I don't really understand what's been going on with Fafner Exodus. I don't watch the series but I've been following some of the announcements on and off and it always struck me that something weird was going on in the production of the series.
I just went back and checked, and here's what I could find.
Back in Sept 2012, Fafner Exodus was first known when a theater listing for one of their live programs at the time mentioned it was going to be a 2013 project:
Then in Dec 2012, Tow Ubukata confirms he's writing for two projects in 2013 - a movie (the Arise film OVAs as its later revealde) and a TV series (has to be Exodus since there was nothing else):
In Jan 2013, they officially announce Fafner Exodus with the staff listing:
In March 2013, they confirm it is planned as a 26 episode TV series:
In July 2013, they announce more staff and details:
Now in Dec 2013, they finally release a trailer and announce that production will complete only in Fall 2014, and many more story and staff are announced. It is still a 26 episode TV series:
The trailer also states that there will be cast announcements in Spring 2014.
It strikes me as really odd because I've never really ever seen a TV series being announced in total drip feed like this before, and then getting a trailer almost a year before it's even released. Right now the shows getting announced are the ones which will air in Spring. It almost feels as if the show only started production in late 2012, and they were hoping to air it in 2013 but it got delayed, and then they decided to finish making the entire series before airing it, hence Fall 2014? I dunno. Weird! Does anyone know what's going on?