Saint Seiya has filler episodes. Seiya plays football (yes, football, go suck a dick soccer) in one of the episodes.
i'm not against filler episodes ...but everything was bad in that episode ....
Hum i got an important information at the start of the episode ..
The reason the ninja dude comes and go all the time isn't because
-he is useless
-nobody like him
but because he is a wolf ... and more than that a lone wolf !!
Good to know i guess ??? With all things considered , it doesn't matter to me as long as i don't get a spin off or an entire episode dedicated to his adventures ...
Back to the episode then was well done ( it wasn't a filler ) ...Some Plot elements toward the fact that only one repairer remain and our heroes met his apprentice , raki.
Yep kiki apprentice is raki ... Hey i suggest "deki" for the next genération !!
At least the apprentice-heroes encouter went more smootly than in the original saga.
It was a good episode overall with a crazy vilain for this week.
Yes this is not a mistake it's a
cerberus boss vilain .. with more arms and head/bodies hidden ..... i guess there is still someone in that creative team that has still some weed to smoke left ..
NO need to guess the ending ." BURN MORE MY COSMO " is the keyword.
oh and sonia is still busy sitting on her throne ..i guess that with 2 cores destroyed she would take the matter in her own hands but no.....
that's some boss privilèdges she got there ,she probably isn't gonna move by herself untill the party destroy EVERYONE of her servants and is forced to move by herself to get her coffee .