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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Magi - 06


My favorite episode by far. It delivered on two things that I've been waiting on for quite awhile, yuri and women kicking ass (episode 5 was great with this too by the way, but it lacked Mor
see what I did there? :p
). Anyway I'm glad there was finally an episode that focused on her as she's obviously my favorite out of the trio and wanted to see those thunder thighs wreck some people.

You see that knee? You see that! Mor takes your tigers and says "Tiger Knee!" :D


From the New World-07

Glad to see the show has continued the trend of getting better after the quality plummet a few episodes ago. We're finally almost to the same quality level of earlier in the series. The show still has a lot of directorial issues, but I feel like the quality of the core content shines through. I think these issues are mainly due to an inexperienced director adapting a novel. A lot of things this show does would be fine on paper, but when put to screen seem awkward. There are a lot of awkward transitions, direct exposition by characters and odd edits. Hey, at least the animation is back to looking pretty good/great now. Much better than a few episodes back.

From a story standpoint the
time skip
stuff from the next episode preview seems kind of insane. Look forward to see where it all goes. The series has hinted at consequences to the actions of its characters, now I hope we finally get to see those.


girls und panzer 01
the CG burns my eyes, but it does seem like they're synchronizing the 2d elements to it fairly well.

obnoxious little girls fighting in historical war machines for fun...
they wouldn't even be able to load the tank shells!
I can help but wonder how a retired war vet would react to this

Yeah, but it's Japan we're talking here. That's pretty much the norm there.

like I said, its not a new concept, just one that will always be a source for eye rolling


Someone should make a gif of the same Mor tiger-kick scene from the very first Magi PV, and compare it with the scene from episode 6. The animation cut is identical, but they've completely changed the final composite from night time to day time. Pretty interesting decision there. Works well imo, since it feels even MORE violent now.
Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ 3

Sake and scissor hands are not a winning combo.
That was resolved relatively fast. Only took half of the episode. Another one joins the harem. Then we finally "meet" Minato's mother, who just so happens to work for M.B.I.
The spirit of Thoraxes again.
Now this scene towards the end of the episode caught me by surprise. So much different than how the rest of the show is like. Though this was pretty typical.

This is Sekirei right? Yep, yes it is.


Someone should make a gif of the same Mor tiger-kick scene from the very first Magi PV, and compare it with the scene from episode 6. The animation cut is identical, but they've completely changed the final composite from night time to day time. Pretty interesting decision there. Works well imo, since it feels even MORE violent now.

poor big kitties :( they were probably being starved in their cages and then they get mutilated by an angry girl
.hack/Quantum 1

I'm not really into MMO drama, so I had difficulty getting invested in the plot about guilds and bounties and whatever. Still, I enjoyed this on the whole. The energy of the main girl threatens to tip over into obnoxiousness but manages not to, and I was amused by some of her cartoony antics. Kinema Citrus does a pretty good job on the production side - between this and Code:Breaker the studio seems to have a knack for action. The action animation is solid and while the choreography of the boss fight wasn't amazing, the later action sequence set around a quasi-clock tower made clever use of the environment.

What stood out to me most was the beautiful background art that vividly realizes the setting of The World:

Interestingly, the art director for this, Yusuke Takeda, also holds that position for Sword Art Online, another MMO series with great backgrounds. The guy clearly has some talent.

The end of this episode pulled out the necessary hook, introducing the mysterious comas and conspiracies I associate with the .hack series, and I'm interested in seeing where that goes.


.hack/Quantum 1

The end of this episode pulled out the necessary hook, introducing the mysterious comas and conspiracies I associate with the .hack series, and I'm interested in seeing where that goes.
Hmm, interested in what you think of episode 2. No one seems to agree with me that it sucks!


girls und panzer 02
the tanks and the action are entertaining
pity the rest of it is absolute tripe! they could have had something with a similar appeal as Advance Wars if they did it differently.

dont worry about shooting tank shells at each other, THERES A PERSON SLEEPING OVER THERE WATCH OUT


Every .hack post sign and first game series makes me sad. I mean, that show had massive problems, but I love the serious tone it took. Everything had weight and meaning and the way things tied in with the games, which also were heavily flawed, was really quite intriguing. With Legend of the Twilight Bracelet and GU, everything just got way more campy. It just made the world a lot less fun for me.


Darker Than Black Vol. 1 Ep. 5

Hmm, that's an interesting little twist at the end.

Hope to see Havoc in action at some point, given that everybody seems to be afraid of her because of what happened in South America (also looking forward to learning more about that). Only question seems to be what Hei's sister has to do with all this.

