. I guess the most refreshing thing about Gurren Lagann was Kamina telling everyone to stop being little bitches, and
the biggest drags on the show were when he wasn't around to do so with Simon and Rossiu.
For me, sentimentality drags down story progression even when it is in a positive light, so what tends to focus all on the events that are occurring?



You need to watch beyond Lucky Star's first 4 episodes. There is a decent and likable SoL-show at its core. It only got better near the end for me.
MAGI - 01

That's a good question

An good first ep..they changed some details to make the characterisation much better ..i still hope they will treat the 1st chapter ( of the manga ) in some way later..

Everything was mostly fine ..except i don't like alladin voice much
i'm pretty sure i'll grow on me but ..well it's kinda hard to accept this now ( i read 130 chapters of the manga yesterday after all )..

the real test to see what i should hope for would be at the end of this arc in terms of animation ..i hope everything will work out in the meantime.

Dat sagisu soundtrack. Didn't expect to hear the orchestral+vocal songs in the first ep. That aside, definitely gonna keep watching. Although it's been awhile since I read the manga and only got in 19 chapters, but I think there was some differences in the beginning.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Man Brozil, you're single-handedly taking me back to my high school days like a time machine.

And to think I spent my high school days being forced to watch terrible shoujo shows with my crazy then-girlfriend. Life could've been better.

Glad you liked it. It really is the pinnacle of shounen in many ways.

As for whether things get better or not, that's obviously going to be based on you. As far as the manga is concerned, there's a later arc that is incredibly well-regarded and some say is ahead of Water 7. The anime on the other hand, kind of messes it up in the pacing department. You might not notice if you don't read the manga though.

The next arc is very hit or miss, but the ones that say it's hit say it's REALLY hit. Similar to Skypiea in that aspect.

Edit: I'm talking next canon arc. The next one in the anime is filler which is pretty eh. It has its moments I guess.

I'm guessing you're talking about
Thriller Bark
. I'm looking forward to that because I really have no clue what'll happen now, and
who the hell is this Brook guy, haha.
I'm currently two episodes into the Ice Hunter filler arc.

They've started republishing the manga here in Brazil earlier this year, so I'm buying them monthly. By the time they reach volume 30 or so here I'll already be up to the latest anime episode, so hopefully I won't notice the pacing problems you mentioned.

To this day the fight between
Luffy and Usopp
has been one of the most amazing and emotional scenes I've witnessed in One Piece.

I lost my shit when
Sanji used his new technique "Devil's leg"
. He's my favorite character, so to see him finally get a godlike move made me so damn happy.

I had no idea you were a
shipper. Till the day I die I'll support
. That whole
train chase
was great for me in that regard. :D

Nami x Sanji
forever, hahaha.
And I guess all of the new techniques shown in this arc blew my mind.

you could die , but if you do , you won't be able to see the rest ...so don't die yet !!

I'll try my best!
Magi 01

This is art.

An ok episode. I think I would like where this is going or something but it was basically an intro episode. Characters aren't bad, the world looks pretty nice at least.

Not so sure how I feel about the shifts to SD characters every once in a while, but I guess I'll keep watching.


Kamisama Kiss 1

Couldn't stop smiling the entire time, the first episode was very enjoyable. I didn't have that much hope for Nanami being a good lead but she really surprised me. Oh and the anime was a goldmine for her facial expressions. I think I saved at least 10 pictures. I really loved her relation with Tomoe and for one thing she is the one that took the initiative which I wonder if it's an uncommon thing for shoujo.

So 2/2 for shoujo so I'm pleasantly surprised this season. I guess there is Sukitte Iinayo, but I really don't wanna watch it. The first volume of the manga felt too similar to KnT and I despised the anime of KnT.


The Light of El Cantare
One Piece - Water 7 + Enies Lobby Arcs (220-325)
Also known as My Nakama Can't Possibly Be This Awesome

Glad you enjoyed it! Now I'm interested to know what you think about the next canon arc (just skip Ice Hunter, it's boring filler)

False alarm, we're okay for now I think.

Hey, man, Blasty died for all of us and you try to sweep him under the rug like he's not totally vital to AnimeGAF's future? How ungrateful.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Glad you enjoyed it! Now I'm interested to know what you think about the next canon arc (just skip Ice Hunter, it's boring filler)

Hey, man, Blasty died for all of us and you try to sweep him under the rug like he's not totally vital to AnimeGAF's future? How ungrateful.
Now now, I didn't say we don't need blasty.

So if SAO was real what colour helmet would you buy?



School Days 6

So far this show is as predictable as I said it would be. I called the so called "revelation" long ago but hey at least there's some drama now.

A break down of each characters half way through the show:
  • MC - still a dick
  • Best bud - one of the better characters in the show and I'd rather be watching his sad quest for love.
  • The "girlfriend" - deserves better.
  • The "best" girl - deserves better.
  • "Best" girl's friend - So :SDBurton it isn't true.
  • Oh and there's some other girls but they just tend to just bitch in the background and haven't really had much impact on the story yet.

Though saying that one of the other girls seems to have the hots for M.C.Dick. Moral of this story is that girls love cheaters which is why I'm going to be wearing a Game Genie around my neck.

Mankoto is so dreamy!



Magi #1 - As someone who has never read the manga before. I really enjoyed this, the tone, characters, and setting all resonated with me pretty well, despite the whole dungeon concept feeling like something taken straight out of a role-playing game.:p

Good art, animation and direction too, although I did feel like there was a distinctive lack of characterization on the red-hair chick, as the situation itself in the second half didn't have enough tension or emotional resonance for me to really care at that point in the episode, because of the lack of characterization. The two leads are very likeable though, and have great chemistry together, the MC himself actually reminds me of Luffy from One Piece, except unlike Luffy, he actually likes WOMAN lololol!

The quality of this definitely makes me want to check out the manga sometime in the near-future.

Oh yeah the OP is easily the best OP this season. <3 Nishigori.


Sword Art Online - Episode 14

Huh, it certainly went where I was expecting it to, but it definitely got there much faster than I was anticipating!

Throughout, the thing that really bothered me was the lack of personalities displayed by the protagonists. But going by that sentiment, they have the gaming analogy down, because they fit their roles, they were avatars. And although the show spent an inordinate amount of time trying to make us care for these characters, it hadn't really done anything to elicit a response other than disinterest from me.

An adaptation should be able to stand on its own, though, rather than skirt over details that the novels flesh out. By that same token, I'm not saying that it had to be entirely faithful, but it would have been nice it had maintained some semblance of cohesion throughout. As it stands, I found it to be disjointed and badly paced, and I never got a good sense of the world as a result. Most of what has helped to explain the inevitable plot-holes, has usually come by way of those with the prior-knowledge, which points to a failing of the adapatation. And having only the anime to contextualize all of this, it does come off feeling decidedly shallow.

I'm not going to lie, I was completely trampled by the bandwagon on this one. I would not have watched this, were it not for the rampant discussion in the thread. I don't begrudge anyone that likes it, but conversely, I resent the sentiment that there is an underlying form of masochism here, with those that haven't been all that positive. People typically gravitate to what's popular, and it'd be naive to think that everyone will come away happy. I was one of those that was simply curious about the whole thing.

Overall, I didn't feel like it did any one thing all that well, and instead haphazardly attempted to juggle multiple aspects. That said, its animation did deliver some striking moments. I found SAO to be bad. Does that reflect poorly on me for having watched it all to this point? Maybe.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Koihime Musou - 08


Sun Shangxiang and Huang Zhong

Finally a rep from Wu! And I can't believe they took an old man and turned him into a milf-a-licious archer. Holy shit.
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