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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Golden Time 8

Yep, I was right the first time,
losing his memories was a major blessing in disguise if that opening scene is any indication.

Great episode this time too, especially the final scene.
Banri seems to be getting more comfortable facing the past he has no knowledge of and Linda's turned into quite an interesting character in her own right as a sort of not-love interest.

Best scene however was
Banri showing up at Mitsuo's house. If you had doubts that him and Koko fit each other like a glove then well...

This series overall has actually had a stronger start than Toradora, let's see if it keeps this up though.


This week VVV is really legit guys.

Based Okouchi.
In TTGL though, they're pretty much winning their fights up through episode 8. The only opponent they had issues with was Viral and they still beat him. There really isn't a need for the most part. Here, Ryuuko pretty much got her ass kicked by Sanageyama.

Err, Is that supposed to be good thing and Ryuuko situation is bad?


Man what a week. Hardest engr exams of my life back to back, two major projects due in between and staying out till late at night everyday. At least my ps4 has been shipped from BB and I got my animu. Today's adventure includes Kyousougiga, Samurai Flamenco, Golden Time and Kyokai Senjou no Horizon. I've realized that I'm kind of done with Kill La Kill. Nothing against the show personally but the tone, the characters, the comedy and the very basic story isn't doing it for me. Gurren Lagann did something different that made me like that. Not this though.

At least you know whats important in life
Nagi no Asukara - 08
Sigh. I started to do other stuff while watching this (something I never do). It really didn't happen anything noteworthy. Just boring and sappy stuff that never reaches to be emotional. I should drop it. Only 4 more?

Kill la Kill - 08
A "bridge" episode, we have an amusing scene with Ira, a return to the old mansion that goes nowhere, in the end the episode it's done to transition directly to the big fight in the next one.

Kyousougiga - 06
Still winning the season. Sad moments, heartfelt stories, lots of healing, and finally plot advances forward.

So... Samurai Flamenco jumped the shark from what I read? Ugh.


Samurai Flamenco- 7



I had read the spoilers but like what the fuck. Is the last quarter of this episode some drug fueled fantasy?
Kyousougiga 07

Great episode, amazing action and finally everybody realized the obvious about Koto.

Next episode's preview might have been the episode I've been waiting for
It says in the title both mother and father return, but all the previous only showed Rabbit Koto. Hopefully Old Myoue also returns. I want the family reunion


More Samurai Flamenco 7 spoiler discussion:

It definitely seems to make sense that the Highrollers guy is behind this. It's been foreshadowed for a while now that he likes using his wealth and connectivity to chase superheroes and take them down. He has clearly lost interest in the status quo, and wants to do something more, which involves him going away for a while.

Another point is that the show has painstakingly taken the time to detail the birth of a superhero over many episodes, showing that fantasies can become reality with the right combination of training, wealth, and research. But at the same time it grounds itself in such a way that makes it clear that no matter how much effort is put in, there are no magic powers or superhuman abilities at work. Instead the nature of real heroes are simply a reflection of their unfulfilled desires in their normal boring lives.

Given that, I think it's fairly likely that they are turning that around to show that a person in the same situation with the same resources and means, but with a different sort of mindset and desire, could also be inspired to create the opposite - supervillains.

It'll be incredibly weird and fairly disappointing if the show just decides to go "OH WELL THERE WERE ALIENS AND MONSTERS ALL ALONG ANYWAY" and just runs with it. I have more faith in Omori than that, so we'll see.

There's no way they can justify some guy who isn't that
rich building a super powerful Guillotine Guerilla robot that can be controlled to such a degree that it can snap necks and chop heads off.

I'm going to enjoy every second of them trying though, if that's what they're doing.

Edit: I forgot the important bit

The Guerrilla also transformed from a normal sized human. That's not even remotely possible.


Thinking back on TTGL, one thing you could say was that Kamina and Simon were improving their skills despite them having a ridiculously good mech. I really can't say the same for Ryuuko and so I'm wondering whether she's just going to get by these final rounds due to some contrivance or luck. We don't ever see her practice, study, or generally try to get better.
Ah, don't worry. She'll probaby just
die horrifically.


Nagi no Asukara - 08
Sigh. I started to do other stuff while watching this (something I never do). It really didn't happen anything noteworthy. Just boring and sappy stuff that never reaches to be emotional. I should drop it. Only 4 more?

Naw, Nagi is two cour. I would be sad to see it go so soon.

So... Samurai Flamenco jumped the shark from what I read? Ugh.

Naw, it just entered new and terrifying territory. It's still as good as ever.

Outbreak Company 8

Petralca is such a good girl. brb giving her hugs.


So apparently there are summaries of Ep.8 and 9 out for SF.
The tone shift is legit.

