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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Chihayafuru 1-25 [END]

A few matches had their cumbersome stretches, but this was a pleasant watch overall. How I ended up appreciating a show about slapping cards on the ground more than one on high-stakes baseball is beyond me. Well, not really. This show is simply better executed on all fronts.

Good to know! It has been on my list for a while, mainly off the appreciation it seems to get. Although, I have had similar reservations about how much I could truly enjoy it, given the subject matter.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Imouto Boobs Online 19:

MMOs, serious fucking business, apparently. Nice artwork and animation and all that, but I just can't take the story all that seriously. Basically watching for the boobs at this point. :/


Sword Art Online 19

I didn't really know much of what was going on (I'm not caught up to this episode, after all), but there were a couple of things I wanted to mention about the episode:

Jexhius already mentioned how good a lot of the backgrounds looked. Really, props to the background artists and the color coordinator for some nice-looking backgrounds.

Well, I'm not as good with telling how well things are directed as a lot of people here (I mean, I kinda needed people to point out the Zetsuen no Tempest scenes before I thought they were good), but honestly, I think I hyped myself up for the episode too much. It wasn't as amazing as I expected it to be. A part of it is because I really like well-animated conversations and gestures, and while the episode delivered on its fight scenes, the animation during the conversations consisted of a lot of minimalistic animation and running loops.

There is a scene that I think is pretty well done compared to the rest of the episode, and it's this one:

These guys wouldn't last a month in SAO.
The running is done on twos and ones near the end, and combined with the shaking of the camera, it really gives a good sense of weight towards the scene. I especially like how Kirito raises his teeth at you before the cut changes. It's also important to mention how it transitions from the running to the hit itself. If you notice, he makes a large arc of motion in the last cut before actually hitting the guy. For me, that added a lot of momentum to the hit and made it seem stronger.

It's funny because there's another scene that's very similar but isn't as impactful. I don't know if it was intentional on the director's part, but here's the scene:

I love watching the smoke wisp away for some reason. Wisp probably isn't a word.
As you can see, it immediately cuts away from the running to the aftermath of the slash. Therefore, you never really see Kirito actually make contact. The episode had that a couple of times throughout the episode (Kirito leaping to hit the wall comes to mind). Honestly, I think that takes away a lot of potential from the scene and I've never really liked it even in other shows. That's why the other scene feels much stronger to me. Whether that's a choice of the director or cutting corners on animation, I don't know.

There are also some nice small things like this:
The way his foot slides and the lines on the sword get thicker really add momentum and weight. I thought that was pretty nice. As you can see, though, the episode really liked using the whole "the sword is coming right at you" thing.

Otherwise, the animation wasn't anything special and there wasn't anything super-neat with the camerawork during most of the dialogue. Lots of face shots on Imouto and Kirito. I kinda liked the interaction between the two even if I don't necessarily think it was that special.
I definitely like Imouto over Asuna, lol.

Overall, it was a pretty solid episode. I think the pacing could've been a bit different and the animation consistency could've been a bit better. I'm the type of person who prefers quick fights with fast movements and I feel like they could've added a bit more scenes through better dialogue. That being said, it was pretty entertaining to watch, the backgrounds were great, and dat imouto.

And yes, animators, I agree. I would definitely rather animate a loli fairy than an embarrassed teenage boy.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
You phrase it like it's a bad thing.

It isn't. I just like my boobs served with an additional, compelling reason to watch them. Perhaps if they were attached to a more compelling, or interesting, character. Or at least a character who's defining trait isn't just "IILF".



Media Pick-up
Gankutsuou Geneon Limited Edition DVD Box

Wrong rabbit hole
Hidamari Sketch Yuno and Miyako Prize/Cheap Figures

I really like the Gankutsuou box (aside from the tacky sticker, but that's only on the packaging plastic so it's a non-issue.) It has some textures on the clothing of the characters displayed. I can't feel it through the plastic as I haven't torn yet, but I can see the ridges.
Cool figures Ultimadrago!
It isn't. I just like my boobs served with an additional, compelling reason to watch them. Perhaps if they were attached to a more compelling, or interesting, character. Or at least a character who's defining trait isn't just "IILF".