I don't really find Kurosawa or her security division all that interesting. I realize they play an integral role in the series, but other than provide information about contractors and Hell's Gate to the viewer, they really don't do anything very important. It's always Hei or another contractor or, in the previous arc, Dr. Tahara, who advance the plot forward. Hopefully Kurosawa gets more involved as time goes on.
Every .hack post sign and first game series makes me sad. I mean, that show had massive problems, but I love the serious tone it took. Everything had weight and meaning and the way things tied in with the games, which also were heavily flawed, was really quite intriguing. With Legend of the Twilight Bracelet and GU, everything just got way more campy. It just made the world a lot less fun for me.

i think quantum has a nice amout of seriousness i think you'll enjoy quantum..also i think GU was serious enough ( with all the things that happenned during that game )


i think quantum has a nice amout of seriousness i think you'll enjoy quantum..also i think GU was serious enough ( with all the things that happenned during that game )

GU just wasn't very good in general, haha. Strictly speaking of the tone, I feel like it oscillated back in forth in weird ways. I guess my main problem with it was that it wasn't very fun. The original stuff was loveably flawed. GU was just flawed. I may just have to give Quantum a chance. Who knows, it may just be what I need to wash SAO out of my brain.


Every .hack post sign and first game series makes me sad. I mean, that show had massive problems, but I love the serious tone it took. Everything had weight and meaning and the way things tied in with the games, which also were heavily flawed, was really quite intriguing. With Legend of the Twilight Bracelet and GU, everything just got way more campy. It just made the world a lot less fun for me.
I don't know if I necessarily agree. There was a serious aesthetic change in The World R:2, but tonally, it had a similar delivery as the original series.

Well, not Legend of the Twilight Bracelet. That's not even in the same paradigm.


I don't know if I necessarily agree. There was a serious aesthetic change in The World R:2, but tonally, it had a similar delivery as the original series.

Well, not Legend of the Twilight Bracelet. That's not even in the same paradigm.

The thing that bothered me most about GU was the weapon design. I mean, it just got way too ridiculous. The chainsaw sword was eye roll worthy, for me anyway. Also didn't like the aesthetic switch. Anyway, I never got passed the second game in that series and my memory's really fuzzy. It could be i'm mixing up the problems I had with that game. The only thing I really remember is I was super disappointed coming off the first series.


GU just wasn't very good in general, haha. Strictly speaking of the tone, I feel like it oscillated back in forth in weird ways. I guess my main problem with it was that it wasn't very fun. The original stuff was loveably flawed. GU was just flawed. I may just have to give Quantum a chance. Who knows, it may just be what I need to wash SAO out of my brain.

Quantum is pretty darn good. Problem
is the lethargic second episode where the need to expand on the crisis at hand + the lack of virtual stuff removes a lot of what I enjoyed about the first episode, and the third recovers from that, but isn't quite up to the standards of the first.

I mention that here because, perhaps a fan of .hack in general (I know nothing about it) might find the minutiae more interesting. Overall I'm still fond of the OVAs.


Darker Than Black Vol. 2 Ep. 1

This show does an absolutely masterful job of setting up the table with the first part of arcs, then making incredible shit go down in the second part. This may have usurped Vol. 1 Ep. 4 as best episode, though probably not.

Hei and Havoc have a very interesting relationship. That was a fantastic exchange between them when Hei cooked that food and Havoc was talking about her experience cooking for that family in Romania. Turns out the girl does have a human side.

The scene when they were approaching Hell's Gate and she asks Hei to kill her, and then she pleads to him in the rain not to make her go back to the way she was was great as well. Hei develops very interesting relationships in this show. Havok, Mai, that researcher, etc.
Long time no see Animegaf...

This is why you should never stay up extremely late playing Tales of Vesperia.

Will Chet actually learn anything from this? My guess would be no.

I see nothing wrong with that. You could do much worse.

It's mostly the staying up extremely late part. Hard to concentrate on game due to being tired, and when I get up my head hurts from getting very little sleep.
But then again, I always do that...

I've lost count how many times I've played through that game.

I was playing Tales of Xillia for 4 days to finish it before Xillia 2 arrived, and every day I would end up with a headache but stay up late again, and I'm doing this now.

I got 1 week worth of catch up to do with animegaf, I've been catching up since 11-02, the last time I was up to date, It's fun seeing how much some members switch avatars. wonzo, Dresden and El Sloth are killing me. =D

And for duckroll put me on the team GuP.
Even though Chu2Koi is best anime this season.

Now that I have caught up you guys I'm gonna catch up with animes.
I was playing Tales of Xillia for 4 days to finish it before Xillia 2 arrived, and every day I would end up with a headache but stay up late again, and I'm doing this now.

