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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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What I'm interested in is
the fact that the teacher and the new guy both seem to be in the same anti-clothing resistance movement, only the new guy seems more hardline than the teacher.

I'm assuming we'll see more members eventually.


Kill la Kill 5

New guy is alright, though I don't think he'll be showing up a LOT in the future. Seems like they wrote him off for the time being at the end of the episode, with a clause that'll get him back into the narrative if need be.

Mako is still the best though. <3

Wrote him out? I don' t it's likely that this is been created on the fly.
Strike the blood - 05

Each episode passes , and each episode bring their amount of index similarities and this one was kinda full of it.

Well since index S3 ( glorious right god seat arc ) is nowhere to be seen , i'll have to settle for this and it's not bad.

Main character is goofy , enter the room a girl is changing by "luck" , accept his punishment "because" , get into misunderstandings left and rights and like touma has a big power but troubles to master it , but this doesn't prevent him from getting involved into all sorts of troubles.

Strike the blood still has an intresting cast , so guess it's alright.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Wrote him out? I don' t it's likely that this is been created on the fly.

I didn't mean that in the way they write characters out in sitcoms or whatever. I just mean that what happened at the end of the episode makes it seem like they don't intend for him to show up again for a while. It's the classic "I'm leaving but I'll be back if _____ happens" setup.
Is Eva legitimately bad? I haven't seen it, I've always heard it was good (outside of AnimeGAF.)

I'm always really surprised when I hear someone hasn't seen Eva (that is, if they're into anime). It's just one of those series that you have to watch. Most people tend to like it, although some people are really pissed off by the ending (which was largely a result of running out of budget). But that's what End of Evangelion is for.


I'm always really surprised when I hear someone hasn't seen Eva (that is, if they're into anime). It's just one of those series that you have to watch. Most people tend to like it, although some people are really pissed off by the ending (which was largely a result of running out of budget). But that's what End of Evangelion is for.

I haven't! Go me!

Actually I watched like the first three episodes when I was like 14. I'm planning on watching it soon, but I kinda just need to get into the right mood, you know? Same thing with my plans to finally finish Lain.


Are there not many Eva fans here. I would think Eva 3.0 would be in the top 3 no? I hope Kyousigiga to get in the top 5 and I've heard amazing things about Wolf Children. Fuck if Attack on Titan gets AOTY.

I would sooner basically any anime get AOTY than AoT. AoT had so many fucking problems and looked so bad. That said, Eva 3.0 does NOT deserve it. Not when half the movie is two dudes doing nothing and playing piano. Like, you know Eva 3.0 sucked when the piano part is still all anyone talks about.

Even if you take into account that the point of Eva 3 was to be so bad that you wanted it to go back when it cannot, it still whomped.

Here's my KLK theory on the new guy:

He's Ryuuko's real father and the lady that got devoured by a kamui was her mother, Dr. Matoi is Ryuuko's adoptive father.

Here's my theory: He is male Yoko and the first girl he kisses is going to die.

It's good but flawed. More to the point, Eva clones are so 90's!

They're also a mixed bag of quality. You have good ones like Dual, and then you have so shitty you wish you were watching Victory Gundam ones like Rah Xephon.

Inferno Cop brought them back to fashion!

Inferno Cop transcends.