Are the boobs not compelling enough?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Media Pick-up
Gankutsuou Geneon Limited Edition DVD Box

Wrong rabbit hole
Hidamari Sketch Yuno and Miyako Prize/Cheap Figures

I really like the Gankutsuou box (aside from the tacky sticker, but that's only on the packaging plastic so it's a non-issue.) It has some textures on the clothing of the characters displayed. I can't feel it through the plastic as I haven't torn yet, but I can see the ridges.

Gankutsuou! Nice, man. Nice.
It isn't. I just like my boobs served with an additional, compelling reason to watch them. Perhaps if they were attached to a more compelling, or interesting, character. Or at least a character who's defining trait isn't just "IILF".

So they need to be bigger?

I agree wholeheartedly.


Sword Art Online - 19

Not a bad episode, definitely the best one in this arc so far. The first half was nice, we had a cool battle, wish that kind of stuff happened more often in the show. The animation wasn't very exciting during most of the battle, but I'm hoping they're saving the budget for some sakuga later on. The art was really good though, which is nice. The second half of the episode wasn't really exciting, I have a hard time caring for anything that happens to this world, but if they somehow tie it in with Kirito's quest it could be okay.
Alfheim definitely reminds me of worlds in the numerous Tales games, I'd be surprised if that wasn't the source of inspiration.


Gankutsuou Geneon Limited Edition DVD Box

Oh, awesome! I had the box and the first volume or so but couldn't afford the rest; I bought the whole series in the cheap Funi set that came out quite recently but I've never gotten around to rewatching it (and am unlikely to do so, as much as I enjoyed it). Where did you get a full set of the Geneon originals?


Oh, awesome! I had the box and the first volume or so but couldn't afford the rest; I bought the whole series in the cheap Funi set that came out quite recently but I've never gotten around to rewatching it (and am unlikely to do so, as much as I enjoyed it). Where did you get a full set of the Geneon originals?

On Ebay for around $30 including shipping.
It surprised me to see it up for that cheap, honestly.


Imouto Boobs Online 19:

MMOs, serious fucking business, apparently. Nice artwork and animation and all that, but I just can't take the story all that seriously. Basically watching for the boobs at this point. :/

This arc is fairly upfront about it's "main selling point".


Sword Art Online 19

[...]Well, I'm not as good with telling how well things are directed as a lot of people here (I mean, I kinda needed people to point out the Zetsuen no Tempest scenes before I thought they were good), but honestly, I think I hyped myself up for the episode too much. It wasn't as amazing as I expected it to be. A part of it is because I really like well-animated conversations and gestures, and while the episode delivered on its fight scenes, the animation during the conversations consisted of a lot of minimalistic animation and running loops[...]

It certainly wasn't an all round tour-de-force of character in the same way that, say, Hyouka often was. I was more impressed by how polished nearly every aspect of the art and design was throughout the course of the episode. Most of the animation was reserved, as one would expect in this kind of show, for the fight scene.


[Cross Game] - 33

There's not too much that one can say about any individual episode of this series. The construction of each episode is pretty much like the construction of every other episode that proceeded it - robust, but formulaic. It never steps into 'awful direction' territory but at the same time there's no inspiring or creative stuff that really comes out and wows you.

The one thing I will give a lot of praise to is the pacing - this show never drags. Most things are resolved extremely quickly, some matches are over in a couple of minutes where as others might go as far to be two whole episodes - either way they're handled very nicely. I mean, you could probably trim out some of the repetition, the 'fat', if you will, and have an even leaner and more pointed story. Perhaps if you were to do that you could cut out this whole Akane arc because, er, I'm still kind of bothered by it. It's like Adachi was watching some bad J-drama and decided that he really needed to bring in some totally outrageous plot element to keep everything fresh. I really could have done without it.

On a random side note, it's surprisingly rare to see this kind of "cartoony", expressive face in Cross Game:


which is kind of unfortunate because most of the time they stick pretty closely to the 'classic' design and they don't really try for anything expressive. It's an anime guys, don't worry about bending the designs a little for the sake of good expressions!


Shin Sekai Yori #7

I feel like the anime has some weird direction at times... and not in a good way. Like some scenes were missing and the sequences flow/pacing become bizarre.

Tune in next week for: Most hyped scene of the season!!!