Hell I'll sometimes stay up late for no reason other than to stay up late. I should probably drop that habit, but I probably never will.


Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ 3

That was resolved relatively fast. Only took half of the episode. Another one joins the harem. Then we finally "meet" Minato's mother, who just so happens to work for M.B.I.
The spirit of Thoraxes again.
Now this scene towards the end of the episode caught me by surprise. So much different than how the rest of the show is like. Though this was pretty typical.

Seikirei was fairly tame in terms of violence. Think it was either Needless or Freezing (haven't seen either) that figured "tits and gore" didn't just apply to horror films.
girls und panzer 01
the CG burns my eyes, but it does seem like they're synchronizing the 2d elements to it fairly well.

obnoxious little girls fighting in historical war machines for fun...
they wouldn't even be able to load the tank shells!
I can help but wonder how a retired war vet would react to this

like I said, its not a new concept, just one that will always be a source for eye rolling

I don't know, I liked the CG tanks but with 2D looking girls sticking out of them it looked horrendous.

plot armor
is driving me towards dropping this show. I will give it another episode though.


How did you do that? What programs did you use?

I used VirtualDub to crop out the section I want, then export as 'image sequence'. Then use whatever program you've got to put it into a GIF. ImageReady, GIMP, etc.

I'm still slow at this because I haven't figured out good values for delay, # frames, colours. Otherwise I get bloated files and that earlier post ends up being like 6MB instead. :<


I used VirtualDub to crop out the section I want, then export as 'image sequence'. Then use whatever program you've got to put it into a GIF. ImageReady, GIMP, etc.

I'm still slow at this because I haven't figured out good values for delay, # frames, colours. Otherwise I get bloated files and that earlier post ends up being like 6MB instead. :<
That second list of settings (in GIMP, at least) is what I still haven't been able to figure out even after trying for days. I don't know what kind of magic you worked to get the first gif under 2MB.
Seikirei was fairly tame in terms of violence. Think it was either Needless or Freezing (haven't seen either) that figured "tits and gore" didn't just apply to horror films.

I know, that's why it was so weird. The first season never had anything like that, at most it was just slight cuts and clothes ripping.


That second list of settings (in GIMP, at least) is what I still haven't been able to figure out even after trying for days. I don't know what kind of magic you worked to get the first gif under 2MB.

Zeppeli water walking should be 26 total frames and 128 colours.


Seikirei was fairly tame in terms of violence. Think it was either Needless or Freezing (haven't seen either) that figured "tits and gore" didn't just apply to horror films.

Needless had lots of gore, but almost all the girls are lolis so it didn't have much in the way of tits.


So did you manually throw away every 2 out of 3 frames and set the fps to 7 after capturing the animation, or did some preset take care of that sort of thing?

Virtualdub can do that. Video>Frame Rate, then decimate or convert options. For the ones I made I estimated wrong anyway and decided to manually cut more & adjust FPS until I was sub-30 frames.

Or just go for broke and do 32-bit. Would have shaved 300KB off my first GIF. I just wanted it to look nice. :<


Magi ep6

I don't blame A-1 for this, since the mor arc sucked camel's balls even in the manga.

Wish they would get to the The banker already.
Good god... I know Japan has a shitty taste, but this list just confirm it... ugh. Putting Asuna and Chitanda in top 5? LOL

As for my watchlist:

Still watching
Tonari no Kaibutsu kun
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
K - Yaoi tones/Shitty story/Shitty fights

Unfortunately, I think you dropped the wrong show and could have fared better dropping the less than stellar JoJo or Tonari or even Btooom! while still watching K. K has one of the better story, magicks, and tones of the shows this season, rivaling that of Blast of Tempest for best anime. Please reconsider.
On a side note, where's DTL?

Took a cross country trip to San Jose Ca for school. I wish I did have internet but apparently "free" wireless internet isnt included in hotels that charge $210+ a night, unbelievable and with the end of Reborn I was a bit discouraged from partaking of any JPN media for the week.

Any of you seen the Sket Dance anime? Verdict?

Sket Dance has a good mix of emotional drama as well as comedy in the random skits the Sket Dan does. I like it cause I like the school setting and many of the personalities work well together. Also probably along with Bakuman where I like hearing character songs. Its worth checking out and hopefully it does get a continuation, I need my Sket Dan + Student Council.

That's it, after watching all 6 episodes, I can confirm I love K!

Say what you want, but Misaki Yata just don't give a fuck!

