Someone need to fulfill that damsel in distress role
How is the Baoh: The Visitor anime? I know Araki hasn't outcasted it to the pits of never-ending despair like the original Phantom Blood film, but is it good?
I'd love it if the Baoh series got the same treatment as the JoJo films.
I feel bad for him already.
LOLThey look like Fate/Apocrypha rejects.
How is the Baoh: The Visitor anime? I know Araki hasn't outcasted it to the pits of never-ending despair like the original Phantom Blood film, but is it good?
I'd love it if the Baoh series got the same treatment as the JoJo films.
dude, Alexander has some super 90s fantasy villain giant shoulder spikes. Anyone even remotely "excited" for Nobunaga the Fool seriously needs watch Kiss Dum right now.
How much shoulder spike action is there in Kiss Dum?
The two statements are unrelated, sadly.
Kawamori hype rising
Damn those character look like poor imitation of Fate/ design lol
dude, Alexander has some super 90s fantasy villain giant shoulder spikes. Anyone even remotely "excited" for Nobunaga the Fool seriously needs watch Kiss Dum right now.
Shoulder pads/spikes are relevant to my interests, should I be watching this?dude, Alexander has some super 90s fantasy villain giant shoulder spikes. Anyone even remotely "excited" for Nobunaga the Fool seriously needs watch Kiss Dum right now.
Wasn't Kiss Dum a clusterfuck of epic proportions production wise? How'd the show turn out?
Damn those character look like poor imitation of Fate/ design lol
So, your comments have convinced me to check Valrave out. As this is the second season, it's recommended to start with the first, yes?
As it should be, he's no longer being held back by dead weight, like Yoshino (Frontier) and Okada (EVOL and AKB), Kawamori da gawd is doing series composition for this himself.
[Ghost in the Shell Arise] - 2
Better than Psycho Pass, but that's about it. I hope you folks like convoluted hacking plots and silly action sequences because that's all you're gonna get here.
I must say, as prequel material, Arise doesn't really exert any effort in explaining how or why the major gets her Section 9 team formed. She just happens to see people during a mission who she then bullies into joining her team, without any attempt to form any kind of connection between them. It just seems like it's inevitable that they'll be in her team because we know that's how it ends up. It doesn't feel organic at all.
Oh, it was a total disaster in every conceivable way, but an unintentionally hilarious one to watch. I'm just telling everyone to keep their expectations in check (or to check it out for entertainment if these character designs are already making them laugh.) Kiss Dum and Nobunaga the Fool share their director, were both Satelight shows, and were both sweeping sci-fi epics so I already sort of have a feeling for what we're in for :lol
The character themselves are selling us ( the viewer ) something , but you're having doubts as if you're in front of unreliable narators ? Ok That's a nice way to enjoy anime.
I 200% agree with you.
Can't help it, just having coming out of watch Higurashi+Kai...
I can't even trust myself!!!!
Thought so .. at least you're in the right mindset to enjoy "umineko no naku koro ni."
You're going to watch it , right ? ( or at least play it ? )
Corvo-kun wants to know why it feels so good.
There is no negotiating with the mountain.
Hey Corvo...
What happened to Arjuna ep 6? Looking through your posts between the one for ep 5 and ep 7 and it simply isn't there.
Ep 6 has one of the best scenes!
Thought so .. at least you're in the right mindset to enjoy "umineko no naku koro ni."
You're going to watch it , right ? ( or at least play it ? )
Monogatari: Second Season 15
arc is killing me just ugh...
looking at the clock and getting temptations to skip every five minutes the entire way through.
as someone whose favorite anime of all time is Higurashi,
don't do it(playing it is fine though)!
as someone whose favorite anime of all time is Higurashi,
don't do it(playing it is fine though)!
I think the character designs for the western world characters are FUCKING HILARIOUS.
Jeanne Kaguya d'Arc:
Leonardo da Vinci:
Gaius Julius Caesar (Member of the Round Table):
Alexander (Member of the Round Table):
Magellan (Member of the Round Table):
Hey Corvo...
What happened to Arjuna ep 6? Looking through your posts between the one for ep 5 and ep 7 and it simply isn't there.
Ep 6 has one of the best scenes!
