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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I always put it on my top 10 favorites list(s) when the bingo board says it's time to do one, which should be enough of an endorsement!
Need to see this so that I can choose what to watch after I finish LotGH.
Though, actually, I'm not sure why I never use my imaginary powers of persuasion to push LOGH on people. I think it may be because I just sort of assume folk will get around to it eventually and that, unlike the weird movies from the 70s/80s (and weird shoujo show from the 90s) that I normally talk up, it doesn't really need much promotional help.
There's so little talk about this classic in the contemporary anime blogosphere* that I feel it needs to be hyped up. I would have never checked it were it not for Jex's incessant nagging some months ago. Not to mention the huge episode list is a turn-off to many individuals.

*To be fair, everything pre-digital era seems to be of no merit to the kids today. :X


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 5


So five episodes in and it occurs to me why the characters have a familiar feel to them. It's a similar sort of chemistry as Lupin's crew. There's even something of a Zenigata analogue what with the police chief that's after them who fails often and in a comedic manner. It's not as if the J9 Cosmorangers are a band of thieves but they're still a band of scoundrels taking on mercenary jobs in the name of justice (and at a high price). Still, I imagine this probably does Lupin III in space better than Lupin VIII. :lol

It also has me wanting to get to finally starting the Space Adventure Cobra TV stuff as that movie & English pilot were something else that gave me that Lupin in Space feeling albeit more towards Cobra himself rather than any sort of cast chemistry.

Oh, as for this episode itself, there's something satisfying to see a handful of enemy fighters attack a super robot mid-transformation and accidentally crash into it without it budging an inch.


You need more cats.

its beyond cats
I have this russian girl that wants to go out with me
and i used to like her but im far too gone now to care about anything so im going to say no
its even worse when you cant enjoy the madness that is jojos bizarre adventure


Subete no aware
I can't speak to Game of Thrones or Tytania, but I would say Legend of the Galactic Heroes is character-centric. It's a talky show, sure, but aside from one or two episodes around the midpoint which are basically history lessons, I can't recall that much standing around for gobs of random exposition. The politics tends to be personalized - these are conflicts between individuals, not just between abstract entities.

Really, you should just set aside the 90 minutes it takes to watch Overture to a New War, and then you'd be able to definitively say whether the series is something for you or not.
Yeah, maybe I should just think of that movie as just a movie so I don't get scared off by the insane length.

I think I just prefer my big war stories, to borrow a Star Trek term, to be of the "Lower Decks" variety. I just want to follow the dude that is carrying out the orders rather than generals who are giving out the orders.

It's why even though I do adore the earlier seasons of B5 and the G'Kar/Londo machinations that created the single best homosocial relationship in science fiction, if not television, there was something endearing to me about the second half of season 4... specifically the moments when the Earth Fleet captains would show up.
(Although, fuck. The payoff to the Vir - Morden relationship is still pretty awesome. lol)

Firehawk is just being ridiculous again. He knows he needs to watch LOGH.

Of course, my encouragement probably would just mean that he'd never watch it, so...don't watch LOGH, firehawk12!
Honestly, I want a show set in the Pacific theater about the USS Enterprise or one of the other carriers, because that's where all this Military SciFi stuff comes from anyway. We're already at the point where the idea of a carrier is a completely outdated concept (just like the Battleship was made obsolete during WW2), so the idea that people in space would revert back to giant carriers flying around in space is ridiculous anyway.

But there's just something cool about combining both the classic naval warfare stuff with fighter pilot Top Gun stuff. I have no idea why, but it hits a special type of nerd fetish for me. lol

Also, I'm being confused by your reverse-psychology!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
*takes back all the bad things she said about Revolutionary Girl Utena*
If your name is Billiechu
you have to go buy
Nanami's tampons
(Today, 01:37 AM)
I just want you guys to know that 1) I try to read (or skim) all of your posts and 2) I pay special attention to anything highlighted in green on my mobile because that means someone's talking to me and we all know I'm a hopeless narcissist.


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 6


hahah faux stormtroopers aim like the real thing.

Blaster Kid is apparently extremely photogenic.

Oh hey, a peek at the Blaster Kid's past. No wonder he's so disenchanted with the military. Sometimes I get the feeling some of these shows tossed in the robot fight out of necessity rather than sort of desire. A nice character focused episode is ended with a super robot fight like it's almost an afterthought!
It was still fucking cool.


Subete no aware
Maya's Funeral Procession. I read it because the name sounded cool, honestly. I later found out it ripped its character designs straight from another, older yuri manga, funnily enough.

