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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That beach's scale is so amazingly off.

Someone didn't really notify the background artist just how big these things were.


Fate/Stay Night 05

And just when I think Rin will actually stick true to her words of fighting Shirou the next time they meet, she ends up just having tea with him after saving him from trying to fight a servant by himself one on one.

You really thought Rin would stick to the idea of fighting Shirou? Like, legitimately? Because it's pretty clear she's totally got the hots for him! Even though he's apparently the stupidest character in the show.
That beach's scale is so amazingly off.

Someone didn't really notify the background artist just how big these things were.

Yeah whenever I saw the ships vs the background in the show it always looked like a clear case of scale mismatch.
You really thought Rin would stick to the idea of fighting Shirou? Like, legitimately? Because it's pretty clear she's totally got the hots for him! Even though he's apparently the stupidest character in the show.

Yeah whenever I saw the ships vs the background in the show it always looked like a clear case of scale mismatch.

I wanted to believe. It was foolish of me, I admit.

And scale is hard. That's why Evangelions go from being the same size as skyscrapers to hiding inside the launching elevator in a little shaft on the side. Well maybe that's not difficulty and it's actually something else.
Rebuild did good on fixing that, though.
D-Frag! 3

Okay, now I remember why I was able to take on Takao despite some of her traits, which happens to be related to a D-Frag that I'm looking forward to.

And that End Card... Just made a post about Cure feet, but now there's more...

And other things.....

EDIT: This episode's end card


Maybe they're just parked on a desert coastline, guys.
Someone measure, that beach is at least 2km wide.

D-Frag! 3

Okay, now I remember why I was able to take on Takao despite some of her traits, which happens to be related to a D-Frag that I'm looking forward to.

And that End Card... Just made a post about Cure feet, but now there's more...

And other things.....

Link end card, thanks.
D-Frag! 4


It may not be her official introduction, but this is why I started reading D-Frag. For Funabori.


Ergo Proxy 5

I'm not quite sure why Re-L assumed Vincent would willingly go back to Romdeau. He'll be thrown behind bars before you finish saying "AutoReiv", let him be.

Probably weakest episode yet, some shoddy dialogue and the light hearted village politics and Pino's antics began to grate me after a very short while.


Your Lie in April - Episode 5

This is the most beautiful and well directed piece of garbage I've seen in a really long time. It seems there are people out there who can actually enjoy this series without hang ups and like it for what it is. I'm extremely envious of that, but this just doesn't work for me. This episode has shown me that no matter how well directed and how much effort is put into the art and character animation, it is impossible for me to really enjoy it and every step the show takes frustrates me more and disappoints me more that such effort is not put into material which isn't so artificial and self-destructive.

The direction in this episode is impeccable. There is a bold use of visual narrative, non-linear beats to contextualize feelings and emotions, excellent framing to maximize the impact of a given scene, great lighting to give each portion of the episode a unique tone, and the animation is fantastic throughout. This is by far the most consistent episode of the show in terms of production standards, and both the stylized gags and the serious dramatic moments are handled with utmost care in being as energetic or fluid as they need to be. If I actually cared about any of the actual content, this would be a masterpiece. Unfortunately, all I could think of while watching it was that every scene was completely ruined the moment any dialogue starts.

Having such outstanding direction and animation really allows the base material that the show is made of to show its true colors. This is not a coming of age story about people struggling with their artistic ambitions, or friends trying to help each other see the value of their talents. It's a story which wants to pretend it is about all that, but is really nothing more than a poor melodrama that overwhelms and exhausts the audience with cliches, slapstick gags, and artificial monologues all done in the laziest possible way.

I don't care about a single thing coming out of these characters mouths or what they do because I can't care. There's nothing to care about. The writing doesn't know when to be funny and when to be serious, so it tries to whatever whenever. There is no natural flow to how the characters transit from a "dramatic" moment to a "slapstick" moment, so instead of being attached to what is happening on screen I just feel myself being pulled further and further away. It feels like a story where everything and the kitchen sink is thrown in to try and be interesting, but at the end it becomes nothing at all.

A++ for effort, E- for content. Dropped.


