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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Setec Astronomer
Hmm. I always was under the impression the movie was partly completed and Miyazaki simply took over it. Well thats an interesting story then as to why it came out like it did. I will admit its my least favorite Miyazaki Ghibli film and one of the few I dont own on bluray yet (that is available)
Even if the movie was partly completed, it is entirely Miyazaki and other Ghibli staff's fault for pushing Mamoru Hosoda off the project. It wouldn't have been happenstance at all.


I don't think it's bad by Miyazaki's standards either. I think it's actually a poor film. It's incoherent, poorly edited, and just not very satisfying to watch at all. The animation is fantastic, but that's just production values. You can spend a fortune making a turd, and it would still be a turd.

Please stop saying mean things about Steamboy.


I like all 3 Transformers movies. What's your point? :)
Yeah, sorry for the too subjective comment. It was a defensive reflex act! :-D

i liked Hook too
Hook's a fun movie, why you hatin' duckroll?
Hook was cool
Hook was a fun movie, but I havent seen it in over a decade.
We are the lost boys that never ceased to believe... come to my arms, guys!
Monogatari S2 14

Wow, they actually managed to turn Nadeko into a compelling character. This show has turned around nicely since that rather poor first arc ended. Hopefully Hanekawa doesn't return to ruin things anytime soon.


Even if the movie was partly completed, it is entirely Miyazaki and other Ghibli staff's fault for pushing Mamoru Hosoda off the project. It wouldn't have been happenstance at all.
I don't think it is fair to directly blame Mr. Miyazaki for the bullying, he wasn't a producer or actually a person responsible of the project... we don't have information of any clashes between Mamoru Hosoda and him, and on the contrary Mr. Hosoda only mentions differences with "the staff" (presumably Katsuya Kondō, if the rumors were right).

We could argue that he was ultimately responsible for creating the unwelcoming structure Mr. Hosoda suffered, but Hayao Miyazaki apparently only stepped in to direct the project once all was said and done.


idolwr@ssler 1

You can't fool me, Japan! This isn't a wrestling anime, it's a fucking bdsm fetish anime! Where you listen to painful moans of girls as the shot of their bulge stays on screen for what feels like an eternity.

One of the few "sfw" shots. In this show she is displaying her bulge as the audience cheers and takes pictures. And here's an extremely NSFW shot for a more explicit example.
It's also just another bland idol show. It lacks any of the silliness and style of wrasslin. I mean if you're going to do a haircut match do it right!
Give me a show where anime characters act out old wrasslin' plots! That would be good anime! But if you want to hear moans and look at bulges but don't know how to search for porn, I guess this is the show for you!


Time of Eve

If I'd watched this sooner, I would have backed the Kickstarter without question.

This is a great piece of science fiction. It plays out like an extended "I, Robot" story, set in a near future that's just like ours, except that android robots are beginning to become widely adopted. What are the implications of this on society? What does the existence of artificially intelligent androids say about our day-to-day human existence? Instead of burying itself in a plot about saving the world, Time of Eve trusts in the strength of its premise, and does its speculation and characters justice.


Also, people are still using flip phones. What's with that?

It's the writing that really carries this piece. The cast of humans and androids in the Time of Eve cafe face natural human problems. Love, jealousy, parenting, the lies we have to tell, the ways people inadvertently hurt each other... no matter what the source of intelligence is, these things can be experienced in the same way. Everyone's treated with remarkable respect. Even if it's a movie about exploring a facet of science fiction, the little stories we experience are still really moving. Particularly, the subplots around the two male leads, Masaki and Rikuo, were both great. The stories manage to both be particular to this world, and universal in their commentary on human interactions.

The visuals are handled in a pretty unique way. My understanding from the Kickstarter is that the web series and movie were produced on pretty tight budgets, with a small group of animators. These limitations aren't immediately clear. To get around dealing with background art, every environment is created with CG. About half a dozen key areas are revisited repeatedly. There isn't a lot of animation at any one time, but they use the CG backgrounds for first-person shots and some sweeping pans that give the frame some energy.


I'm not sure how to give the direction the credit it deserves. It's not just a smart use of budget. The angles they take and the lighting they use are really effective.

So rarely in anime is material this interesting handled this well. Time of Eve is easy to recommend to anyone with any interest in science fiction.


Aqua Lion EVOL.
Oh right! Now I remember. I should watch it eventually but Arjuna comes first.

Corvo, it's time to let go.
I admire your dedication sometimes!

Heh, he used that as an avatar too? Not too surprised; it makes for a great one.
Oh. It might be that I confused you two... It was probably you I was thinking about.