Subete no aware
Chihayafuru 1-25 [END]
Having watched quite a few game-related anime before this, I can say this show was a good mark on the genre. The main character, recruitment stories and side characters were handled pretty nicely. I was pleasantly surprised when that the story didn't take a complete drift to
Taichi vs. Arata (in regards to Chi's love)
. A part of me was preparing for the worst, but it never spread to a point of complete saturation. I say this thankfully.

[Cross Game] - 33

There's not too much that one can say about any individual episode of this series. The construction of each episode is pretty much like the construction of every other episode that proceeded it - robust, but formulaic. It never steps into 'awful direction' territory but at the same time there's no inspiring or creative stuff that really comes out and wows you.

The one thing I will give a lot of praise to is the pacing - this show never drags. Most things are resolved extremely quickly, some matches are over in a couple of minutes where as others might go as far to be two whole episodes - either way they're handled very nicely. I mean, you could probably trim out some of the repetition, the 'fat', if you will, and have an even leaner and more pointed story. Perhaps if you were to do that you could cut out this whole Akane arc because, er, I'm still kind of bothered by it. It's like Adachi was watching some bad J-drama and decided that he really needed to bring in some totally outrageous plot element to keep everything fresh. I really could have done without it.

You know, with these posts close together, it made me think about how I reacted to both of them. Chihayafuru became the incessantly boring sports anime that I didn't want it to be (I would have preferred it all be Taichi vs the loser emo guy if I had to choose), but Cross Game had the... well, the thing that Jexhius reacted to way back when.

I think I'd prefer the improbable manufactured drama to the constant barrage of sports if it came down to it. Not much of a choice, but what can you do. lol


[Magi] - 6


If the first episode of this series was all about introducing Alibaba and his character to the audience, and episodes 4-5 were about exploring Aladdin's character than it's not too surprising that this episode is dedicated exclusively to Morgiana, the third member of what one would assume will become a trio of main characters. The structure that was chosen to deliver these characters stories was clearly carefully considered by the original creator as it allows us to see how these characters would operate independently from each other, something which allows them to all have some elements of their character fleshed out without getting overshadowed by some other character.

As for the episode itself, it was a fairly standard storyline that was executed fairly well, at least from a production stand point. As one would hope from a story focused around Morgiana there was lots of people and animals getting kicked extremely hard by sturdy legs. I was a little surprised to see that they depicted this violence so brutally, there was lots of blood spurting out and teeth breaking. It looks quite nasty:


it's good to see that they weren't being held back by the kind of show that it is or when it airs. The animation for all this action was pretty good as well and the hits felt meaty enough. The episode as a whole was fairly satisfying, even if it's just a lead up for the characters to move onto some other event.


I really dislike this kind of lens flare effect. Firstly lens flare is something that only occurs when you use an actual camera to film something, it doesn't need to exist within an anime. If you are going to insert a lens flare for whatever reason please don't pick one that looks as cheap and lazy as this one because it really highlights the falseness of everything that you're observing.


You know, with these posts close together, it made me think about how I reacted to both of them. Chihayafuru became the incessantly boring sports anime that I didn't want it to be (I would have preferred it all be Taichi vs the loser emo guy if I had to choose), but Cross Game had the... well, the thing that Jexhius reacted to way back when.

I think I'd prefer the improbable manufactured drama to the constant barrage of sports if it came down to it. Not much of a choice, but what can you do. lol

Perhaps we could live in a world where we didn't have to chose between endless matches or improbable drama? There are other options in the sports genre, of course. Ashita no Joe/Tomorrows Joe being one of them, I suppose. I'd really like to see more of the show so that I could comment on it further. It would be interesting to see a sports series that tries to escape that very formulaic shackles that have been wrought over the years by tradition and manga magazine editors. What I'm saying is: we need the Evangelion of sports shows!


It certainly wasn't an all round tour-de-force of character in the same way that, say, Hyouka often was. I was more impressed by how polished nearly every aspect of the art and design was throughout the course of the episode. Most of the animation was reserved, as one would expect in this kind of show, for the fight scene.

Really, most of my complaints are personal issues. The biggest issue was that I hyped myself to expect something groundbreaking, so it was kinda unfair to SAO. It doesn't help that I'm not really a huge fan of fight scenes either.