The melodrama itself isn't what destroys the show. It can be annoying when characters are being over dramatic, sure, but I can live with that. What destroys the show is that it wants to be so many different things that in the end I can't really see any personal identity in it. It's like a 10-course meal where each course on it's own is not too bad, some better than others, and the presentation and plating is fantastic. But when matched together, the meal just gets harder and harder to eat, and there's no pleasant synergy between the dishes at all.


the holder of the trombone
Hmm, alright, I get what you're saying. It's just a shame because I had high hopes of it, seeing that I love character drama about an artist trying to discover himself.
And scale is hard. That's why Evangelions go from being the same size as skyscrapers to hiding inside the launching elevator in a little shaft on the side. Well maybe that's not difficulty and it's actually something else.
Rebuild did good on fixing that, though.
It's important to point out that sometimes things like that in film are error and sometimes they are done on purpose for effect.
Cross Ange 06


Too meta, pull the brakes

I don't know who's worse, Ange for being such a bitch or her maid for being so naive and dumb.
Really kind of a flat and boring episode, I expected way more out of this show.

It's important to point out that sometimes things like that in film are error and sometimes they are done on purpose for effect.

Yes, that's a good distinction to make. But most of the examples I can think of would fall into the error category.


I really didn't enjoy writing that KimiUso post, but I had to get the frustration and disappointment out of the way. I really loved the effort Ishihama put into the storyboard and direction, and it's a goddamn impressive solo key animation episode from Kojima. I loved the way the characters looked and the way they moved. Even simple short scenes like the rain starting to fall on the close-up of Kosei's glasses were really well done. But it became really clear during the scene with Tsubaki and that senior that I just couldn't care about these characters. The sequence had really good direction and it should have been hitting all the right notes, but it just goes to show that if you don't have the foundations for making people care about a character, the best direction in the world for an emotional scene like that isn't going to make any difference. :/
Cross Ange 05

Jesus has returned! And he gets into hilarious perverted hi-jinks! This shows fanservice goes from ridiculous to embarrassing to hilarious and then rolls over back to ridiculous.


I think I'll trust the manga reader for Shigatsu that saying the tone became more consistent later, its not really rare mangaka improving some aspect in their title with time goes on.. I do understand the complaint and feeling it as well but liking some aspect well enough to see if improvement does come.


Space Battleship Yamato 14

Daaaaaaaaamn that episode was amazing. It was creepy, interesting and very well handled.

I can only imagine this is close to the time Yurisha is going to come out of the stasis pod, it seems she's been protecting the ship from inside it from the start.
I really didn't enjoy writing that KimiUso post, but I had to get the frustration and disappointment out of the way. I really loved the effort Ishihama put into the storyboard and direction, and it's a goddamn impressive solo key animation episode from Kojima. I loved the way the characters looked and the way they moved. Even simple short scenes like the rain starting to fall on the close-up of Kosei's glasses were really well done. But it became really clear during the scene with Tsubaki and that senior that I just couldn't care about these characters. The sequence had really good direction and it should have been hitting all the right notes, but it just goes to show that if you don't have the foundations for making people care about a character, the best direction in the world for an emotional scene like that isn't going to make any difference. :/

My opinion isn't as strong as yours, I will still follow the series but yeah, the direction and visual craftsmanship are the strong points, while the writing from time to time it makes my roll my eyes with the cheesy monologues, the very obvious drama points ("*gasp* I CAN'T FEEL THE MUSIC! the world is grey for me! but the very beautiful blonde girl with a heart of gold will make me like it again as I also fall in love with her") and the triangl.. square romance that I predicted since ep1 starting to shape in the last episode.


Your Lie in April - Episode 5

This is the most beautiful and well directed piece of garbage I've seen in a really long time. It seems there are people out there who can actually enjoy this series without hang ups and like it for what it is. I'm extremely envious of that, but this just doesn't work for me.

I'm one of those, but then I'm also still reading the manga. Even with reading the manga it's probably my most enjoyed new show of the season.

In a way I'm not sure why I'm consuming it both ways at the same time, esp given the anime is doing the complete story. I guess I am so interested in the story I can't wait for the anime to get to it.

Still some things bother me like the 'can't hear piano anymore' thing, but overall I quite enjoy it. Even if it's mostly a story about grief and healing.


