Samurai Flamenco is awesome. Pretty great episode lol
I think she'sbut I also think thatthe exshe's some how responsible for Tada's memory loss, which might explain why she's kinda acting like she doesn't already know him.
Valvrave 15
I can't think of a better show that does thecoming in the final 30 seconds of each episode.OH SNAP I didn't see that... OH SNAP I REALLY DIDN'T SEE THAT
Valvrave 15
I can't think of a better show that does thecoming in the final 30 seconds of each episode.OH SNAP I didn't see that... OH SNAP I REALLY DIDN'T SEE THAT
I think she'sbut I also think thatthe exshe's some how responsible for Tada's memory loss, which might explain why she's kinda acting like she doesn't already know him.
Shit. You might be unto something. I'm glad it's a 24 episode anime vs a 12. Cause if not we'd almost be halfway done.
It really got me because
Hats off, really.
Valvrave the Liberator ep 15
My god, 2 twists out of nowhere is so dialled in. It's like a mecha soap opera.
You say it like its a bad thing. I eagerly await L-Elf's identical twin brother. Also is it just me or does it almost feel like this is School Days in space? Haruto is Makoto, Ruki is Sekai, Shoko is Katsura, and Marianne is SAURON, LORD OF EVIL.
Shit. You might be unto something. I'm glad it's a 24 episode anime vs a 12. Cause if not we'd almost be halfway done.
I'm still thinking...
she dumped him and he then tried to kill himself on the bridge
You say it like its a bad thing. I eagerly await L-Elf's identical twin brother. Also is it just me or does it almost feel like this is School Days in space? Haruto is Makoto, Ruki is Sekai, Shoko is Katsura, and Marianne is SAURON, LORD OF EVIL.
Clannad 08-09
And so Fuko's arc ends, starfish forever!Best girl Fuko is gone and everyone forgets her? Bleh. The wedding scene could've been executed better if the song played was different; the english lyrics were sudden and felt out of place in that moment. It was sad/bittersweet but the song kind of ruined it slightly imo.
Don't forget Our Lord Jesus Christ
That brother better have a goatee. If not, it's gonna get fucking dropped, ya hear me? Oh and that future kid/prince/whatever is totally. And I still think thatL-Elf's kidwhich would explain whysome on is gonna die in a body jack and Akira's brother takes over for themAkira's brother is immortal in the flashforward too.
Usagi Drop 04
This show is so adorable it's illegal in 12 states.
Love interest for Daikichi go! Also a cliffhanger ending! Will things get sad next time?
Inferno Cop 1-2
my god.
I can't even.
This is....
Clannad 08-09
And so Fuko's arc ends, starfish forever!Best girl Fuko is gone and everyone forgets her? Bleh. The wedding scene could've been executed better if the song played was different; the english lyrics were sudden and felt out of place in that moment. It was sad/bittersweet but the song kind of ruined it slightly imo.
After Story has the issue where the ED is really upbeat. So after a heartbreaking scene all of a sudden you get this happy ass song that kills the mood.
The brother has a goatee that is only visible when creeping on Shoko.
Samurai Flamenco #3
Inferno Cop 1-2
my god.
I can't even.
This is....
Good to hear. My favorite scene in that whole show has to be this. It's from the OVA but my god I laughed too hard the first time.
I also see you're named after Gintama. I can tell we'll get along
Golden Time ep.4
I'm surprisedthey actually dealt with Koko's obsession that quickly. Of course now we have a not-entirely-unexpected twist that Banri previously knew one of the girls he just recently "met".
I want to go but Chicago's show time is just absurd. 9:45 PM on a Sunday...they'll probably start the actual movie around thanks Music Box.
Kyoukai no Kanata 4
Still don't understand the hate. This was awesome. Yeah, I rolled my eyes a bit at the "" line, but I still feel like the good far outweighs the bad with this show.because you're a bespectacled beauty
Did really feel like a final episode, though (), so I'm interested to see where they go from here.aside from not resolving the Mirai/Sakura thing
Vic Mignogna is doing a Kickstarter for his Star Trek fan film. I don't even know what is going on anymore.![]()
Gosick had some good parts and some bad parts, but I thought it was alright overall... but then about 2/3rds of the way through there was an episode that was so unpleasant and bad that I just could not continue anymore. I will hate that episode forever, I think...Gosick - 1
This show's OP sounds somewhat similar to Gurren Lagann's for some reason.
For an introductory episode, this wasn't too bad. Victorique went from only slightly adorable to really adorable when her curiosity exploded outside. So it's good to know that our supporting female isn't an all-serious bore-fest. Still though, I'm hoping they pick up the pace in the suspense department, because that's the one thing I felt was lacking here. Ah well, it's only the first episode.
Never, not until it's officially cancelled, don't give up hope... even if there isn't much of any left, a miracle could happen and it could actually get made, you never know...Posting Despera images should be illegal. =(
Looks very nice... I remember thinking that Lodoss was okay but nothing great (average fantasy story, nothing more), but it does look like a nicely improved version of it visually at least.Record of Lodoss War HD 1
Beautiful. This is the way Lodoss was always meant to be seen. It's crazy to think that the artists put all this detail into the series without ever knowing if it would be seen by the audience; as it is, we're only truly seeing it 23 years later.
For those young whippersnappers here who don't know, Record of Lodoss War is basically a series of novelizations of a certain group's Dungeons and Dragons sessions. The 1990 OVA was pretty popular, and it remains the best depiction of D&D in visual media(for what little that is worth).
The animation is certainly lacking at times, in fact, it could probably be more accurately described as a motion comic much of the time, and it makes liberal use of reused footage. It makes up for that to some degree by having exceptionally detailed character designs and layouts, but it's only now that it's being released on bluray that it will be possible to fully appreciate that craftsmanship. The first episode, of course, is not representative in that it's very well-animated in addition to being insanely detailed.
It's certainly not a perfect series, but it's an enjoyable high fantasy adventure with a good score and strong art direction. The archetypal nature of the story is straightforward, but it's executed well.
While that is probably true, at least Tokyo Ravens has a setup which partially explains away Harutora's continuing denseness... though I don't think that'll get introduced in the anime until next episode? But yeah, he did show even in ep. 1 how dense he is, that is true. But still, at least in that series they have a bit of an excuse for some of it, while IS has not just nothing, but pretty much the opposite end of things, scenario-wise. And that's why Ichika would win that competition -- despite facing so much more harem antics, he still doesn't get it at all. But sure, Harutora's in the running.I'm gonna give you a fair warning. If Harutora and Ichika from IS had a dense male competition, they would both not realize they were part of the competition and wake up late.
I thought Kill Me Baby sold badly... but just well enough to get an OVA, I guess! I'll probably watch this, the show was moderately amusing.Kill me baby OAV
Good old kill me baby , stupid jokes , stupid situations and all good fun