Still mad most of the 502nd didn't get voice roles! #SOON?!Strike Witches: The Movie
Oh look it's Zach's avatars
Strike Witches: The Movie
I quite liked this film actually. It basically comprised of two parts, first half focused on introducing new cute witches for us to look at. (and how fabulous they were)
The second part was focusing on how awesome Miyafuji was which lead to a scene that almost had me in tears.
I'd actually missed this a lot more than I thought. There were also several scenes that I found particularly amusing which I will not mention as I will let people discover those on their own butt yes.
I'm actually very happy that Miyafuji ot her magic back. I thought the ending of S2 was pants in how it handled its tail end in that regard.
I set out to watch this without taking pictures of butts yet I still somehow ended up with 179 screenshots. Welp.
A most refreshing amount of butts.
Glad you liked it! I had sort of mixed feelings about
Yoshika getting her powers back, how calmly she forgets being a doctor was sort of weird I thought. Than I remembered how much I loved the cast (that Miyafuji/Yoshika! scene was fucking awesome) than I just sort of stopped caring