Psycho-Pass 2 - Episode 5

I actually watched this days ago, but couldn't be assed to write anything about it because it was yet another bad PP2 episode. Kamui drops more hints about his plan to "take down" Sibyl, all the other non-Akane characters in the show continue to be incompetent, and the episode ends with yet another super-cliched scifi dystopian event - what if unmanned drones were hacked and linked up to a smartphone social gaming TPS and players unwittingly end up murdering tons of innocents?! Oh and looks like Akane has a secret stalker! There isn't really much tension though, if Akane could survive season 1 while being a dumbass, nothing in this season can kill her, especially since we know she'll be in the movie. Lol.

Garo - Episode 6

They returned to the capital sooner than I expected. This is good news though, since it means we'll be seeing more stories set in the capital itself before the show decides to lead up to some sort of game changer event. The stories in Garo are pretty simple, but they're also pretty effective in scratching the itch of a fantasy series where superheroes investigate strange stuff week to week, while also having an overarching plot. I really like the main character's personality too. He can be distant and difficult at times, but he's not a bad guy, and considering his upbringing I think he turned out to be a pretty secure and honest young man. He deals with his angst pretty well, and has a sense of pride that doesn't come off as arrogant either. Good mix.

Amagi Sexual Harassment Park - Episode 6

Didn't take long for the show to fall back to its bad habits of using tacky fanservice and creepy harassment as gags. This show almost feels like a bad 4koma adaptation at this point, with every week being some new random thing filled with a series of smaller gags with varying quality. Some of the interview stuff was funny, but I don't think the episode really carried itself well. Sento is a really boring character, and making her the butt of the joke throughout the episode doesn't really change that. If she weren't such a one-note character, the show might actually have some chemistry with the leads.


So speaking of studios being named to be doing well known current manga, had it been said who got tapped to do Kangoku Gauken?
Aikatsu! 91

I didn't expect them to add Yurika, Sora, and Maria to Aikatsu8 over Aoi, Ran, and Kii. I was almost ready to give credit to them until I saw the next episode preview and saw why; this "summer lojg" tour ends next fucking episode!

Unrelated question: has anybody here other than Midonin made it this far into this show? I'm not sure how I'd feel about being, for all intents and purposes, the second biggest fan of this show here.
I'm up to ep 37 , watched 34 episodes in a row i needed some downtime before watching more , gonna resume my watching soon.

Huh, more than I thought.

I only post impressions of the show when I feel inclined to do so. The world needed to know about genie/sorcerer Johnny-sensei.


Kira will never disapear from the top 5, ultimate coordinator can only be at the top
Cross Ange 6

Meh,this wasn't bad but entertaining, just bad and boring. Not only boring but the episode only served to slow down the character growth and plot, as most of it was the meido trying to make Angie revert back to her old self.


Subete no aware
ANNCast Nov8 Episode - A first episode in their rejigging of the ANNCast format (where now there will be 3 eps a month - one interview show, one Q&A show and one review a single older anime show (The discussion format is Zac, Hope and a guest.)).

This seems like a good altering of the format. Frankly without being able to interview creators thats an aspect that really makes me an occasional listener. Not that its a real criticism, as they simply can't make a good anime interview show (for many reasons including timezone issues and language barriers).
I like this format because now I know I can skip episodes, since at this point they're just churning through the same industry guests every few months.

And yeah, the Under the Dog thing was a bit of a mess, by virtue of the audio format not really allowing for a podcast to happen in a smooth manner.

Funny enough, everything feels transient in anime. K-On itself seems like an ancient memory now.

Your Lie in April - Episode 5

A++ for effort, E- for content. Dropped.
The death of noitaminA continues. :(

Honestly Once I learned about just how big these ships were it became clear that this is clearly some post resource scarcity civ because damn.

Those last two ships are estimated to be around 13.7 KM and 15.3 KM long. This amount of resources for schools clearly indicates a level of engineering that far surpasses ours.

I assume they must be living in some kind of post apocalypse to basically have gigantic abandoned towns whose only purpose is to serve as battlegrounds for mock tank battles.