Fuse: Memoirs of a Hunter Girl

It was OK, I guess. It's very polished, there's some great animation and moments of creative visual direction. Oshima's score is excellent. Using the writing of "Fuse" as a bookend was a nice touch. The problem is that the characters aren't built up enough for the emotional moments with them to be effective. Some of them just come out of nowhere, particularly those dealing with the relationship between Funamushi and Dousetsu. (
It was hinted that they had feelings for each other, but when Dousetsu announced that Funamushi was pregnant I was like, "What? It's that serious already?"
) The central love story between Shino and Hamaji was a little better developed, but still not enough for it to be able to carry the brunt of the narrative burden. The ending confrontation made little sense to me; I get that the theme of being counterfeit comes from the play tradition, but I didn't understand what it had to do with Shino. Perhaps I would if I had read Satomi Hakkenden. And that's disregarding the fantastical hoo-hah going on.
I'd agree with all of this. For some reason, the characters just do not feel strong enough for what the story needs. In particular Hamaji, despite getting a lot of screen time, is a pretty boring character who's only real turning point is the
scene with the courtesan fuse
but I still don't really feel attached to her in any way. Shino feels like he gets more attention which gives the whole film a more female audience orientated angle than anything else.
From what I understood of the last section:
Shino was probably a descendant of the offspring for the original princess and dog(?) offspring and through REASONS felt compelled to come back and thus the confrontation between him and the old possessed emperor. The big sticking point I had was that reasons for Shino and the others to come back was never really explained so it was just kinda "they're here just because".

"According to Keita, Fujino doesn't feel pain. Maybe she can't feel pain."
Stop everything guys Mikiya is the new Sherlock Holmes.
Well the idea behind Mikiya is that despite all his exposure to the supernatural elements, he's still very much a normal person so what seems commonplace to Shouko and Shiki (and us who get their views through them) doesn't occur to him.

I'd agree with everyone here so far that 5 is the best of the lot although parts of it still cause my head to hurt. Film 1 is pretentious trash and 6 is just fucking pointless. The rest are all varying degrees of watchable in some sense.


Well the idea behind Mikiya is that despite all his exposure to the supernatural elements, he's still very much a normal person so what seems commonplace to Shouko and Shiki (and us who get their views through them) doesn't occur to him.

I'd agree with everyone here so far that 5 is the best of the lot although parts of it still cause my head to hurt. Film 1 is pretentious trash and 6 is just fucking pointless. The rest are all varying degrees of watchable in some sense.

Yeah, I dunno, I get what they're going for with Mikiya but I don't feel like he's characterized enough for it to work. So far he's just come off as kind of an idiot. Part of that is probably the non-chronological order, but eeehn. He should've got more development in the second movie. If we learned more about his history and why he sticks with these people (besides weird devotion to Shiki) and such, his character would work way better for me.
Yeah, I dunno, I get what they're going for with Mikiya but I don't feel like he's characterized enough for it to work. So far he's just come off as kind of an idiot. Part of that is probably the non-chronological order, but eeehn. He should've got more development in the second movie. If we learned more about his history and why he sticks with these people (besides weird devotion to Shiki) and such, his character would work way better for me.

Mikiya is never given strong characterization. The problems you have with Nasu's writing don't really change, though I think film 5 might be worth a try anyway.


Mikiya is never given strong characterization. The problems you have with Nasu's writing don't really change, though I think film 5 might be worth a try anyway.

Yeah, I'll give film 5 a spin either tonight or this weekend. Not sure whether I'll watch the rest after that.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure TV 6

The beginning of the episode, closing off Buford's fight, dragged like 5 did, but I really enjoyed Poco's character moments in the latter half. He performed a simple act of human bravery born from sympathizable human motivations, which is more interesting to me than people shouting attacks at each other. The transition to Roundabout was one of the best so far, the meditative guitar strumming setting up the right atmosphere for Zeppeli's date with destiny.


Yu-Sibu ep.6

Well, that's certainly one way to segue into the ending theme.

Show itself is still right on that line between being just interesting enough to keep watching and boring enough to want to drop it.

Also I just learned that the anime's own official site has spoilers in the descriptions on the character page, apparently.


Ano Natsu de Matteru 1

Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow. I'm getting massive Onegai Sensei, Toradora and Summer Wars vibes at the same time, and on top of that, there's something about the visuals that makes everything look just a bit old-fashioned as well as high profile. What are these magical feelings that I'm having right now???
Yeah, I'll give film 5 a spin either tonight or this weekend. Not sure whether I'll watch the rest after that.

