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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Psycho-Pass - Episode 1


Pretty solid introductory episode. The art direction on this show is really good. city backdrop at night, the rain, the decay, etc. There's a good amount of background detail creating a convincing dystopian setting. The music is fantastic too. There are some great tracks accompanying the various scenes, and I really dig the opening song.

The story in the first episode is pretty straight-forward, and it basically follows Akane's first operation. She meets the team, gets hands on, and the audience gets a taste of what the world is like, what the rules are, and how a normal police operation proceeds. The direction is slick and being a simple stand alone casual case, there's nothing complicated or tied to the larger story here, allowing the characters to be observed in their normal behaviors and such.

The level of violence and graphic content is pretty high for a noitmainA show, so it's a little surprising, but it still feels like a pretty "unique" show in the overall modern anime line up. Adult characters, team work, a serious tone, a little bit of humor, and an interesting hook in the opening scenes which hints at a larger story. I think it's going to be really enjoyable if they can keep the quality up, and have a mix of interesting stand alone cases while developing the overarching plot.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Pyscho-Pass was alright, but it's probably the only show this season that I feel I haven't been able to make a good judgement on based on the first episode alone. Nothing about it makes the wait for the next episode seem unbearable. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing either. Feels a bit like Duck & Co overhyped it a bit, but we'll see.

Need to see the real meat next week.


Psycho-Pass 1

Well I suppose it's that time. I guess I'll bring it down into different parts about what I liked as well as disliked about the opening episode.
The most striking thing about the show is far and away the background settings. There is an insane amount of detail that is at times really comparable to Hyouka in regards to quality. Many of the shots have a certain type of grimy aspect to it which stands out in comparison to GITS:SAC and is more comparable to either the work of Syd Mead in Blade Runner or in the original GITS movie. You get a good sense of location and atmosphere throughout the episode. Another thing of note is the lighting and how it's played with at times especially in the final bit of the episode. It helped in regards to setting up the mood and adds to the atmosphere. I also wasn't annoyed by the CGI that was used, it was surprisingly unobtrusive which is different than my expectations after seeing previous screenshots with the police drones.
Now here's something about the visuals I did not like, the character art. It's somewhat inconsistent throughout the episode and at times can be really good and at times, it can be mediocre. It never struck me as outright bad at any point however the changes can be a little disrupting and it certainly doesn't match the extremely high quality of the backgrounds. One interesting thing to note though is some of the facial close-ups and how damn good they are. They also served as a great way to illustrate mental changes as well as seen in the above shot.
The BGM is extremely good and it seems like Yugo Kanno will be a great addition to the show. The background song when the Enforcers are introduced is very fitting and also a pretty smooth piece on its own. I noted how earlier that Kanno likes to use jazz throughout his shows and this seems to be no exception. The standout piece will obviously be the song that starts around the 7:10 mark and is the piece used in the first PV and marketing. It's a fantastic bit and I expect the show will get some great mileage out of it. The OP song is on the rock side but it's certainly not as overwhelming as I expected it to be but I'll have to wait and see how the animation matches up. What surprised me is the ED by Egoist. It's much faster than I expected and actually closer to what I expect out an OP in regards to composition. It's an extremely good song by Egoist though and hopefully the animation is just as good.
The characters themselves are pretty much exactly how their character descriptions describe. What surprised me was the lack of focus on Shinya but that's obviously coming. I'll be frank, Akane was pretty annoying throughout the episode. Her behavior was a little theatrical but I think she is supposed to be the moral compass. For someone who was raised in the system, it seemed like she didn't full understand the consequences of it. I do think her response near the end when she
paralyzes Shinya
is something most people now would do but not necessarily in her setting. I also wonder why she became an Inspector as it obviously seems she has issues with the system.
This episode there wasn't much action really except for the opening bit but there was tons of gore. That disintegrate terminology used to describe the Domintor is somewhat incorrect, unless that was the lethal mode. I was though wholly unimpressed with the opening bit of the episode as the fight sequence seems kinda thrown in. There were some good camera angles though.
As for the theme of the episode and the system as a whole, It's actually somewhat interesting in that a person's Psycho-Pass rating could vary that drastically. It seems like you could have one bad day and you're fucked. It's a very harsh and unforgiving system as they didn't even allow sympathy for a
just raped victim
. I was also surprised by the fact that it seems Inspectors can just shoot Enforcers at will. Nobuchika mentioning that so casually does bring up the possibility of a Psycho-Pass hierarchy and his ridiculously low opinion of Enforcers is rather interesting. I'm sure the whole Dominator being used against an Enforcer will happen lethally down the road and I'm surprised that
Akane used the Paralyzer in the first episode. Akane is probably going to pay for it in the next episode as Enforcers are still considered assets judging by Nobuchika's last line
. They're atleast going for the moral ambiguity early on which I'm happy about as some shows might have depicted the system as perfect and later delved into the flaws.

tl;dr: All in all it was a very good episode although not necessarily great. There were some forced segments for either exposition or dramatic purposes but it was a decent opener into the world.

