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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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I happen to see what use to be here, that wasn't very nice.

Excuse me if I wasn't impressed by some fancy purple shots & licensed music, unfortunately I am one of those rare breeds of heathens that watches anime for the story that need to be stoned, publicly humiliated and burnt on your anime cross whatever that is.

I found the substance in the episode to be very boring outside the last five second of the folk tale and the cat shadow bit(only thing that seemed out of the ordinary) , I didn't like how the mystery was handled as it was made up mostly of people dodging questions and beating around the bush in uninteresting conversations.

I didn't care for what happened to any of the characters as I wasn't invested in any of them(
so I didn't care what happened to the random girl in the end
) as matter fact I didn't like any of them as none of them seem interesting or stood out to me, it also didn't help they all had the same faces and looked the same with only minor differences.

I did find it better then most of the animes to come out in the last year thanks to the eerie music & having a mystery aspect to it(soft spot for that) but that's still quite some ways off for me to categorize this as being good.

I don't think he was attacking you, bro. At least not to the extent you're assuming he was.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I happen to see what use to be here, that wasn't very nice.

Excuse me if I wasn't impressed by some fancy purple shots & licensed music, unfortunately I am one of those rare breeds of heathens that watches anime for the story that need to be stoned, publicly humiliated and burnt on your anime cross whatever that is.

I found the substance in the episode to be very boring outside the last five second of the folk tale and the cat shadow bit(only thing that seemed out of the ordinary) , I didn't like how the mystery was handled as it was made up mostly of people dodging questions and beating around the bush in uninteresting conversations.

I didn't care for what happened to any of the characters as I wasn't invested in any of them(
so I didn't care what happened to the random girl in the end
) as matter fact I didn't like any of them as none of them seem interesting or stood out to me, it also didn't help they all had the same faces and looked the same with only minor differences.

I did find it better then most of the animes to come out in the last year thanks to the eerie music & having a mystery aspect to it(soft spot for that) but that's still quite some ways off for me to categorize this as being good.


I happen to see what use to be here, that wasn't very nice.

Excuse me if I wasn't impressed by some fancy purple shots & licensed music, unfortunately I am one of those rare breeds of heathens that watches anime for the story that need to be stoned, publicly humiliated and burnt on your anime cross whatever that is.

I found the substance in the episode to be very boring outside the last five second of the folk tale and the cat shadow bit(only thing that seemed out of the ordinary) , I didn't like how the mystery was handled as it was made up mostly of people dodging questions and beating around the bush in uninteresting conversations.

I didn't care for what happened to any of the characters as I wasn't invested in any of them(
so I didn't care what happened to the random girl in the end
) as matter fact I didn't like any of them as none of them seem interesting or stood out to me, it also didn't help they all had the same faces and looked the same with only minor differences.

I did find it better then most of the animes to come out in the last year thanks to the eerie music & having a mystery aspect to it(soft spot for that) but that's still quite some ways off for me to categorize this as being good.
If pissing you off makes you type semi-coherently for once, I think we should do it more.


Magi - 01

I enjoyed it, but I'm not too happy about the changes made to the story. The opening of the manga was reminiscent of how FMA opened, and here they decided to eschew that in favor of rapidly acclimatizing the viewer to the world. I'm fine with changes if they work, but I'm not sure if they do here.

I guess I have two problems with the new direction in writing--one being that the early introduction of the dungeons makes the world seem more game-y than it is. Another is the insistence on shoving in Mor to the introductory episode, where she feels extraneous and adds an unnecessary dynamic to the relationship between she and the others. Think it might raise some problems down the road, or rather, at a specific point where her decision comes into focus and this added dynamic dilutes the nature of that decision. It all feels hurried and even the climax of the episode feels abrupt as a result.