7 is a very beautiful conclusion and the epilogue episode worked for me. If you're not really enjoying this stuff then I'd skip 6.
About the epilogue - It goes way over its own head and ass with the philosophical exchanges which take into account the fiction of that world so it all sounds kind of fucking insane but I enjoyed it for how insane it was and what the message I got from it was.


7 is a very beautiful conclusion and the epilogue episode worked for me. If you're not really enjoying this stuff then I'd skip 6.
About the epilogue - It goes way over its own head and ass with the philosophical exchanges which take into account the fiction of that world so it all sounds kind of fucking insane but I enjoyed it for how insane it was and what the message I got from it was.

The epilogue was supposed to clear some stuff up if you hadn't been following the Nasu dialogue. I did like the scenery porn though.
The epilogue was supposed to clear some stuff up if you hadn't been following the Nasu dialogue. I did like the scenery porn though.

That episode looked so damn beautiful it's unbelievable. Even better than the others.

But it cleared up nothing for me. I'll rewatch the whole thing before Mirai Fukuin comes out for sure. I enjoyed it immensely and I'm not sure why.


Kill la Kill 5

Well, this was an interesting episode. Nudist Beach is possibly the best name for anything ever. Tsumugu is the badassest badass ever to fire needles at superpowered students. And of course, Mako is the bestest friend a crazy girl who talks to her clothes could possibly ask for.


If Kurumi was the main girl, Date a Live would be AOTY.

Hmmm. Not quite but she certainly should have shown up more!

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next

Goddamnit. More stuff happened than first season, but still, the original light novel series apparently hasn't reached its conclusion, and it'll be a year or two before it will.

The protagonist Kodaka is starting to irritate me. It's not because he ran away from his friends because he was afraid to face the girl who confessed to him, and not really due to the guy being thickheaded when it comes to women (though it won't be long before even I am irritated with it), it's that I don't find him entertaining at all when the rest of the cast sets up a lot of jokes for him. Kodaka just hasn't a lot of energy nor much of an attitude.

For example, although I don't like how Oregairu ended, I still found the protagonist rather interesting and fun despite his jawdropping cynicism. Heck, he was often fun because of it

The rest of the cast was pretty good though, even the child characters weren't really as horrible as they could have been imo. The best were Yukimura and Aoi in my opinion. I enjoy Yukimura's gimmick even though it feels a bit under-utilized after the theme park episode, and in case on Aoi, she seems like the only person to get some reaction out of Kodaka consistently.

I'll watch the third season when it finally comes, but god damn the ending had better be fucking good

I havent seen Haganai Next but I really enjoyed Haganai. Ill check into it eventually but not having blurays of it Im not sure if its streaming anywhere.

People tried to get the warning flare up. I'm glad that I read the spoilers.

I have yet to see it but Im still hoping to enjoy it. Despite the warnings.

If I said that I hadn't actually watched it (or even read the light novels) despite my Kurumi fanaticism, importing the PS3 game, buying that t-shirt and making the OT, would you believe me?

No, seriously, I'm still holding fire at the moment. It'll be oddly hilarious if I watch it and don't actually end up liking Kurumi that much.

btw have some Kurumi:

Havent seen the anime yet? Get on that! heehee. Goddess Kurumi doesnt show up till around mid season though. But when she does, HNNNNGH. I know theres one part that will drive you crazy and show how top tier she really is.

Date A Live was the only anime this year I actually watched every week as it aired and saw every episode of.

I don't know why.

Honestly I marathoned the show a bit later after it was all released and enjoyed it quite a lot. Enough to finish it. Maybe the cast of girls was just that squee.
Strike the blood - 05

Each episode passes , and each episode bring their amount of index similarities and this one was kinda full of it.

Well since index S3 ( glorious right god seat arc ) is nowhere to be seen , i'll have to settle for this and it's not bad.

