Someone needs to make a drawing of Ryuko eating a lemon with this expression:

BTW, when does Valvrave start again?
Next Thursday, I believe. Seems like Thursday is going to be the big anime day this season.
Panzer Vor!
What does that even mean?
Why do I have to go to work? Why can't I watch Kill la Kill now? I hate all of you.
Why do I have to go to work? Why can't I watch Kill la Kill now? I hate all of you.
It's like you didn't even watch KnK.I also must say that I felt the dialogue was atrocious, like, some of the worst I've seen in anime.
Golden Time 1
I liked it. First episode was standard character introduction bits done pretty well, and setting it in college (hopefully) means it won't rehash all the same beats from every other high school romcom. I'm going to avoid making comparisons to Toradora because it's a different story no matter how you slice it, but there are some similar story beats about, though I am glad it doesn't seem like a rehash of the concept.
Koko is tentatively best character but again, first episode, so it's hard to say when everyone outside of the main dude hasn't had to do much.
Oh, and I didn't much care for the OP or ED, sadly.
It's like you didn't even watch KnK.
Fuck my life crunchy didn't have kill la kill in pal region. who has it legit?
Yea, Kyoukai no Kanata has the worst writing award locked down tight this season.
The comparisons and parallels to Chuu2 are appropriate, given that KnK reads like an eighth grader wrote it.
Oh right, forgot to mention re: Golden Time, the sound mixing was baffling, as the music completely drowned out the voice track on more than one occasion. The hell was up with that?
Yea, Kyoukai no Kanata has the worst writing award locked down tight this season.
Fuck my life crunchy didn't have kill la kill in pal region. who has it legit?
Just use tunnelbear
That many photos?
It's like you didn't even watch KnK.
Golden Time Episode 1: Wow, yea, this was the wrong show to watch right after Kill La Kill, barely made it five minutes in before shutting it off, seems generic and dull, though I do like the fact that it is in college. Thursday is going to be packed and something that is merely okay just is not going to cut it right now.
Kill la Kill 1
I think the biggest issue for me, one that relates to a wide number of my other complaints, is tone. I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling during the vast majority of the episode. The presentation of setting, established in the first scene, borders on parody, with the schoolteacher lecturing on Hitler before being interrupted by the Gestapo-like Disciplinary Squad. In fact, I was unsure during the entire episode if this was supposed to be a parody of all similar stories or not. It feels like it wants to have its cake and eat it too, in terms of the setting being an absurd caricature of high school battle anime, as well as generic revenge stories; yet at the same time the weirdly dark, violent murders and the presentation of Ryuuko's motivation seem to point to this being a "serious" story.
This is an idea I came up with when thinking about Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, but when you have a joke suddenly appear in the middle of a relatively serious moment the dissonance and surprise gives it a little bit of extra kick that (if balanced right) makes it land that much more effectively.
I only made it to the opening.
Kill la Kill 1
I think the biggest issue for me, one that relates to a wide number of my other complaints, is tone. I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling during the vast majority of the episode. The presentation of setting, established in the first scene, borders on parody, with the schoolteacher lecturing on Hitler before being interrupted by the Gestapo-like Disciplinary Squad. In fact, I was unsure during the entire episode if this was supposed to be a parody of all similar stories or not. It feels like it wants to have its cake and eat it too, in terms of the setting being an absurd caricature of high school battle anime, as well as generic revenge stories; yet at the same time the weirdly dark, violent murders and the presentation of Ryuuko's motivation seem to point to this being a "serious" story.
I also must say that I felt the dialogue was atrocious, like, some of the worst I've seen in anime. Gurren Lagann, at least, even had memorable lines like "Believe in me who believes in you" from the very first episode. The dialogue in this is split between utter nonsense and pointless, rapid-fire exposition. Did we really need a scene explaining that three-star uniforms are more powerful than two-star, which are more powerful than one-star, etc. I think everyone already grasped the video-game like ranking system by that point.
These competing impressions left me unable to identify with any of the characters. It's especially hard in a series with such an over-the-top setting, where you really need a grounded and identifiable character to relate to, but Ryuuko is a total cipher outside of her one-dimensional motivation at this point in the narrative. Either that or she's just bland. Satsuki is easily the most interesting character, but she's even more of a mystery than Ryuuko. Every other character is just a walking trope, without anything interesting to say about them.
And really uninspiring one, jebus.. the OP only consist girl moving around and zoom-in to her big moe eyes every 8 second.