Samurai Flamenco 6

LOL. That sound when Sapphire half-heartedly punts the gangster in the groin. SAMURAI STAPLER. This show is so fucking goofy and some how it's nailing it.

This is apparently nothing compared to the next episode. I cannot wait.

Andrew J.

More Samurai Flamenco 7 spoiler discussion:

Another point is that the show has painstakingly taken the time to detail the birth of a superhero over many episodes, showing that fantasies can become reality with the right combination of training, wealth, and research. But at the same time it grounds itself in such a way that makes it clear that no matter how much effort is put in, there are no magic powers or superhuman abilities at work. Instead the nature of real heroes are simply a reflection of their unfulfilled desires in their normal boring lives.

Given that, I think it's fairly likely that they are turning that around to show that a person in the same situation with the same resources and means, but with a different sort of mindset and desire, could also be inspired to create the opposite - supervillains.

You could have saved yourself a lot of time and just written
"SamFlam is, and will probably continue to be, anime Kick-Ass."


I absolutely have to watch Samflam now.

If only I could find the time between school and games to actually watch much anime. I have yet to finish a single show from the recs. :/


So apparently there are summaries of Ep.8 and 9 out for SF.
The tone shift is legit.

Have you read them?

That really was one of the weirdest tonal shifts I have seen recently. Will be interesting to see if this supposed change of pace will appeal to a different crowd.


Have you read them?

That really was one of the weirdest tonal shifts I have seen recently. Will be interesting to see if this supposed change of pace will appeal to a different crowd.

Ep.8 summary(courtest of 4chan):
謎の怪人 “キング・トーチャー”一味の出現に騒然となる日本全土。彼らは日本政府に全面降伏と民衆の隷属化を要求してきていた。仲間が犠牲になった警察は、怪人を捕らえることに闘志を燃やす。平和を脅かす怪人との対決……それは夢にまで見たヒーローの姿。迷いを振り切った正義は警察や原塚、“フラメンコガールズ”と協力し、敢然と彼らに立ち向かう!
Golden Time 08

This continues to be one of the better shows this season. There were pure comedy gold moments all throughout this episode, very heartfelt discussions and more mystery added to the drama. Seems like the official group of friends has finally formed too.

-When Tada was acting like Koko to the tee and pretended to be gay, it was golden. I'm sure the BL fans here loved it too.
- Speaking of BL, 2d-Kun wins this as well.
-Linda says that she was going to say no that night, but it feels like the intro with her saying the opposite of what she means and lying to others all the time because she's scared was there for a reason. Nobody cries like that over a simple childhood friend ignoring you.
-2D-kun jumping at Mitsuo in the haunted house I cracked up too much

2D-Kun has jumped the character rankings to number two in my opinion. I like how they act exactly how friends would when a friend and his girlfriend would show up, which is to mock their lovey-dovey stuff and get slightly annoyed by it.

I need more 2D-kun. I'm glad he's a regular.

As to Koko, she's great as always. Honestly I still think that if there's any drama in this show it'll have to do with Linda and the past. If this show just stayed as these guys hanging out throughout the rest of the season, I'd be glad with that. IRL friends don't have constant drama.


I think the weirdest thing about Samurai Flamenco is how it seems to deliberately shift every 3-4 episodes. Ep1-3 focused a lot on character interactions and just mundane dialogue building up the relationships and motivations. Ep4-6 started to go off the rails with really wacky shit starting with Flamenco Girl coming out of nowhere. Ep7-10 seems like another such arc.
The episode title for ep10 is "Final Battle! The Enemy Base!"
So it's unlikely that the series will stay in any one place for too long. For a 22 episode series, it's going to be really, really schizo I think. If Omori and Kurata can really keep it together it'll be a really unique show.

At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if ep18 is going to be about Samurai Flamenco doing humanitarian work in some war torn third world country, giving chocolates to kids, and fighting insurgents in his Flamenco Jet Mk-2 or whatever.
i'm back from my 10 day trip !!
Time to start my 10 day anime backlog !

Hunter x Hunter - 104
This is yet again so good ... you could feel the TENSION during the gungi talks , this like a fantastic way to devellop some characters ..it just works in ways unimaginable.


7-1-2 fortress!!

This show is good , so good even without the main cast in the spotlight ... part of teh reason why Hxh is so good shonen, the entire cast just rocks in every way.


I think the weirdest thing about Samurai Flamenco is how it seems to deliberately shift every 3-4 episodes. Ep1-3 focused a lot on character interactions and just mundane dialogue building up the relationships and motivations. Ep4-6 started to go off the rails with really wacky shit starting with Flamenco Girl coming out of nowhere. Ep7-10 seems like another such arc.
The episode title for ep10 is "Final Battle! The Enemy Base!"
So it's unlikely that the series will stay in any one place for too long. For a 22 episode series, it's going to be really, really schizo I think. If Omori and Kurata can really keep it together it'll be a really unique show.

