I don't one person in here has actually professed to liking Kyoukai no Kanata this far.
I like the cat MILF and the youma with the extremely fuwafuwa hair.
Just look at it oh my god.
I don't one person in here has actually professed to liking Kyoukai no Kanata this far.
By Imaishi, an anime about Awful Falafel's gender-bending captivity, with lots of CG content.
There are people in my first impressions piece of Kill la Kill talking about how offensive and terrible Gurren Lagann is.
I can get it not being your cup of tea, but offensive?
K-On taught me what fuwa fuwa means
...that right there is some serious fuwa fuwa
It doesn't just require effort per se, it requires the willingness and ability to make major changes to the source material to salvage the usable ideas in it and ditch the rest. Irie with Code:Breaker is a good example.
More Asuna? Sure.
Berserk healer Asuna ? do want
Why the fuck are there video ads on NeoGAF? It's not just that it's distracting and loud, but it plays on an endless loop while trying to post.
Why the fuck are there video ads on NeoGAF? It's not just that it's distracting and loud, but it plays on an endless loop while trying to post.
So KnK 02? That ugly CG car.By KyoAni, an anime about gashikunFLCL's supernatural daily life, without any cute cars.
Senpai no baka!gashikunFLCL is soooo a tsundere kohai desu.
Osanajimis always lose. =(Senpai will friendzone gashikunFLCL.
Well if they want to do justice to the Blazblue game they need to do at least 3 loops ..the final loop is a one in a lifetime chance and they do need to show that ..not to mention that they need to introduce , litchi , bang , arakune , carl and possibly explain about the world with stuff like flashbacks.BlazBlue: Alter Memory 1
Well, this seems like a serviceable adaptation so far. The less-than-impressive animation and not-exactly-inspired usage of the BGM is a little disappointing, but it's moving through the material at a pleasantly brisk pace, and the charm of the characters is coming across.
What I do wonder is where exactly they're planning to take the narrative. In this episode, they seemed to be covering the main events of Calamity Trigger while adding in extra bits of Hazama gloating in the background, but I have my doubts that they're going to just stick with Calamity Trigger material for the whole series. Hell, they could probably finish off Calamity Trigger's main plot within one more episode if they wanted to (though I figure they'll go for at least one more loop, if only for the sake of having some scenes in Orient Town and introducing Litchi, Arakune, Bang and Tager...oh, and Carl, we still need to meet him).
There's also the interesting fact that a number of characters appear in the ending sequence who aren't present in Calamity Trigger at all (Platinum, Relius, the freaking Imperator...) which further seems to indicate that they're going to either carry on past CT into CS material, or take things off in some kind of new direction. If we get to see animated Platinum, this will make me very pleased. Luna da bes. Also means more chance of Makoto content (though if I'm honest, I'd prefer they cover some of the academy flashbacks from CT than jump straight to present-day Makoto).
Either way, as a big BlazBlue fan, I'm going to be sticking with this one all the way regardless of how it turns out. It's enjoyable just seeing the characters animated outside of a fighting game context (limited though that animation may be). At the very least, it's sure to be better than Danganronpa =p
Gon was struggling only because he didn't want to go all out .if he took care of one , then the other would have alerted more leading to more trouble , their goal is after all the king and getting caught/spotted is not good.That's why gon was forced to not use most of his arsenal.HxH 99
I don't remember this part from the manga, but it's probably because of how dull it is. Previously we saw Killua and the Spiders owning, and now it's Gon's turn for some action and he just spent an entire episode struggling against two weaklings. In a way I appreciate the fact that Gon is still terribly weak, but to have most of the episode focused on this fight was disappointing. However, next week, judging from the preview, looks like it's gonna be jumping into the better stuff.
Also, they changed the ED (finally), in preparation for the next part of the arc. I'm still hoping they will eventually change the OP.
I always thought she looked cooler in her Undine toon than her Aincrad look.
K-On taught me what fuwa fuwa means
...that right there is some serious fuwa fuwa
Why the fuck are there video ads on NeoGAF? It's not just that it's distracting and loud, but it plays on an endless loop while trying to post.
Between sometimes getting those absolutely terrible full page redirect ads and the video ones, GAF is getting out of control with its advertising. Hope the pull back a bit.
Yeah, I don't know what's up with that. It's happened to me a couple of times tonight.
IIRC those kind of ads occasionally sneak into rotation. They're not supposed to be there and usually a PM to the right people will get them removed from rotation.
People sat down and discussed how racist Zelda was the other day. These days, I just kinda shrug off the extremely inflated opinions I see expressed, and then inflate my own.
Oh, speaking of totally not kosher approved portrayals of women, though, guess which game I bought today, guys?
I can't decide if it's trying to pander most to SDBurton, or to Chet Rippo.
Kyoukai no Kanata ep2
Action and animation are great but the direction is still terrible. And that catgirl Mom.....I thought Kyoani is above than that but then I realized they made Chunnibyou.
People sat down and discussed how racist Zelda was the other day. These days, I just kinda shrug off the extremely inflated opinions I see expressed, and then inflate my own.
Oh, speaking of totally not kosher approved portrayals of women, though, guess which game I bought today, guys?
I can't decide if it's trying to pander most to SDBurton, or to Chet Rippo.
I actually like Log Horizon's OP.
I find it hilariously cheesy at the very least.
Catgirl mom is the best idea ever.
what what whaaaaaaaaat
The eternal question: Would you rather have gunpla nerd mom or cat girl cosplay mom?
I never thought there'd be a time where I said cat MILF this many times a day.
I love that there are now two MILFs named Yacchan in anime.
I actually like Log Horizon's OP.
The eternal question: Would you rather have gunpla nerd mom or cat girl cosplay mom?