Show looks great, though. And the OP is fun, dynamic stuff. I hope it all works out.

random thought:

Not too happy about some of the VA casting. I think I can get accustomed to Yuuki Kaji playing Alibaba (although that Star Driver movie cm at the end just made me wish Miyano had done it instead), but Ishihara as Aladdin sounds so feminine that it kinda bothers me. I know female VAs play young boys all the time, but I wish Maru was able to muster up a huskier voice for this role.


From The New World 1

I didn't really understand how the scenes at the start linked with the rest of the episode. Was it that
some esp dude appeared and did lots of shit and in the future they are living like in the past but with powers
Apart from that, interesting episode, even if a bit too dark for my liking, though that could be because the characters either fake ignorance about the darkness surrounding them or are just too scared (stupid?) to pick on it.


From The New World 1

I didn't really understand how the scenes at the start linked with the rest of the episode. Was it that
some esp dude appeared and did lots of shit and in the future they are living like in the past but with powers
Apart from that, interesting episode, even if a bit too dark for my liking, though that could be because the characters either fake ignorance about the darkness surrounding them or are just too scared (stupid?) to pick on it.

The second episode is just as mysterious and even more disturbing. Its a REALLY unsettling atmosphere. there is something really sinister about it all.
Also, I think the powers the people have, that "cursed power" is a remnant of that era depicted in the opening. Some sort of post apocalyptic time afterwards in which the laws governing thosep owers to keep them in check are strictly adhered to with dire consequences if broken.


Ability-wise maybe, but personality-wise, he's a poor man's Light Yagami. Only difference is he's portrayed as "not that bad" and redeemable despite doing shit that is arguably much worse (based on what we see, not on what's implied). Pretty fucked up female wish fulfillment to get with that guy I'd say. But I wouldn't really expect much less from the woman that did Samurai Deeper Kyo.

Oh, it's the same author? I had no idea.
I hated the SDK anime but I heard the manga is way better, is that true?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jormungand: Perfect Order 13
Yo I do not remember what is going on in this show at all, and this episode didn't really do anything to clear that up for me. Character art is still atrociously bad, but the backgrounds look a lot nicer. Real nice in fact. The old OP was weirdly endearing and catchy, but the new one is just unbearably boring. There was still some okay rap music during a pretty cool scene involving a rocket though (probably the only notable scene), so maybe there's still some hope. Otherwise this episode was mostly about introducing characters, and I don't feel like it does a particularly strong job of that. Certain characters come in who are supposed to be outrageously intimidating, but the scenes they come in on don't really leave much of an impression.

The only other thing about this show that stands out is the voice acting. It's hard to say this because I don't speak Japanese or whatever, but the voice acting seems a step above on a number of characters.


From the New World is awesome (and confusing as fuck) so far. I'm a bit confused about the weird ceremony? They removed the girl's power and then gave different power to her? What was the point of it all?

And who thinks the girl saving the mutant rat is going to set the cat monster on her?


From the New World is awesome (and confusing as fuck) so far. I'm a bit confused about the weird ceremony? They removed the girl's power and then gave different power to her? What was the point of it all?

(spoilers for episode 1 of FTNW)

The point is to emphasise control. Everything you see the authority figures in this show do is done to reinforce their control over the children - like the stories they learn in school or the tournament. By "removing" Saki's power, they are saying that they are the ones who have ownership over it - and they can take it away again whenever they want.

And who thinks the girl saving the mutant rat is going to set the cat monster on her?

(spoilers for ep 2)

Bit confused what you mean. Saki saves the Bakenezumi from drowning; who is she going to set the Nekodamashi on? She is, after all, the protagonist.


From the New World is awesome (and confusing as fuck) so far. I'm a bit confused about the weird ceremony? They removed the girl's power and then gave different power to her? What was the point of it all?

And who thinks the girl saving the mutant rat is going to set the cat monster on her?

I don't know if we really know that much about the ceremony in the beginning so far. As for the second thing,
we can assume that the cat monster things are being controlled by the Board of Education or whatever Saki's parents were talking about. If a cat monster goes after Saki, it will probably be because someone in the group told someone else that they used magic to help those rat things. Then again, it also depends on how badly they have to break the rules before a cat monster thing goes after them.

