where's my dokidoki precure?
Well I did the opposite of :kayos and actually used Google to research it briefly. I had no idea they released video on the GBA, mostly because it seems it was an American thing only.Touché. I have no idea what stupid accessories Nintendo has released for their handhelds over the years.!
It depicts a developing relationship and courtship over several years.a) Doesn't it take forever the romance to resolve?
Cwarrior gonna Cwarrior.Wolf children on the other hand is just a melodramatic furry fantasy.
woah wait
when did your name get changed
He's an Impostor!
I hope this is a sign of things to come.You know, I think this is the most impressive season ever in terms of total number of simulcasts, simulcast coverage over all "mainstream" anime being broadcast, and lack of long-term streaming delays.
You know, I think this is the most impressive season ever in terms of total number of simulcasts, simulcast coverage over all "mainstream" anime being broadcast, and lack of long-term streaming delays. You can practically count on one hand the number of shows that are either not simulcast or on a delay of more than a few hours. (okay, the actual number of shows is probably somewhere between 6 and 10, but it's still quite the feat.)
Of course, there's still the problem of regional restrictions to tackle, but that's the next step.
For the same reason there aren't American animated procedural shows - the audience interested in TV procedurals aren't interested in animation.
This thing goes both ways, remember. It's true that fans of anime aren't typically fans of certain types of adult-oriented subject matter, but at the same time fans of those types of adult-oriented subject matter aren't typically fans of animation.
Only crazy collectors buy anime.
So much anime. Just today I've watched the first episodes of:
Yozakura Quartet
Log Horizon
White Album 2
Outbreak Company
(I hardly ever binge-watch things so this is quite a bit for me)
Suffice it to say Yozakura, Kyousougiga and (surprisingly) White Album were the most enjoyable of the group. Yozakura had a pretty strong start with dropping the audience into the story with enough context to not get lost in and enough action scenes to keep it exciting. I think quite a few people would be a little put off by the frequent up-skirts though. I loved the fluid action scenes from the Hoshi no Umi OVAs and so far this show is feeling very similar to it in terms of animation quality.
Kyousougiga's Episode 0 might not have been much more coherent than it was since the first time I watched it but it still remains just as imaginative and gorgeous as ever. I think having a little bit of context from the previous short series made it more enjoyable but there's a certain point in this episode where I just shut my brain off and enjoy the beautiful spectacle on screen. It feels really unique and ambitious and I'm very glad to see more of this crazy universe.
White Album 2 was also surprisingly enjoyable. The somber, melancholic atmosphere that permeated throughout the episode was very well-done and it's always nice to see a high-school protagonist that's able to hold a decent conversation with someone of the opposite sex. I hope the show manages to competently handle whatever inevitable drama well enough but we'll see.
The others aren't really worth mentioning other than Log Horizon being pretty okay I guess.
So my first (and probably very premature) Fall list is going like this so far :
Kill La Kill > Kyousougiga > Yozakura Quartet > Kyoukai no Kanata > White Album 2 > Golden Time > Log Horizon > Coppelion > Yuushibu > IS 2 > Outbreak Company
Still waiting on:
Valvrave S2
Galilei Donna
Samurai Flamenco
Still haven't watched:
Pokemon The Origin
KirbYayoi is the new madp.
Gingi is really feelgood anime.
Think youll like it!
Whoops, I was being intentionally vague but then I thought you picked up on it. lol
For example, once when I expressed interest in checking it out a couple months ago, the person I was talking to at the time didn't even have any hope that I would like it. "You'll probably think it's just boring."![]()
Hitokage said:Speaking of Hyouka, though, it's currently high on my list of things to watch after I get through Doremi.
Nafe said:Hopefully you enjoy Hyouka but you might find it boring like many others.
I don't have lowercase only letters though.
SO IT WAS YOU!!!Wait a moment here. You're saying this post here was in indeed in reference to something I said?
You will, though. You will.
Someday, everyone in the anime thread will have lowercase only names. Except for me. Mine will be ALLCAPS.
But I don't scream your name at night
EDIT: At least one of us will be female, Syrinx.
Kirbyguy > KirbYayoi. Cmon dude.
Not yet you don't.
Let's make one thing clear, though, KirbYayoi:
I am the Big Spoon.
KirbYaoi>>>>>>>>>> Kirbyguy>>>>>>>> KirbYayoi
If I wasn't sold already (I need a Tamayura replacement) this would have sold me alone.
Sometimes i read AnimeGaf too fast and i just forgot that there is a second Y in kirbYayoi name.
Makes your username "intresting" to say the least
Doh, it seems I did. Remembered you having doubts in that conversation and I guess that expanded in my mind over time.Nah, it looks like Hitokage just Oreki'd himself was all, haha.
You have no idea.The Irisu pics are truly apt.
Really feelgood anime? Hah. You haven't seen really feelgood anime until you've seen...
Non Non Biyori 1
This is made of slow, and cute, and happiness. I approve of it greatly.
Perhaps not quite enough to save anime, but it may just be enough to save this season.
Also for some reason it amuses me that the scenario here reminds me in many ways of Higurashi, though the two couldn't really be more different kinds of show.
Gundam Build Fighters
My Gundam franchise experience is just G Gundam and 08th MS Team, so I don't get any of the references in this show. But it's still a great slice of youth-oriented toy promotion programming. Nice mech animation.