Main character is goofy , enter the room a girl is changing by "luck" , accept his punishment "because" , get into misunderstandings left and rights and like touma has a big power but troubles to master it , but this doesn't prevent him from getting involved into all sorts of troubles.

Strike the blood still has an intresting cast , so guess it's alright.

Where IS my Toaru Majutsu No Index.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Strike the Blood 5

You know, I'm kinda glad I haven't seen Index, so I can enjoy this without comparing it.

Good episode, but like KnK this week, not quite as good as the previous few episodes. It's the start of a new arc though, so things have to be set up I suppose. Also, interesting seeing
working for Natsuki now. Though of course since she's in the OP I didn't figure she'd just disappear after the first arc was done.
Damn, Samurai Flamenco is starting to be genuinely good, the last one was great. And the last two eps of Valvrave were also pretty decent.

Season is improving.


Strike the blood - 05

Each episode passes , and each episode bring their amount of index similarities and this one was kinda full of it.

Well since index S3 ( glorious right god seat arc ) is nowhere to be seen , i'll have to settle for this and it's not bad.

Main character is goofy , enter the room a girl is changing by "luck" , accept his punishment "because" , get into misunderstandings left and rights and like touma has a big power but troubles to master it , but this doesn't prevent him from getting involved into all sorts of troubles.

Strike the blood still has an intresting cast , so guess it's alright.

I guess there is a structural smilarity. Thankfully there is no annoying as fuck sidekick that Index and Railgun have.


This thread proves that even outside of Animegaf , waifus exist

We all have one , right ?

Sure we do!
Some of us just never admit it.

Ano Natsu de Matteru 1

Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow. I'm getting massive Onegai Sensei, Toradora and Summer Wars vibes at the same time, and on top of that, there's something about the visuals that makes everything look just a bit old-fashioned as well as high profile. What are these magical feelings that I'm having right now???

Its a pretty good series aside from the fact I dont like Ichika very much. Lemon and Kanna though are rad.
Where IS my Toaru Majutsu No Index.
let them bath properly into all the money Railgun S made first , when they'll want more money they'll know what to do.

Also the next arc they have to adapt is kinda huge ..i'm not sure a 24 ep season would be enough and any attempt to cut off midway would be a crime.. not to mention that they could rush events in order to manage 24 eps but that would just make the arc a total mess.

Wait ...that's what they did for index S2 ! nevermind then.

I guess there is a structural smilarity. Thankfully there is no annoying as fuck sidekick that Index and Railgun have.
Well rejoice , this won't happen in strike the blood , no "TOUMA~aa i'm hungry !", no "oneeeeeee-samaaaa" to be seen. strike the blood is quite forward on those aspect.
Sure we do!
Some of us just never admit it.

What would be duckroll or jehxius waifus ?


heck i'm not even sure what is mine,
( i have plenty of candidates.. )


let them bath properly into all the money Railgun S made first , when they'll want more money they'll know what to do.

Also the next arc they have to adapt is kinda huge ..i'm not sure a 24 ep season would be enough and any attempt to cut off midway would be a crime.. not to mention that they could rush events in order to manage 24 eps but that would just make the arc a total mess.

Wait ...that's what they did for index S2 ! nevermind then.

Well rejoice , this won't happen in strike the blood , no "TOUMA~aa i'm hungry !", no "oneeeeeee-samaaaa" to be seen. strike the blood is quite forward on those aspect.

What would be duckroll or jehxius waifus ?


heck i'm not even sure what is mine,
( i have plenty of candidates.. )

Im not sure what mine would be either since I am a fan of several characters.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So anyone else picking up Guided Fate Paradox next week? I've already got a ton of stuff to play, but I figure that A. it's a console roguelike and I need to support that, B. it's a niche as fuck NISA game so it'll probably be tough to find a retail copy down the line, and C. it's the successor to ZHP and ZHP was fucking awesome (and not just because Taiga cameo'd in it). So yeah, I put a preorder down on it yesterday. :lol Kinda hyped.