In my opinion, Saki saving the mutant rat things will definitely be the inciting event, or thing that breaks the status quo for the story. I don't think we know enough to make a lot more speculation about what's going on yet.

Edit: I like BluWacky's interpretation of the ceremony.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 052

The dogfight sequences are so good.
Konev. ;_____; Nooooooooooooo

Really liking how this battle turned out. It lived up to the hype, and for once it is not just semi-circles against rectangles.
Greatest marriage proposal ever.
Too bad it's not gonna last huhuhuhu.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 053






Jormungand 13

For starters, the impossible has been achieved. And by that, I mean the incredibly nonsensical engrish from the first OP has been topped by the brand new one! I know, I know, you might be saying to yourself that there's no way that this is possible and to that, I simply say that you actually listen to it and be amazed and what comes out of whatever audio output device of your choosing. I must say that I genuinely look forward to the official lyrics being somehow even more incomprehensible than what everyone thinks they are.

Now, for the show itself. I was fairly underwhelmed by the first season due to a fairly lackluster start, most notably being the poor action direction, the woeful cg and the fairly bad character designs. It was only until I actually I got use to these aspects of the show that I actually started to enjoy it and it looks like this is hasn't changed one bit. Most of this episode was a mix of recapping what happened last season and the follow up on what's happened since. I'm not really a fan of most recap episodes (unless they're by ikuni...) or episodes that start off another season by reintroduce the main plot but this one was really well handled and didn't feel jarring like they usually do.

I didn't really see Karen end up as someone working for Dr. Miami after all that shit went down but she seems to make a pretty good fit. It's also fairly surprising that the first time she ran into Valmet didn't up in complete bloodshed. It's fairly obvious that Hex is planning to take out Jonah as a means of effectively pushing Koko over the edge, turning her into the very monster she dangerously close to becoming. It'll be interesting to see what happens to R given that he's a spy for Bookman.

All in all, this was a fairly solid start to the second half of this show. I was originally planning on dropping this after a few episodes and reading the manga as it was supposedly better but since it still has yet to be fully translated so for now I'll just watch this and read the manga when it's finally translated afterwards.

it had a good animewatch, i give it 3/5 loco koko derp faces




This is totally a mixed bag. Some things work, some things don't, and it's all pretty stupid but at least it's not as dumb as SAO.

I'm in for the next episode.


I just watched episode 1 again of From the New World.
Right at the beginning Saki questions why she's the "last" of her class despite there being a bunch of other kids still there in her class? The other kids clearly know something and change the subject. What are they implying about the kids still in Saki's old school? I feel like I'm missing something here.

(spoilers for ep 2)

Bit confused what you mean. Saki saves the Bakenezumi from drowning; who is she going to set the Nekodamashi on? She is, after all, the protagonist.
I think you're reading my post wrong or something. The cat monster attacks the kids that seem to be doing stuff incorrectly. I'm saying the fact Saki uses her powers out of school and without permission (which her friends warn her about) is going to cause the Cat monster to go after her now. Well that's what I think anyway.

FML I'm the last post of the page. :'(


I just watched episode 1 again of From the New World.
Right at the beginning Saki questions why she's the "last" of her class despite there being a bunch of other kids still there in her class? The other kids clearly know something and change the subject. What are they implying about the kids still in Saki's old school? I feel like I'm missing something here.
Saki was probably the last one to make it out of her class. Remember, her parents were concerned that she wouldn't make it out in time before the cat monsters got her. The stragglers are probably disposed of.

As for why Saki seems to be the only one who doesn't know, I have no idea. Maybe it's because she's the newest.


Saki was probably the last one to make it out of her class. Remember, her parents were concerned that she wouldn't make it out in time before the cat monsters got her. The stragglers are probably disposed of.