Awesome, Yata is probably the best character around and easily seems to be leading the way in the top amount of fanarts, well him and Fushimi. It needs to also be extended beyond 12 episodes so we can get to know everyone else in Homra as well as the various members of Scepter4. Theres also the wealth of kings there and the Sword of Damocles issue. Anyway, the world is good and needs to be expanded more, and the soundtrack is fun.

How are Psycho Pass, K, Zetsuen no Tempest & Robotics;Notes holding up? I was looking forward to those series, and I watched the first couple episodes of PP and RN.

With episode five of Robotics;Notes it has easily transcended the grandeur of Steins;Gate and really has shown that it has a much stronger and more refined presentation than that work. Everything in the story flows well, the characters are slowly but surely being developed, and the main character, Yashio is really compelling. Episode five was pretty eye opening for Robotics;Notes and worth it.

Psycho Pass is fun though Im still mixed on Akane and getting to know her. The anime is at its highest when its focused on say Shinya or Shugo and not when Akane is on the screen. So yes it does hold up and can hold up if she can somehow get in the backseat or something.


Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse 19

Well this was not what I signed up for and a near waste of an episode. How does one get a hot springs moment yet barely any action from say Yuuya and Leon. It was disappointing. Worst, those yuri fantasies and screens of clothe less girl on girl on girl action, surely focus on more compelling and interesting characters would have made for a more pleasing and enjoyable and rewarding episode. I cant even remember the plot.

Well at least next episode is finally Yuuya and Leon hashing it out
From the New World 7

This episode, though still riddled with numerous directorial flaws, was a substantial improvement over the last two, due, in large part, to a return to the tense, unsettling atmosphere that had beautifully permeated the earlier episodes. The latter half of the episode felt particularly rushed, but I&#8217;m quite forgiving of this slight flaw, since it effectively allows the story to transition into a more engaging section of the narrative, as I&#8217;m thoroughly intrigued about the differences in
their older selves and their return to the bleak, oppressive society that they were temporarily disconnected from

Squealer&#8217;s temporary betrayal
, though foreshadowed quite a bit, was really effective in establishing an uneasy atmosphere. I also liked
his eventual redemption, though he was still portrayed as a pathetic individual
. Kiroumaru, the
leader of the Giant Hornet colony
, is a highly intriguing character, and, though it seems unlikely, I hope to
see more of him in the future
. Satoru was extensively perceptive throughout, particularly in his
nighttime conversation with Saki, in which he was very reluctant to trust Kiroumaru
. This sequence directly contrasts Satoru&#8217;s earlier carelessness, which was fully depicted by his naïve willingness to blindly
follow the monk&#8217;s every suggestion
in episode 4, despite the inherent risk involved.

A scene that seemed subtly important, in terms of foreshadowing, was the brief moment
Satoru held onto Saki&#8217;s hand, while, as the Giant Hornet colony sped towards them, they acceptingly awaited their seemingly impending deaths
. The framing of this interaction potentially suggests a parallel to the time
Shun held Saki&#8217;s hand
, as the camera lingered on this simplistic sensation for a second longer than the others, perhaps inferring that
Saki's feelings
could eventually change.

My favorite sequence, by far, was the moment Saki, after having
fled into the forest
along with Satoru, sharply gazes upward towards the moon, and then momentarily reflects on her seemingly distant memory of
the innocently romantic "date" she once had with Shun
. As her
mind transitions into the past
, there&#8217;s this brilliantly effective isolation and subsequent elevation of her frenzied breathing that continues through
this painful memory
, until a stifled cry ushers forth and a tear falls. It essentially illuminates a dichotomy between the
dangerous, intense situation she&#8217;s currently in
and the pleasant tranquility of that melancholic vestige of a nearly forgotten time. This moment could simply indicate a wistful remembrance of that
sweetly romantic
, but fleeting interaction, or it might very well foreshadow an imminent struggle between her
contrasting emotions and romantic inclinations
. As such, though not particularly evident at the moment, it seems quite possible that
her feelings might eventually shift from Shun to Satoru

I love that the mystery of the
missing children
was touched upon and examined again, since, at times, it appeared to be a
forbidden topic of conversation, as though the other children willfully neglected to remember
, so as to shield themselves from the painful truths they&#8217;re subconsciously aware of. The ending narration was extremely interesting and incredibly foreboding, as they somehow assumed they had
outwitted the elders and reclaimed their powers
, yet it&#8217;s ominously suggested that their
is a thoroughly flawed and temporary one.