At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if ep18 is going to be about Samurai Flamenco doing humanitarian work in some war torn third world country, giving chocolates to kids, and fighting insurgents in his Flamenco Jet Mk-2 or whatever.

I have no idea where this show is going, but it's definitely going to be a ride, that's for sure. Reading everyone's impressions of Ep 7 is priceless.

Maybe it was all Masayoshi's dream. Giveaway in the OP. xD


I have no idea where this show is going, but it's definitely going to be a ride, that's for sure. Reading everyone's impressions of Ep 7 is priceless.

Maybe it was all Masayoshi's dream. Giveaway in the OP. xD

It's not though, because one of the central themes we're seeing is that the closer his reality becomes like his dreams, the more he realizes that it might not really be what he wants.


Golden Time 08

2D-Kun has jumped the character rankings to number two in my opinion. I like how they act exactly how friends would when a friend and his girlfriend would show up, which is to mock their lovey-dovey stuff and get slightly annoyed by it.

I need more 2D-kun. I'm glad he's a regular.
2D-kun is surprisingly funny, ordinary (save one or two quirks) and relatable, it feels like he's basically a Genshiken character. Yet he's just called 2D-kun.


It's not though, because one of the central themes we're seeing is that the closer his reality becomes like his dreams, the more he realizes that it might not really be what he wants.

Yeah, mostly a joke. Right now I think your ideas about
Highroller guy
are the most plausible, although
I have no idea how he can fake a dude turning into a giant monster and killing a bunch of police officers.
Samurai Flamenco 7

Well then. What can I really say about this? It's normal and then it's bonkers beyond all estimation. It wouldn't be a stretch for this show to end up being
Iron Man instead of Kick Ass
when all is said and done.

Also, not that it really matters in the face of unbridled insanity, but Sapphire continues to be hilarious.


Yeah, mostly a joke. Right now I think your ideas about
Highroller guy
are the most plausible, although
I have no idea how he can fake a dude turning into a giant monster and killing a bunch of police officers.

I dunno either. The way the entire scene played out was really, really weird. Totally surreal, and filled with bad art/animation. Lol.

Samurai Flamenco 7

Also, not that it really matters in the face of unbridled insanity, but Sapphire continues to be hilarious.



No...no, I am not going to read any more Samurai Flamenco spoilers. I have had enough of being spoiled. I want to let this show carry me along in its crazy ride, wherever the hell that takes me.

Valvrave 19

Well, that felt like a pretty epic episode. And not just because it had Boku Ja Nai, either (though that is always appreciated!) We got lore. We got drama and self-sacrifice. We got great action, of both the human combat and giant robot kinds. We got L-Elf at possibly his most gloriously competent yet. Basically, we got all the things that make Valvrave good.

Spoilers for Katanagatari follow:
I'm interested to see how L-Elf reacts to seeing the love of his life and the person he was fighting for die before his eyes. This could go in any number of directions, but perhaps due to the immense competence both characters share, it makes me think of what happened to Shichika in Katanagatari's final episode. I would looooove to see L-Elf undergo a similar "unstoppable avenger" transformation complete with terrifying quantities of badass. But we'll see.


Samurai Flamenco - 6

Older impressions made it seem this was a quality episode. Well it was "quality" alright. The last few minutes had some sweet, enjoyable moments with Goto being a bro and that other guy changing his tune to help SF but otherwise that episode was pretty stupid.

Samurai Flamenco 7


I think this show takes over Sword Art Online and Valvrave in the "this is the dumbest shit ever" category O_O


Samurai Flamenco 7

Well then. What can I really say about this? It's normal and then it's bonkers beyond all estimation. It wouldn't be a stretch for this show to end up being
Iron Man instead of Kick Ass
when all is said and done.

Let's not forget this part of the third key visual:



Valvrave 19

Spoilers for Katanagatari follow:
I'm interested to see how L-Elf reacts to seeing the love of his life and the person he was fighting for die before his eyes. This could go in any number of directions, but perhaps due to the immense competence both characters share, it makes me think of what happened to Shichika in Katanagatari's final episode. I would looooove to see L-Elf undergo a similar "unstoppable avenger" transformation complete with terrifying quantities of badass. But we'll see.

I'm interested as well.
At first I thought that might even be L-Elf with the restraints on him in the preview (even though it's most likely Saki) due to him having completely snapped. Other than that, he wasn't in the preview, and he will change. It'll just be intriguing to see in what way.

There's no way they aren't at least hoping to do one more season with this.

Another thing,
the mission crew make it back to the module next episode, but what about the Magius ship that was already en route earlier on?


I tried to warn you guys about Flamenco and all the thanks I got were insults :(


What you mean? I'm not seeing negative impressions here :)

Also your the one who praised galilei donna and look how that turned out.:mad:
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