As for why Saki seems to be the only one who doesn't know, I have no idea. Maybe it's because she's the newest.

This show has some serious shit going on just under the surface I have a feeling. It could be pretty amazing when all is revealed.


I just watched episode 1 again of From the New World.
Right at the beginning Saki questions why she's the "last" of her class despite there being a bunch of other kids still there in her class? The other kids clearly know something and change the subject. What are they implying about the kids still in Saki's old school? I feel like I'm missing something here.

The implication about the kids in the old school is that they are going to be "taken" by the Nekodamashi because they don't have powers, which is what happens to Reiko. This is why Saki's parents are so relieved when her powers finally awaken.

The children all avoid the subject because that is much of what they are conditioned to do - this is what Saki reminds us of at the end of episode 2 with her narration during the boating sequence, how they so easily forget Reiko and Manabu.

I think you're reading my post wrong or something. The cat monster attacks the kids that seem to be doing stuff incorrectly. I'm saying the fact Saki uses her powers out of school and without permission (which her friends warn her about) is going to cause the Cat monster to go after her now. Well that's what I think anyway.

You're right, I read your post wrong, apologies.

I won't comment further as I know spoilers from the novel so I don't want to give anything away.

We also have a lovely thread dedicated to the show that you might want to post in!


This show has some serious shit going on just under the surface I have a feeling. It could be pretty amazing when all is revealed.
Hopefully they don't fuck it up.

And does anyone know if the novel the anime is based on is translated into English at all? I'd love to read that, because the wait between episodes is going to kill me. :p

And the intro to episode 2 is incredible. So fucked up.


This show has some serious shit going on just under the surface I have a feeling. It could be pretty amazing when all is revealed.
Yeah, I agree. I'm interested in how they interpret this type of setting. It's certainly not an original setting, but it seems as if the author has a direction he wants to take us, so I can't wait to see where it goes. Plus, I love things like this:
The children all avoid the subject because that is much of what they are conditioned to do - this is what Saki reminds us of at the end of episode 2 with her narration during the boating sequence, how they so easily forget Reiko and Manabu.



This is totally a mixed bag. Some things work, some things don't, and it's all pretty stupid but at least it's not as dumb as SAO.

I'm in for the next episode.
Reaaaaaallly? The fucker took him the entire evening to figure out what kind of bombs he has.


From The New World 2

I'm sure I wrote a post about it, but I guess I forgot to post it and then my PC rebooted for a Windows update while I was away so the post got lost.

Anyways, the second episode is just like Cajun said.
I think what "disturbed" me more about it is how no one (of her friends) seems to care about Reiko's disappearance. It makes the dark/sinister atmosphere even more so, and also a bit oppressing.
Oh, and those bugrats or however they're called made me think of Geneforge.


HidaSketch x Hoshimittsu 3

It sure is something when SHAFT's rather eccentric visual style is used so effectively to help create some truly great sentimental moments and thankfully this episode was no exception. I don't think I'll ever get tired of those neat little scene transition animations.


nazuna's pretty much the cuteness factor of your average hidamari cranked up to 11 and it is sublime. the power of omigawa

wise words from the miyako


HidaSketch x Hoshimittsu 3

It sure is something when SHAFT's rather eccentric visual style is used so effectively to help create some truly great sentimental moments and thankfully this episode was no exception. I don't think I'll ever get tired of those neat little scene transition animations.


nazuna's pretty much the cuteness factor of your average hidamari cranked up to 11 and it is sublime. the power of omigawa

wise words from the miyako

Truer words cannot be said. they really cannot.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 052

The dogfight sequences are so good.
Konev. ;_____; Nooooooooooooo

Really liking how this battle turned out. It lived up to the hype, and for once it is not just semi-circles against rectangles.

Too bad it's not gonna last huhuhuhu.

LoGH is just unbelievable. The end of every season made me go: wtf? did that really happen? no way...
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