So, I really, really like how the world looks in this show. It fits the whole story that's going on, the mood that I'm probably suppose to feel, just everything fits.

Storywise, I do enjoy the whole introduction about the system and just everything about it. Not sure how I feel about the characters yet since not much focus was placed upon them yet. Not so sure about how much I care about where this story will probably go either.

But, do love the music. While the OP wasn't standout, do love the ED.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast

Awesome episode. Loved the music and the detail to the backgrounds. It's nice to see Akane isn't simply a "by the books" kind of girl and
had the heart to stand up to her team in order to save the woman's life.
I'm hoping her compassion and desire to do what is "right" continues to be tested as we progress through the series.

AkanexYayoi Day 1.


Tragic victim of fan death
Cross posting cuz that's what i do now.

PSYCHO-PASS Episode 01

To say that the first episode was amazing would do a great disservice. In fact, to say that Psycho-Pass' first episode is brilliant wouldn't be a hyperbole due to its amazing visuals, atmosphere, music, and premise. The sheer thrill that comes from watching this suspenseful crime hunting from the Enforcers is phenomenal. It captures both the severity of dire situation while not letting the audience forget out the people part of situation are human too.

Psycho-Pass' premise comes off as a bit dystopian as humans are judged on their psychological behavior and status by machines; in turn creating a world where not humans rule or have the final say, but rather the machines. However, this isn't to say that humans don't have any power at all, rather the machines are impartial and judge the situation as it appears to them and it's the humans that carry out the decree that's given to them. Even so, despite this machine-archical structure of the world, Psycho-Pass gives a glimmer of hope.

The machines aren't always right, and with a world that relies on the validity of truth from the machines, the show wishes to illustrate that humans ultimately have the power. Machines only reveal what is in front of them, however humans have the power to reveal what lies beyond and in effect, change people. This is important as this is what sets Akane, the female protagonist, apart from everyone else in the cast. Battle-hardened and somewhat apathetic due to their conformation of the world. It'll be interesting how the show will execute Akane's development as well as her involvement in the Enforcers. More interestingly, it'll be great to see what the exact background for the Enforcer's are, considering they are made of people that are deemed criminals by machines.

The narrative style is portrayed in a way that it's always doing something. It's very intentional and the show doesn't waste a second trying to do something whether it's to build up suspense, do world-building, have meaningful dialogue, or show something truly excruciating and gory. The intentionality behind is something truly remarkable as many shows take so much time pandering or padding out with ridiculous dialogue.

Speaking of dialogue, the writing in the show is spectacular. Each line breathes personality and while it gives information about the world that Psycho-Pass takes place in, more importantly it gives insight and the perspective of the person saying it. What we get is a variety of dialogue that matches and is tailored to each person. Not only that but it's enjoyable to watch and listen to each person unlike many shows where the writing is good but the characters themselves are insufferable.

The visuals are probably one the show's absolute standouts. While I initially had doubts about the I.G. doing this and wasn't pleased with how the characters' looks in magazine scans, seeing it in motion changed my mind. Characters look crisp and sharp giving them a defined expression in each cut. The backgrounds gleam with vibrant light while being devoured by the rain and darkness surrounding it. The intricate design really gives it that futuristic vibe really adding to the somewhat future machine-driven dystopian future. It's all cool, stylish, and most of all polished.

The audio is pretty good. With drum beats and a moody gloom that constantly reverberates in your ear, the music definitely sets the tone for how the audience should feel. I was always aware of the music but it didn't stand out so much that it distracted me from the show. Rather, it blended right into the entirety of the episode giving it that perfect blend of awareness and its non-existence. Truly amazing.

Psycho-Pass is possibly one of the best first episodes I've seen in a long time. It's paced extremely well from beginning to end. The music is fantastic and couple that in with a deep narrative with a premise allowing for great developments, spectacular visuals, and character interaction and you got a formula for a great show. If the fall anime season needs to move faster because how awesome anime is, this show will be the one to do it.


Robotics;Notes 1

DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR THE WIKIPEDIA ENTRY FOR THIS SHOW, it has massive spoilers in the character descriptions as I have just discovered while checking names :(

This was kind of dull IMO. I don't understand why the male lead even likes the female lead, nor why the show seems focused around him. She's the one who does absolutely everything, while he farts around with his fancy tablet playing fighting games and pretending she's dressed up like a catgirl. Unfortunately, she's... a little overenthusiastic for my tastes, but I'm sure other people will find her enthusiasm for the RoboClub and general personality endearing.