Anyways, while it is relatively mild stuff, I'd say it qualifies as being actual yuri. Requited love confessions and everything!
I guess there's only so many ways you can tell a story about two women being in love with each other. lol

I'm definitely OK with it not being a cloistered, semi-artificial gay world of gayness where everyone is gay or acts like it - I actually appreciate the realism of the idea of portraying most kids growing out of homosexual tendencies when they leave a unisex school TBQH - but they are definitely not just books with characters that happen to be queer. That's the central premise of each comic, really. So you want the focus to be there, not on random side character #23; I understand the desire to engage audience empathy with minor & side characters with different perspectives from the mains, but as you've pointed out, they just aren't interesting or well-written enough to pull that off, by comparison. And if she were really trying to write stories with characters that just so happen to be not-heteronormative, well, she failed fucking miserably! lol.

I'll admit that I'd be way more forgiving if the publishing schedule were less infrequent, probably.

Maybe it's the problem with all relationship books... well, at least with Aoi Hana, where once you mash the two main characters together, there doesn't seem to be anywhere to go. I mean, she could get into Akira learning the "mechanics", but I have no idea if she's interesting in telling that aspect of sexual learning (although, amazingly enough, Wandering Son gave us a scene of Yuki masturbating while thinking of her best friend... even if it was cut from broadcast). There's also a real coming out story waiting to be told, but that seems like a thousand chapters away at the pace this book is going.

There's a real issue here - only a few months ago, the first Buddhist lesbian wedding happened in Taiwan - so Asians are really, really fucked up when it comes to this stuff. And I feel like Shimura does care about this stuff... but god. It just gets so interminable when you're reading about some ditzy friend that you could give two shits about.

(Funny enough, I read the end of Sasameki Koto because, well, yuri manga translators are insane and they went out of order and ending with a pseudo-lesbian wedding is both silly and heartwarming. I don't think I'd want Aoi Hana to end up like that anyway.)

It's strange that Wandering Son "feels" like it's the one moving forward the most, but then you realize that in man ways, it's even more static ever since the characters moved into high school. The characters are stuck in identities that almost don't matter anymore and in the same nearly sexless relationships that they had in middle school. Mako is basically the only one of them with sexual awareness of any kind, but of course he's also the one who is single. :p


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 7

A rebel leaded named Che Vibora? Hey, why not? Bowie can't really carry an ep. There's some unexpected continuity too.


It's weird but I find reki kawahara's author's notes kinda moe. He always sounds so helpless. It's gotten to the point where I just wait for new notes to be translated.

Since the presented game system, is sometimes transcended by vague things like «Spirit» or «Miracle». Those are things that should not be in a game novel, and I also &#8216;try to avoid that kind of development!&#8217; from the bottom of my heart (laugh), however after writing, it somehow became like that.

Furthermore, I am sorry for another new heroine appearing, I am truly sorry. I believe that everyone too is gradually sensing the unpleasant trend...perhaps from now on the same kind of development... No, however, after thinking about it, Accel is like that too. It's not that I was particularly aiming to write like that. Without the ability to write a sculptured group of multi-viewpoints, the number of female character increased and inevitably, without exception, they form a connection with the main character.
...I am sorry, perhaps, it's because around 40% simply likes that stuff...

However, the problem was that even though I like FPS, I don't understand anything about guns at all...

That said I think the core appeal of his novels comes from something like this:

But, always inside me, there's the question 'does it really have to be like that'. If a RPG novel can't be made without this kind of setting, then that would mean my feelings of excitement and passion as a MMO player would be fake. Making a party with friends, stepping gingerly into a dungeon for the first time, the joy from that, I want to see if I can make a story out of it.

I'm cool with that; I just wish all the other kawahara baggage didn't follow.


It's weird but I find reki kawahara's author's notes kinda moe. He always sounds so helpless. It's gotten to the point where I just wait for new notes to be translated.
That said I think the core appeal of his novels comes from something like this:
I'm cool with that; I just wish all the other kawahara baggage didn't follow.

I really liked this from the second SAO LN:

I have previously also played some online games. But no matter in what game, I have never been part of a high-ranking group. I merely envied those eternally strong players with the best equipment and reputation, one after another easily defeating monsters, and afterwards feeling that they were "So skilled! So strong!" (haha)

Therefore, I wanted to write about not only the volume one's protagonists Kirito and Asuna and their «Game Clearer» type of top players, but wanted even more to write something about the stories of ordinary mid-level players; and this second volume's four short stories, have precisely this kind of content. Regardless of which story, they are basically about Kirito debuting and causing a big stir; and feeling that he is "So skilled! So strong!" like Silica and Lisbeth felt, is precisely what I have felt every year since becoming an MMO player. Really, and once would be enough, I really want to know what it feels like to show off to others a weapon of which there are only three copies in the entire server.

There's something genuine there and reminds me of my early FFXI time when I'd see everyone run around in AF gear and just be in awe. :lol It was so awesome when I finally got to be one of those people.
One Piece: Episode of Nami: Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Nakama

Amazing. I really can't think of any better way they could have recreated the earliest most cherished arc in the franchise. I don't remember a lot about the TV version, but I do remember that it didn't look a 50th as good as this.