If it were up to me, the fight scene probably would've been shorter and more of the animation would've been used to make the characters more expressive. For example, I was really excited as this scene started because I thought the animation would be really fluid and nice, but Kirito ended up with really stiff arm movements and I was disappointed. That's also why this was probably my favorite scene in the episode. Even though the animation wasn't anything special, at least there was an attempt to move most of Suguha's face. Also, dat imouto.

Well, these are all personal issues. As I said before, the episode was solid. I'm just not the target audience.

Ha, I can see why I'm a KyoAni fanboy.

[Magi] - 6

I really dislike this kind of lens flare effect. Firstly lens flare is something that only occurs when you use an actual camera to film something, it doesn't need to exist within an anime. If you are going to insert a lens flare for whatever reason please don't pick one that looks as cheap and lazy as this one because it really highlights the falseness of everything that you're observing.

To be completely fair, lens flare doesn't really need to exist at all nowadays. But yeah, I agree. Lens flares suck for the most part. The worst part is that, in that image, the lens flare is really distracting when I'd rather focus on Mor. :(


Subete no aware
Perhaps we could live in a world where we didn't have to chose between endless matches or improbable drama? There are other options in the sports genre, of course. Ashita no Joe/Tomorrows Joe being one of them, I suppose. I'd really like to see more of the show so that I could comment on it further. It would be interesting to see a sports series that tries to escape that very formulaic shackles that have been wrought over the years by tradition and manga magazine editors. What I'm saying is: we need the Evangelion of sports shows!
Well, I would say Ginga e Kickoff!! (beyond my Kobayashi love) does the balance between being obsessed with the game and do-rama fairly well. Of course, it seems like the coach is ready to break down after every game, but hopefully they've moved past that by now.

It's just weird to have a show where all everyone talks about is playing their sport, as if nothing else mattered, but it seems like unless it's about High School Football in Texas, the whole game/life balance is a hard thing to achieve.

And, Ashita is the boxing one, right?


Perhaps we could live in a world where we didn't have to chose between endless matches or improbable drama? There are other options in the sports genre, of course. Ashita no Joe/Tomorrows Joe being one of them, I suppose. I'd really like to see more of the show so that I could comment on it further. It would be interesting to see a sports series that tries to escape that very formulaic shackles that have been wrought over the years by tradition and manga magazine editors. What I'm saying is: we need the Evangelion of sports shows!

They are indeed the extremes that comes with the genre.
However, if one wants to mix things up, they can always watch Saki and have a vomit-inducing amount of both.


Subete no aware
They are indeed the extremes that comes with the genre.
However, if one wants to mix things up, they can always watch Saki and have a vomit-inducing amount of both.
Well, Saki is like... Kuroko or Inazuma Eleven or whatever. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the sport. lol

And hey, dumping flashbacks in the middle of matches is some pro-tier writing!


That was a fun show. The ending was kind of mindblowing. I wish there were more anime with tokusatsu heroes :C.

Totally agree. I'd love for more original toku-style heroes in anime or maybe a Kamen Rider anime. An original rider or maybe a sequel series to something like W,OOO's or Fourze would be neat. Heck, Fourze's practically an anime already.


From the New World 7

Well that was better than last week. Still problems with the direction, there were a bunch of random fade to black cuts this week that suddenly move the story forward, which was pretty jarring. Hopefully this will put the shittiness of the previous couple eps behind us as we move forward into a new arc.


Chitose Get You! 20


She then proceeded to tie up the bag and throw it into a river. At least, I wish that was what happened.


Magi 6

That was really cool, so much punching and kicking. Really nice animation this week, and they didn't spare us the blood and gruesome stuff either.


Perhaps we could live in a world where we didn't have to chose between endless matches or improbable drama? There are other options in the sports genre, of course. Ashita no Joe/Tomorrows Joe being one of them, I suppose. I'd really like to see more of the show so that I could comment on it further. It would be interesting to see a sports series that tries to escape that very formulaic shackles that have been wrought over the years by tradition and manga magazine editors. What I'm saying is: we need the Evangelion of sports shows!

Rants about sports anime need to escape formalic shackles then names a formalic monster of the week anime as an example....just put down that earl grey tea and switch to jasmine tea.

I think I've read cross game before, is cross game the baseball one
where the mc childhood crush also whose main girl sister dies then another girl that looks, acts just like her shows up later on

I can never tell with adachi all his shit look the same & are very similar story wise, all his main characters through all his mangas look exactly the same.
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