There's lots of background setup for the story but it's not as immediately "weird" as the previous Science Adventure titles were - until the very end of the episode, where it takes a big tonal shift
with the mysterious little girl holding a feather being all WHOSE ARE THOSE EYES - it's kind of irritating really

With that said, I think the whole premise of the show - building a giant robot at school to take part in a robotics championship - is kind of interesting. I will probably watch more of the show, but I don't have particularly high hopes for it. It's definitely newtaminA.

Production values are good but not great; it reminds me of Toshokan Sensou's flat-but-bright look overall. Mecha animation is a combination of good 2D and good CG so it's no Gyrozetter ED. Music is, once again, very VN-esque; I'm rather disappointed that the OP has such a great chorus when the rest of it is a bit lame :(


Robotics;Notes 1

I don't understand why the male lead even likes the female lead, nor why the show seems focused around him. She's the one who does absolutely everything, while he farts around with his fancy tablet playing fighting games and pretending she's dressed up like a catgirl.

Sounds like a VN lead. Bland self inserts. Too bad he's not as interesting as . . . Okabe.


Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne - 01
Woah i don't know what to think about this episode

Look at her wearing this proud t-shirt without a care in the world ..

i can't help but root for her to suceed

i also don't know why , but the student concil president remind me of forte stollen and i don't know why ...

Wait...are you a Galaxy Angel fan?

Just looking at the studio website banner:



Thats definitely Maya the Bee....

bullshit. Akane is the definition of moe. Whether they call her that or not.

You're the one who thought Shirahoshi was cute.

Well she is.

Is that................Maya the Bee?

Yup! Same thing I thought too, and the below article confirms it.

Lets hope they dont fuck it up.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Oh man the Evangelion 3.0 marketing cash hoarding is in full swing. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2012/10/09-1/further-adventures-in-evangelion-capitalism

But at least the girls are being adorable when trying to sell you glasses. Askua should be selling space eyepatches.

Okay I'll admit it, Rei is uber cute in that image. Need a Misato though. ;~;

Wait. What was Aigis trying to say? I don't know the rest of what she's trying to finish.

You're just precious! *pinches cheeks*


Psycho Pass 1

It was alright. The art direction is strong, effectively creating a gritty, Blade Runner-esque dystopian environment, with lots of neon signs contrasting with green, grimy walls and rusting metal to give the impression of sleazy commercialism glazed over a decaying society like a thin veneer. The direction and storyboarding are also pretty nice, there are lots of interesting camera angles that establish the complex and labyrinthine nature of the slum apartments, and the build-up to the reveal of the Enforcers and the Dominators is done nicely. The sound design for the Dominators is also really cool, there's a very satisfyingly physicality to he sound of its discharge, without sacrificing the futuristic quality of its pew pewing. I particularly like the touch of the sonic boom and subsequent ringing. And of course, the excessively violent nature of its fatal shots is well-animated, indeed.

The main flaw of this episode is that it was just too freaking talky. Perhaps some of that has to do with the necessity of establishing the setting, and it certainly would not be the first time that a Gen Urobuchi work has started off slow, but if every episode is going to be so on the nose with the show's themes and characters, with their positions and views repeatedly spelled out, it will get tired really fast. Akane is annoying already. So hopefully the writing improves over time as with previous Urobuchi stories.


But at least the girls are being adorable when trying to sell you glasses. Askua should be selling space eyepatches.

I still don't understand why Tadashi Hiramatsu has worked for Studio Khara (or χαρα) on making... illustrations for ads, basically? He has done many by now... and I was here thinking he could be working on a certain movie project at a certain other studio instead. What will exactly be the status of that?


Blasty the Hamlet of Tempest - Episode 2

Oh boy, this is going to go downhill pretty quick, especially in the script department. There really is no escaping the source material is there? The dialogue feels even more overwrought, pretentious, and inane when actually acted out and voiced instead of just being a pile of miserable text in the manga. The way characters double-talk and cross-examine and second guess every minor thing in some "profound" way is really fucking obnoxious.

But... yet the production values remain strong, the action is impressive, the direction and staging is fantastic. Even non-action scenes feel cohesive and detailed, with really nice details in the backgrounds, the ruined city, the fire animation effects, etc. There's just so much effort and work going into the production, it all feels a bit of a waste because the staff are taking this so seriously when the manga is just so crap it doesn't remotely deserve it.

I'll keep watching as long as the action and the music stays high quality... :(




Yeah erm... no. >_<
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