It starts out with a few flashbacks, giving a very brief synopsis of the earlier arcs in East Blue. It isn't much, but even seeing some of the arc climaxes remade with this art style and production values was great.

Then we move into the meat of the story, the Arlong arc. Since it's been condensed into a 2 hour TV special, the pacing is MUCH better. All unnecessary filler is cut out while stuff that had the option of being sped up was.

Arlong was made a lot more menacing, even though the content didn't change. Like everything else in this, the sense of impact for every motion was amplified quite a bit, which made Nami's back story all the more harder to watch. It was done so damn well, that I actually cringed at certain portions that called for it,
Arlong stomping on Bellemere's arm
being one.

As the impact of most scenes was more effective all around, you could really empathize with Nami's plight quite a bit more than you could in the TV series. There was just more energy overall and it was great. Especially the
tattoo stabbing scene.
You can really see how much better it is now.

And the action. My god, the action. The last 3rd of this was like a friggin animation carnival during the fights. I seriously think it had better animation than some of the movies. Every single main one was a visual treat. I'd put up some gifs, but I suck at making them and the one place I found with any is a shitty tumblr that didn't gif any of the fights. Amazing choreography coupled with some really great animation.

The one that impressed me the most was Sanji vs Kurobi, a fight with a segment underwater. Just the way the water moved around the fighters was beautiful as was the movements of the characters themselves. But really, all the fights were beautiful. Each one had enough tension alongside the top-notch choreography and animation to be worth any action fan's time.

And of course, that famous climax in
the cartography room
is made all the more satisfying, again thanks to the elevated production values and energy. The great pacing made the lead up more effective, which in turn made the end of the fight more effective.

I have exactly two complaints about this special, both of which are incredibly minor. First of all, the walk to Arlong Park was significantly shortened. It was still effective, but not as much as it was in the TV series. Decent oversight right there. The second is the vital scene of
the town finding the 100 million beli after the fight
was not shown, which kind of gave context to Nami's actions to not make her look like a total bitch when she
stole everyone's wallets.
Ah well.

Seriously though, this is by far the best One Piece special and even surpasses possibly all the movies. This is something all fans of the franchise NEED to see, and probably even some non-fans too. hosanna you can just watch this to complete the contract.


From the New World 4

I don't think anybody is going to be complaining about a lack of plot development after this one!

This show is really just great. It has great direction, great animation, and the story is well-written and the kind of thing that really appeals to me.

One thing I thought was really well-done in this episode was the depiction of Saki's reaction to various events; you could really tell what she was thinking just from the expressions on her face and her body language. I imagine in the novel, much of that was internal monologue/description, so good job by the writers and storyboarders to capture that visually. Actually it wasn't just Saki, all of the kids had moments where you could viscerally understand their emotional state.

I can't wait to read everyone's thoughts/theories on this episode.
Looks like someone's(I forgot who said it) Brave New World comparison was spot on, just with psychic powers and weird Buddhism added.


One Piece: Episode of Nami: Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Nakama

This sounds pretty neat. So much so I might give it a shot sooner rather than later. It also sort of fills a niche I'm surprised didn't really exist already, namely condensed arcs so people could enjoy the story without the large time commitment the tv series proper demands, especially given the quality concerns early on.


I really liked this from the second SAO LN:

There's something genuine there and reminds me of my early FFXI time when I'd see everyone run around in AF gear and just be in awe. :lol It was so awesome when I finally got to be one of those people.

Hyouka did the envy/expectations thing better, lol.


My backlog grows yet again. Nami special sounds good.

I hope Water 7 gets a similar treatment.

I really liked this from the second SAO LN:

There's something genuine there and reminds me of my early FFXI time when I'd see everyone run around in AF gear and just be in awe. :lol It was so awesome when I finally got to be one of those people.

Yeah, I do think there's a genuine core of appreciation for that kind of experience beneath all the... well, bad writing. Perhaps that's what resonates so much with some people; for others, the waifus.

It's too bad he's never been able to get past his own limitations.
This sounds pretty neat. So much so I might give it a shot sooner rather than later. It also sort of fills a niche I'm surprised didn't really exist already, namely condensed arcs so people could enjoy the story without the large time commitment the tv series proper demands, especially given the quality concerns early on.

Yeah, it would be great if other arcs could be condensed like this. I do fear it wouldn't work as well with the later ones since they are loooooooooong. Movie 8 tried it and ended up butchering the arc. Movie 9 apparently did a better job, but it was a re-imagining rather than a straight-up remake like this. Maybe they could stretch it over two specials or so.

If they were going to recreate any more, this really needs to be the standard.
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