That part fucking pissed me off.
Why the fuck did he just sit there and do nothing. Kaworu you disappoint.

Half the reason I enjoyed Eva 3.0 so much was because of the ending song lol. Still its one of the only few anime's that stood out to me this year that I can remember.



So there's 45 minutes I'm NEVER getting back. This thing was so dumb. Like they seriously made up powers and plot points at the drop of a hat. Like the native dude being from a tribe and the bandanna limiting his psychic powers. Faces were melted off frequently, in addition to the good ol' fashioned skull crush that List anime needs to have, it seems. The plot was stupid as hell and the villains just kinda ranted on about the dumbest of things, with them having no real plan to speak of. I can't quite decide if I am thankful for the fact that it was only 45 minutes, or if the thing genuinely suffered because of that. I mean, I genuinely suffered because of it, but I don't think "only" applies in that case.

Whatever, it is dumb and done and we're moving on.


Golden Time 5

Welp, Kouko is certainly still an entertaining and unpredictable character even after the whole
getting over Mitsuo
deal. Meanwhile Banri has
a ghost of his old self following him around
. So, uh, that's a thing.

That flashback to Banri's hospital days was pretty fun. Still waiting with bated breath for him to actually
confront Linda about how they knew each other before
, though.


Hey, it's another episode of bored Mature ogling at boxes of anime in the superior format known as LaserDisc.

I don't have any vested interest in All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, but I might suddenly if I came across these:
I especially like how the first volumes sleeve can be flipped vertically continuing the image. Pretty cute— and the green typeface and art meshes well with her. The top-right sleeve almost looks like a play on or homage of some sort of Sega Master System box art. It's almost a bit refreshing to see a sporadic design between the individual releases, what with series like Evangelion having very themed and calculated designs. As well as Sailor Moon.

I think I've seen three different LDs of AKIRA, but the boldness of this Criteron Collection release is my favorite. It's very light on wordage and it simply features Kaneda standing in-front of the brazen, iconic logo.
It also has a pretty a-typical back-of-the-box in the terms of any media release... It's like a novel... It's not any different than other criterion collection releases, though it is nice to see one praising Otomo like a foreword to a novel. They must have printed a lot of them since they still go for around $12.00 on Ebay. Can't really justify picking one up myself since I'm literally days from getting the 25th Anniversary BD.

And speaking of Otomo... Jeez.
It comes with a veritable Sees candy box of Memories goodies. The outer box is black felt with silver embossing, and each featurette has it's individual disc sleeve with artwork as well as three full-color booklets with design and concept artwork. All six playing sides apparently have CAV formats; this would allow for perfect still frames and random access to any given frame via controller input. However, this shrinks the playtime to any given side to a total of 30 minutes. And I believe with Magnetic Rose being the longest run time at 44 minutes, you'll be flipping the disc despite the small movie being given it's own LD. To top it off, this was a Japanese release that included English subtitles. Mint conditions for the set (obi strip and all) do not run cheap.

Last, and probably least, this AnimeEigo published AD Police Files LD tickles me in the most 80's way possible. Something about that vanilla colored typeface segmented on the most primary red and blue you've ever seen is amusing to me.
So anyone else picking up Guided Fate Paradox next week? I've already got a ton of stuff to play, but I figure that A. it's a console roguelike and I need to support that, B. it's a niche as fuck NISA game so it'll probably be tough to find a retail copy down the line, and C. it's the successor to ZHP and ZHP was fucking awesome (and not just because Taiga cameo'd in it). So yeah, I put a preorder down on it yesterday. :lol Kinda hyped.

I of course have it preordered.

Not really sure when I'll get around to playing it though...

Currently trying to plat DW8 and I already told myself I wanted to play Atelier Ayesha next, haha...
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