Sailor Moon Crystal 08
Lots of Sailor V in this episode, and she says she isBut that's not right.Princess Serenity, eh?
And they kept things hidden from Luna as well? Interesting.
That art style is...unfortunate.
Sailor Moon Crystal 08
Lots of Sailor V in this episode, and she says she isBut that's not right.Princess Serenity, eh?
And they kept things hidden from Luna as well? Interesting.
What did the MC's father realize about the women that (I and) the MC didn't about her?
The best.
Where has Arti been? I haven't noticed him in the thread for a while.
I saw the whole thing and I really enjoyed it. Although in the back of my mind I was fixated on that point and that's all I was able to write down.
Went to my Uni's anime society today, and almost every one we watched was one I hadn't seen.
Detroit Metal City 1-2
This is great, especially the manager I still want to know how the M.C ended up being in a Death Metal band 5 years after he left for Tokyo to write his own "Swedish Pop Music". The second episode gives the other parts of the band more time, and it's hilarious when he turns into his stage alter ego "Krauser",
Space Dandy 1
It's weirder than I expected, somehow reminds me of Guardians of the Galaxy.
Space Brothers 1
A lot better than I expected, I'll actually try to watch the whole thing on Crunchyroll when I have free time from Uni.
Monster 1
Dr. Tenma is a surgeon who seems to be unhappy with his life but is too afraid to change it, he follows the hospital director's orders to save an Opera singer one day instead of a Turkish man who really needed him (since he's the best surgeon in this German hospital), after the Turkish man's wife grabs him and shouts at him for not saving her husband, he starts to doubt himself until he finally flips at the end when the Director tells him to save the mayor instead of a young boy who's been shot in the head (with his Parents murdered, and his twin sister in a shocked state saying "Kill" repeatedly).
Daily Lives of High School Boys (don't know which episode)
This had its funny moments, it has Tomokazu Sugita as one of the voice actors, and it seemed in this episode he had the most lines, which was great, but I can't help but hear Gintoki or Kyon. Still, it was funny, especially the girl with the mole on her back, Tadakuni's Sister a and the "High School Girls are Funky" part.
Other than that, there was Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure episode 4(frog punching Zeppidi), so a pretty good night.
ftfy.That art style is...ugly as fuck.
The problem is that the journey an anime takes is more important than the destination. If you make an anime about theme parks, it would be more interesting if it was an actual depiction of theme parks and the problems that arise trying to run one, instead of just using the unique premise as an excuse for same-ol' anime BS.
Like I said this is untrue, an story where an group trying to achieve/approach their goals/work in positive manner like Shirobako is more common, Amagi not even had those staple "we got it guys" like Shirobako already pull in yesterday eps yet. I definitely seeing more thing with similar development as Shirobako than Amagi, but of course that doesn't equate to being better
Well so far, the character actions are linked to the premise so things aren't for the most part as divorced as you make it sound. It's not like the park is going under and Kanye is still going to high school while having harem hijinks. The show is keeping the focus on him managing. Also the way that the narrative is setup again limits what he can and can't do. Ordinarily the park would close down and that would be the end of the story. Boring, right? So the fantasy element is somewhat necessary to justify the entire scenario. So far other than the magic memory bullets (which the show heavily restricts the use of), Kanye's solutions have been very normal actually. Decreasing ticket price, extending hours, opening Friday, and using girls to advertise as you have no budget, are all very basic 101 stuff that most people would try to attempt.
While these things could all be decent ways to improve the theme park, the show has been a lot more interested in showing us constant scenes of Moffle and Kanie fighting or random fanservice. The amount of time in episode 3 that was actually dedicated to saving the theme park probably amounted to around five minutes or so. The rest was constant Moffle antics (every scene with him is pretty much exactly the same) or random fanservice, or setting up a silly Kanie/Isuzu love story.
The official Twitter account for the K anime project announced on Saturday that production on continuation to the franchise has been green-lit for 2015. The announcement does not specify what kind of media the project will be, but the image posted by staff shows character Yashiro, and reads, "Each of their bonds are..."
And in memory of Zion-sama
You mean other Vanadis? the blue hair one should be show up in next episode.Vanadis 03
Mostly battles, so once again I feel like I don't have a whole lot to say. The dynamic between Tigre and Ellen is pretty fun, and those trick shots at the end were pretty neat. I'm wondering when the other girls are going to show up, though. They're the main reason I started watching this.