Arjuna 6 is theepisode, right?because it's easier
Given that I genuinely like Arjuna, while much of that scene is ridiculously heavyhanded, I think the episode has two moments I particularly enjoy:
i) Juna's hallucination - while it's a bit dated now, back in 2001 I found the show's CG fairly impressive, and I always enjoyed the nightmarish quality of those sequences in the show.
ii) Tokio's role in the episode as the voice of the audience - maybe we are supposed to think that Juna's preaching is the way forward, but he frequently represents the voice of blunt sanity. Yes, Kawamori was a particularly crackpot cultist at this point in time, but it's not like the show fails to point out the majority view, or punctures its own pomposity at times. We go on about the "learning nothing from the mountain" sequence in episode 4, but in the same episode the old man's hypocrisy is neatly highlighted in the scene where he and Tokio smoke a cigarette together.
I don't mind the ragging on the show because it's dumb and preachy, and I do think it belongs on The List because of its storyline. I am often amazed at how vitriolic people get about it, though. I mean, it's weird, but is it frothing-at-the-mouth-in-disbelief weird? I reserve that for complete disasters of production and incoherence; episode 9 is just a bit odd.
I'm familiar enough with environmental issues and the science behind them that I can see what Arjuna is trying to do, but at the same time the way it so incredibly mishandles them leaves it highly open to criticism even when you're sympathetic to be basic thrust of the show. It's really not surprising how it ends up pissing so many people off.I don't mind the ragging on the show because it's dumb and preachy, and I do think it belongs on The List because of its storyline. I am often amazed at how vitriolic people get about it, though. I mean, it's weird, but is it frothing-at-the-mouth-in-disbelief weird? I reserve that for complete disasters of production and incoherence; episode 9 is just a bit odd.
So randomly decided to pick this up and I burned through it. My expectations weren't exactly high from the getgo but it was actually pretty decent. One thing I actually liked was the character design and animation. There also were some really expressive facial animations spread throughout the show both in stoic moments and comedic ones as well.
One area though that surprised the fuck out of me was the combat animations. Like episode 21 and 24 has some pretty good sakuga cuts in there. The storyboarding for the fights in general were surprisingly decent, in that there was some level of choreography in the fights. I do wish the animation quality in general was a little bit better so that it could hold up to the quality storyboarding, at times, but oh well. The OST isn't notable in any way other than the godawful piece they played early on in the first episode.
I did have some issues pertaining to the story. Mainly because it really feels incomplete in a lot of areas in the anime that I'm sure are more subplots in the manga. Like there is one running subplot throughout the series, it's almost like a mini show within the show, that isn't really explained and it shows up in most of the episodes. It did have some cool noir monster visuals so I liked that but it's kinda detached from the main world although there are some links. There really isn't a strong narrative direction to the show although it's very much serial, in that many of the effects from prior episodes play out. I did find the atmosphere kinda interesting in that it has the potential to go 'dark' at times, and does occasionally, but it was never really explored to my satisfaction . It reminded me of a lighter more shounen version of Blue Gender at times. The show didn't really explain how the world got to that state or even if it's just an alternate world. I'm also not sure if the show did the best job in handling the multiple locations at times as it got a bit unwieldy.
The best part about the show was probably the characters. Fon Fon is like the greatest nickname ever. I did like Layfon though in that he was flawed to an extent and is pictured as this Gary Stu like character. Yes the show is a harem to an extent but it really doesn't shy away from Layfon's darker aspects and how his personality is broken to an extent. Layfon also got shit done although I did somewhat miss his lazy personality, displayed in the first episode. I liked Felli much more than Nina. Felli had more chemistry and was pretty fun to watch and although Nina did have her moments, Felli was the best of the two. Nina was more in her element when she was genki however as the show progresses, that characteristic of hers diminishes. It's kinda sad as I did somewhat like Nina in the beginning. While I did like her in the end, I had kinda gotten tired of her drama and shtick. The show also had a decent amount of side characters and although there was certainly some neglect in the management of those characters, there was some interesting backstory on a few and the show did incorporate a few of them in surprisingly interesting ways.
All in all, it was a decent watch. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody but I somewhat enjoyed it.
So I didn't like the first season at all. I thought it was boring and unnecessarily melodramatic at other times. That said, this seems much stronger as a whole than I remember it. The direction and comedic timing seem much more on point and controlled. For example the way the music is overlayed with other scenes such as the girls coming to school is handled beautifully. Also seem of the visual gags are gorgeous just due to the artshift, Then there are the backgrounds which are just fucking phenomenal.
The background are so fucking good.