To quote a person from my facebook:
It's not intended as a 'LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER THIS IS', it's just a practice for artists to try poses, backgrounds, designs etc. out of their comfort zone.

Still need to give Howl's a rewatch. Been curious given thread opinion on it since I first started hanging out in here.
I re-watched it recently. It wasn't bad. Just not very good and felt pretty boring.
By not bad, I mean it had everything you'd expect from a Ghibli production.

what the fuck...
You mean... What the butt!

inside of a gorgeously animated patchwork castle with legs.
See? This is what duckroll's CG propaganda does to people!

Nope, we pretty much exploded and meltdown over that.
I need a link as I'm too lazy to read through the thread.


I just ordered Eureka Seven AO on rightstuf along with other things. theres something wrong with me.
But...Elena. I bought it for elena so its ok right?


Naruto Shippuden - 333

Liking the new opening, song choice and the background animation style is a nice change from what I'd normally expect in Naruto. As always lately in Naruto the pacing as been quite decent. It's not up the the levels of Gintama "Shit just got real." pacing but I don't expect the Naruto anime to plow through 3-3.5 chapters of material in an episode.


Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!/Wanna be the Strongest in the World! Episode 1:

On the one hand, I enjoyed this way more then I should, but then again this kind of spoke to the old wrestling fan in the mind and it enjoyed it. Hell, it has better writing then we see in a lot of pro wrestling. On the other hand, it feels like this title would have improved even more had they gone actual Hentai since this show is very much about the boobs, fanservice. the erotic holds and the (faux)lesbianism, which is actually a disturbing accurate depiction of North American WWE Women's Wrestling now that I think about it. Also odd is how Sakura's feud here is based off of shit that actually happens in pro wrestling, namely a rookie from another sport gets in the ring and the veteran wrestler stretches them for mocking the name of wrestling. Anyway, yea, I will continue to watch this as it beats watching John Cena and Randy Orton wrestle each other for the billionth time.


I file it under the heading of either guilty pleasure or entertaining crap. It is basically Rumble Roses the anime. Certainly is not ending up on my AOTY list.
Pokemon The Origin
Awesome. Really wish it was more of a series than a 4 part ova
Monogatari SS 14
Well Nadeko exploded
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoko Naritai 1
Well that was an interesting Opening


Log Horizon - Episode 1

Kinda meh. It's a really standard "stuck in MMO" story with nothing unique at all so far. The designs aren't very interesting, and the show looks pretty flat visually. Some of the backgrounds are nice, but the coloring and composite feels really average. Nothing pops out at all. The humor didn't really work for me, and there's really nothing interesting presented in the first episode. Unless it gets better I'll probably be dropping it after another two episodes or so.


Stupid repetitive physical humor - Check


Furry avatars - Check


Self-aware referencing of genre cliches - Check


Confirmation that Kinect (TM) is the future - Check


Andrew J.

[Kyoukai no Kanata] - 1

No matter how much you polish glass it will never be diamond in the same way that no matter how many extremely talented people from one of the best animation studios in Japan slaves over KnN it will never be anything other than a very pretty, but wholly bad light novel adaptation.

But what a fight they put up! As you might expect from KyoAni this is one of the best looking anime episodes of the year featuring some of the finest cinematography, editing and animation of any series. As such I will continue to watch this series to simply observe the craft of the directors and animators who are sure to put on a spectacular, if ultimately hollow, show.

Sakuga covereth a multitude of sins.
White Album 2
This was surprisingly good, far better than I expected from Satelight. The music/vocals at the end were quite nice as well, who knew Madoka Yonezawa could sing like that.

For those curious, there seems to be little relation to the awful first White Album, it takes place 10 years later with different characters.


How do you feel about girls moaning in pain and a ton of fanservice? I couldn't finish the episode.

I dont like those things. So I guess I wontl ike it then.

Log Horizon - Episode 1

Kinda meh. It's a really standard "stuck in MMO" story with nothing unique at all so far. The designs aren't very interesting, and the show looks pretty flat visually. Some of the backgrounds are nice, but the coloring and composite feels really average. Nothing pops out at all. The humor didn't really work for me, and there's really nothing interesting presented in the first episode. Unless it gets better I'll probably be dropping it after another two episodes or so.


This isnt looking very promising :/
At least they cant pull the same bullshit halfway though.
White Album 2
This was surprisingly good, far better than I expected from Satelight. The music/vocals at the end were quite nice as well, who knew Madoka Yonezawa could sing like that.

For those curious, there seems to be little relation to the awful first White Album, it takes place 10 years later with different characters.

Yeah don't be afraid guys,don't even need to watch WA1 before watch WA2
WA2 is a lot better than WA1,hope more people will try it
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