Well the fanservice isn't random, it is justified in the context of the situation and story. Episode 1's ass shot was random but I mentioned that's a holdover from the light novels, where it was probably needed more. As for Fumoffu and Kanye fighting, it felt more out of place in the 2nd episode rather than here. Fumoffu's a washed up dumbass who is stuck in the antiquated traditions of the company rather than trying to actually fix it. His trope of being the employee, who is focused on history and traditions, isn't really new. Avatar's season 4 for example, is really mired around a similar situation. I do think they need to tone him down a bit, and it seems the show is heading in that direction anyway. The 2nd time he fought Kanye was actually pretty well justified. Imagine if you're sickly niece/daughter was forced/coerced into wearing a micro-bikini in winter. Most parents would absolutely lose their shit. I think this was a fuckup on the part of the direction in that it should have been a more serious moment rather than something played up for laughs.
Remember when Log Horizon was a high budget show? That's right, never, but somehow S2 seems to make the original look amazing in retrospect/
The biggest issue I have with these fights is that they all play out exactly the same, with the exact same 'comedy' present in all of them. It feels like that one drunk friend who keeps telling the same joke and everyone kind of awkwardly chuckles and thinks about how annoying he is. Moffle in general is just such a one note character that he really just about kills the show for me. His scenes are such a drag to get through, and the last two episodes have had so much of him in them.
So it seems Garo is 2-cours after all. Michio Mihara tweeted that he finished the storyboards for episode 16 and will move on to storyboarding episode 20 next. Not sure if I'll have to patience to keep watching it considering the length. Will probably decide after 5 episodes or so.
Don't think so.Did they give a reason to switching studios?
Looks like more Monogatari just got confirmed.
So it seems Garo is 2-cours after all. Michio Mihara tweeted that he finished the storyboards for episode 16 and will move on to storyboarding episode 20 next. Not sure if I'll have to patience to keep watching it considering the length. Will probably decide after 5 episodes or so.
Looks like more Monogatari just got confirmed.
Really? That material doesn't seem worth 2 cours.
Remember when Log Horizon was a high budget show? That's right, never, but somehow S2 seems to make the original look amazing in retrospect/
Probably lots of episodic material. Next episode looks like a standalone story.
It's a poor man's SAO.
Wow, watching and listening to Shiroe talk about raids sure brought me back to my Ragnarok Online and FFXIV: ARR days. Really shows that the author actually knows what the fuck he's talking about when it comes to raids and the challenges a players has to face within them. It also went to show despite how powerful Shiroe and his raid comrades are its still an extremely hard fight. I know a lot of people in this thread prefer hearing world building, but you can't have an anime about an MMO and completely ignore one of the hugest parts of it which is going on raids and thinking of strategies to defeat the raid boss, even better is the fact they only have their own experience and trial and error to go in order to figure out how to defeat it. The fight with the first raid boss really helps show people not all the familiar with MMOs how much can go into a boss fight.![]()
If you're curious about the raid comp.
The point is Shirobako clearly setting more energetic tone than Amagi, with all the character seem painted enjoying their work despite the content itself focused on how rough their work, its came out in positive tone. Meanwhile Amagi potrayed their group dynamic in very opposite spectrum atm.. there's distrust and apathy, the setting on disarray etc and even the most played track for the OST is "Sad piano theme : help our home" the tone is quite bleak for its kind of show..Shirobako isn't really doing those staple things. Yeah, they pulled together and bonded over one specific thing, but the production is still kind of a mess, they've got no lead time on the animation process, and the director doesn't even know how the final episode is going to play out. What Shirobako is doing is trying to be honest. It's showing us the highs of them all getting fired up and pulling together, but also the realities of their situation and the difficulties of the animation process. It never doesn't feel like a completely genuine production.
Amagi mostly just feels like standard anime stuff, except they happen to be in a theme park.
gdgd Fairies 06
Pop-up pirate with a real pirate. Fun.
The moneys are evolving too fast, no talking segment and lots of magic spring. Oh, and a dancing nazi in an arcade.
Hanayamata 07
Haha. This scene... They just knew what would happen with this didn't they?
There's lots of drama in this episode as expected after what happened in the last one. Other than that there's fluffy ears and tails.