I am rather intrigued by the scene in the next episode that involves a seemingly
sexual confrontation between Satoru and Shun
. Clearly, it appears that the next episode will take place
following an initial time-skip
, so I&#8217;m quite interested to find out whether or not
feelings have noticeably changed
and if this unexpected scenario is derived from some form of
emotional connection or if it&#8217;s merely of an experimental nature

Saki is definitely the best and most compelling character, as her complex development continues to add nuanced layers of depth to her characterization, notably displayed by the
bittersweet memory of the starlit boat-ride she had once taken with Shun
. Satoru&#8217;s also proven to be supremely adept in
violent, chaotic
scenarios. As such, this essentially illustrates a transformation of his self-proven tendencies, moving past his childish ignorance into a heightened maturity and responsibility. Saki and Satoru&#8217;s interactions continue to be quite compelling and enjoyable. As the story progresses, I&#8217;m hoping for a deconstruction of
character, perhaps pertaining to his motivations and the mysterious nature of his typically
heightened knowledge
, since there definitely seems to be some sort of
subtle, flickering darkness that occasionally appears

This arc, though interesting at it&#8217;s core, had become a bit repetitive, while disappointingly offering minimal substance and revelatory depth to the mysterious fringes of their society. As such, portions of the story within this arc have felt strangely disconnected from the flow of the narrative, due mostly to the unavoidably fragmentary nature that typically surfaces during an isolated excursion such as the one taken
by Saki and Satoru throughout the majority of the last three episodes
. Of course, the developments that occurred throughout could, and likely will, influence future events and alter the characterization and development of certain characters, such as
Saki and potentially Shun
, in a rather meaningful, permanent fashion, but it partially depends on how significant these foreshadowed implications are that will ultimately determine whether or not this arc was wholly satisfying.

Thankfully, the storyboarding was largely excellent throughout, displaying an immense improvement over the last two episodes in that area. This, of course, was solely due to the return of Nobutoshi Ogura, who had previously storyboarded, rather superbly, episode 4, but this is, unfortunately, not indicative of the direction as a whole. As such, once again, the direction was the weakest element of the episode. It certainly wasn&#8217;t as poor as that found in the previous two episodes, but all it offered in it&#8217;s stead was an unsatisfying mediocrity. The entire episode contained far too many awkward scene transitions by way of a prevalence of ineffective, disorienting cuts to black. Though this didn&#8217;t heavily detract from the material, it was a noticeable, distracting flaw nonetheless.

The music was fantastic throughout, never faltering into the jarring sort of mediocrity that was found littered throughout two or so earlier episodes. The musical selection that accompanied the scene in which
Squealer pleads for a reprieve
was exceptional, and, aside from the choral arrangement, probably my favorite, as it&#8217;s wonderfully atmospheric. The animation was also solid, and a definite return to it&#8217;s former quality. Also, I quite like their
character designs post time-skip

Unfortunately, though thoroughly diminished in this episode, the plethora of flaws throughout this latest arc are almost entirely borne from the production side of the equation, and they solely appear to be largely indicative of a short-sighted approach to assembling the appropriate choices for the episodic directors, which, of course, is primarily the fault of Ishihama. Hopefully that doesn't become a recurring problem, since it's distracting from the extremely well-told story.

All in all, though still not able to reach the level of the first four episodes, From the New World delivers an episode that was much better and more impressive than the last two. Although this might, in the future, be deemed altogether impetuous, I&#8217;m rather confident that the majority of these touches of mediocrity that have filtered into the production will, for the most part, disappear, now that the narrative has
eased past this divergent thread
; a subplot that was clearly handled in a relatively disorderly manner, displaying a rather unfortunate and disappointing lack of storytelling precision and care, which created a noticeable dichotomy between the terrific cohesion found in the writing and the chaotic, inconsistent execution.
Code:Breaker 6

And the series' redeeming factor has shown up. Yeah, Heike!

But seriously, that's some crazy foreshadowing with him and the little story segment, even though there's no perceivable way they'd get to that point. (Manga spoilers)
He looks just like he did 100 years ago when assuming the character of the dude in the attic.

And of course, they just have to portray Ogami as some standard tsundere who really does care for people despite all the shit he's done :/


I only lurk in this thread (don't really watch much anime anymore) but as someone who was big into anime in the late 80's and 90's I can tell you that Nadia is worth watching. Yes, the island arc is as bad as you've heard. So, be forewarned.
Someday, I really should watch Nadia. I got into anime at the wrong time, really; it had just come out on DVD I think, and everyone kept going on about how awful they thought the Island arc was, and so I never got around to watching it.
As strange as this may sound the best thing to do regarding the Island Arc is to skip it in it's entirety. It has no bearing on anything else and is essentially shounen filler that can be discarded like the waste that it is.
Jex, is that just upscaled DVD footage or is it taken from the HD broadcast from earlier this year?
The HD content.
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