Arjuna 7
The food we eat and the drink we drink becomes us! And you've eaten nothing or drunk nothing without spitting it out in forever. You've become a real bitch, Arjuna. Your natural foods have made you a bitch. Also, one of these things is not like the other "Chemicals, pesticides, death, SCIENCE." And I'm thoroughly convinced that Chris has no concept of kindness if he's calling Cindy kind. She's just the end result of what Chris does to people: turns them into bitchy jerkasses who have no friends. Which is pretty much Juna at this point.
"You keep rejecting food and saying hilariously stupid shit, Juna. How do we live like that?"
"It's not hard, look at the old man on the mountain."
"You mean the lunatic hermit who lived in his own shit and still couldn't give up smoking and groping teenage girls? OH THERE IS AN IDEALISTIC PARADISE."
Dude, Tokio, let's talk. Juna is a snobby ecomaniacal bitch who should rightfully be ostracized from all of human society. She's not that hot, so you really shouldn't even care about her now that we've eliminated her personality and her body. Good? Good. But she isn't in love with luekemiachrist. She's being mind raped and brain washed by his eco terrorist organization. If you care about her, either force her to stop or put her down.
No wait that last one is if you care about me.
"You don't appreciate Chris' kindness."
WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK. Juna just got done pointing out all the shitty stuff Chris has done to her. Namely, after trading her back her life in exchange for help, verbally and emotionally abusing her NON FUCKING STOP without EVER instructing her. Chris isn't kind, he's a fucking jerkass bastard who has been torturing Juna. Honestly I'm not convinced he himself didn't stage that entire burger fiasco. He's a freak and an abuser. Yeah, Juna's greatful for her life and willing to help out but nobody said nothing about the constant mental abuse when she signed on.
Fucking Chris is Kyubey except he wants you to suck him off and tell him what a great guy he is, too.
I cannot, I simply cannot believe the writer is serious here. You cannot be this tone deaf and fail to realize how completely your message clashes with what you show on screen. It's just not even possible here.
Cindy's "Open" message looks way more like "Nope nope nope" Probably on account of all this mind control she's doing. THIS BITCH JUST TRIED TO MAKE HER A HUMAN SACRIFICE. HOLY SHIT. And you know what? With 6 episodes left, you can BET Juna is still gonna hang out with these murderous, abusive, ecoterrorists. Motherfucker gives a hug to the bitch queen and sides with demon cg monsters and now he's Jesus Christ? Am I to overlook the Satanic bargain and the abuse he's put EVERYONE THROUGH? Jeez, if one nice thing is all it takes Darth Vader is Mother Teresa.
This show is so fucking awful.