Sabagebu OVA1

The viewers probably guessed that with an OVA, you get lots more fanservice which I'll leave people to find out on their own.

Sadly, it's why I found the first half of the short episode pretty dull, since it was just fanservice gag after fanservice gag. It even had a moment that was the equivalent of this one, where the narrator pointed out that there was extra fanservice because it's an OVA episode:

Which, as people in the Simpsons thread have said, doesn't really excuse you from doing it just because you're pointing out you're doing it.

But at least the final gag is a bit of a return to the standard gags of the original series. It got a chuckle out of me anyway.

Yama no Susume 17
Probably LTTP, but man.

Still, having them just play around at a park was a nice change I suppose. Also a good excuse to have one of those prerequisite character building moments. But they really can't help themselves with Kaede. lol
Official Shokugeki no Soma staff:

Director: Yoshitomo Yonetani (GaoGaiGar, Dororon Enma-kun Meramera)
Series Composition: Shogo Yasukawa (Hyperdimension Neptunia, Terraformars)
Character Design: Tomoyuki Shitaya (Bakuman, Kiss x sis)
Music: Tatsuya Katou (Buddy Complex, Mirai Nikki)
Sound Director: Jin Aketagawa
Animation Production: J.C. Staff

Best musician, cause of the horizon on the middle of nowhere, buddycom, medaka box, zvedza, and day break illusion, and free. I hope the action musics will be on point like in horizon, buddycom, day break illusion, zveda because he always does one one horn thing in lots of songs and it makes them sound so great.


Who are all these people keeping Kira in the top 5 constantly. It's been 12 years already, how long can they keep him up there.


I like this format because now I know I can skip episodes, since at this point they're just churning through the same industry guests every few months.

And yeah, the Under the Dog thing was a bit of a mess, by virtue of the audio format not really allowing for a podcast to happen in a smooth manner.

Well I didn't listen to that so I can't comment, I was mostly just commenting on how a lot of interviews seem to be with folks involved with dubbing and selling anime on the US rather than the creators of the anime or the material they are based on.

Which is an unfair criticism given time zones, language barriers and I imagine companies tight rein on allowing those folks to even do interviews if they were even willing and able to do interviews in English for a podcast. But it really limits my interest in those interview shows.

That said the review show I like the premise of.Tit's nice seeing a big look back at shows after things have settled. The anime community does so little of that (though not as little as the gaming press does).


Well I didn't listen to that so I can't comment, I was mostly just commenting on how a lot of interviews seem to be with folks involved with dubbing and selling anime on the US rather than the creators of the anime or the material they are based on.

Which is an unfair criticism given time zones, language barriers and I imagine companies tight rein on allowing those folks to even do interviews if they were even willing and able to do interviews in English for a podcast. But it really limits my interest in those interview shows.

That said the review show I like the premise of.Tit's nice seeing a big look back at shows after things have settled. The anime community does so little of that (though not as little as the gaming press does).

About that Life?


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 17

For a while there I was like
Sarada what are you doing! you can't die! :(

Thankfully everything was fine. :D


Subete no aware
Well I didn't listen to that so I can't comment, I was mostly just commenting on how a lot of interviews seem to be with folks involved with dubbing and selling anime on the US rather than the creators of the anime or the material they are based on.

Which is an unfair criticism given time zones, language barriers and I imagine companies tight rein on allowing those folks to even do interviews if they were even willing and able to do interviews in English for a podcast. But it really limits my interest in those interview shows.

That said the review show I like the premise of.Tit's nice seeing a big look back at shows after things have settled. The anime community does so little of that (though not as little as the gaming press does).

They've done English speaking guests with people from Japan before, including people involved with Kickheart, iirc. But having to live translate during a podcast is just bad radio - it's why they put out two versions of the show.

That said, I don't even know what they would say. Presumably it'd be Zac shitting on any guests since pretty much every anime now is moe shit that he hates. Because remember, Under the Dog is going to save anime from itself. lol

(Which is, to be honest, I'm happy to just isolate Zac and co's opinions to podcasts that I don't have to listen to. I understand one of the parts about expanding one's horizons is to listen to dissenting opinions, but I'm not going to subject myself to be Bill O'Reilly of anime podcasts unless I have to.)
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