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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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You won't be disappointed. It's pretty awesome.

Also, I like your avatar

Yeah I remember KO Hobo and a few others seem to like it a lot too. I'll have to get around to it at some point.

And thanks!

We should not ignore that Bakemonogatari has also an amazing OST.
Speaking of the Bakemono OST does anyone know the name of that mellow piano song that plays in the beginning of Episode 2? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I have been thinking about watching it after I finish Sekirei. Either that or Sora no Otoshimono. Horizon is high on the list too.

Horizon has the biggest tits, so I'd go with that. I'm currently watching it, and it's definitely more interesting than Asobi (which I've watched) and Sora (which I haven't but is likely nothing but fanservice with smaller tits).


Speaking of the Bakemono OST does anyone know the name of that mellow piano song that plays in the beginning of Episode 2? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Took me a minute to find it.

Translates to "dreary" or "tasteless", if you're wondering.

Incidentally, my favorite track is probably the very last one that plays in the series, at the end of episode 15, Ohitoyoshi.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also ignores cries that Nisemonogatari is worse because it's more or less the same show, except more of it.
I wish Nise was more or less the same show as Bakemonogatari. But we've already talked about this before...
Horizon has the biggest tits, so I'd go with that. I'm currently watching it, and it's definitely more interesting than Asobi (which I've watched) and Sora (which I haven't but is likely nothing but fanservice with smaller tits).

That's good to know. I'll remember this when I weigh my options.


It has gotten better once they finally moved away from the second love triangle, even though it took a while to do so.

Kyou no Asuka Show 01-05

Uh yeah, so this is that kind of show.

This is a REALLY short show, like 3 minutes long, but its got a different perverted gag in each one. You'll probably like it.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 1-12

Judging solely off the tones the show is usually spoken in; I assumed that it was macabre going in, but not like this! So in essence it’s an anime version of Faust, one which exceeded my expectations in almost every respect. It took the elements which I generally associate with the genre and brilliantly inverts them,
and makes me sad for the world!

The opening episodes were certainly engaging although they betray just how dark it is under that shiny surface. But in a way the unassuming opening only serves to juxtapose just how atypical a show this is. I was surprised at just how tight and competent the story was, and I found myself compelled to see it through almost instantly. In a way, its addictive nature reminds me of my experience with Death Note, although unlike that, it doesn't deliver twists and shock moments at the expense of its own logic and suspension of disbelief. I always find it refreshing whenever something lulls me into a false sense of security, and its an indicator that it largely skirts cliché. One of its greatest strengths is that it succeeds in instilling a genuine sense of dread and anxiety towards the characters and their fates, with the high-stakes permeating into every action.

I’m not usually fond of Shaft’s visual style but it really works effectively here. I particularly like the designs of the witches , which are a ridiculous pastiche of real world elements, and serves as a bizarre palette to contrast with the magical girls themselves. This dissonance continues yet further with the music, which is a blend of the classical as well as some more modern, bombastic tones. I may have to aquire the soundtrack at some point.

I liked all the cast, Kyubey for one,
the magnificent bastard!
It’s his disturbing presence that sets the tone, because it’s not hard to assume that there is something afoot with him from his initial appearance, but you are still left with a lingering doubt, which makes his guarded words
(and the nature of the magical girls)
all the more fascinating. Though it's easy for me to call Homura the stand out, particularly as the best moments come via way of her.
I'll also mention Sayaka, who was an excellent deconstruction of the overly idealistic protagonist, and had the most tragic arc of all, and was who I empathized with the most.

And I’m sure there are plenty of theories knocking around, but there is a few things I wanted to confirm regarding the ending:

So Madoka’s wish was ultimately to euthanize the entire lineage of witches and magical girls? It seemed like the most selfless act, as it essentially rendered their existence (or deaths) meaningful. But if you are to invoke deus ex machina, wouldn't it have been better to simply to create an existence where magical girls wouldn't have been needed at all? I know that they now 'ascend' when they die, but still, struck me as a little odd.
That aside, I can’t really think of any glaring problems that I had with the show and it was pretty much pitch perfectly from the very beginning. I think episode 10 was the absolute stand-out of the series, though, and pretty much cemented my (already) high opinion of the show.

Overall it was excellent, and it'd have to be, I marathoned the entire thing! It's one of those times that I regret not watching it sooner.

Yeah I know what you mean. I marathoned this show 7 times now and got all the blurays and GSC figurines of it, plus a Madoka laptop pad and a poster. I think I might be a bit obsessed with Madoka Magica. Also that picture there is actually my current desktop.

Of course their designs are very remincisent of the pirates from Castle in the Sky:


The cycle repeated itself again for Fractale which has the same shaped thugs in suits + girl arrangement:


and girls with crystals:


Interesting. Also reminds me I need to finish Fractale sometime. Why the hell do my fellow dispatchers have to keep quitting? Guess who has to make up for that with his free days? :(

What's the overall consensus of Bakemonogatari? I have been looking for another show to pick up, since I have a little more free time than expected.

Bakemonagatari is one of those shows where you have to be in a certain mood I suppose to watch it. Talk tlak tlak talk talking all the time. However it does have the incredible advantage of having goddess Senjou in it.

While we're mentioning busty shows, Asobi ni Iku yo would be perfect for you.

Yes, Cat Planet Cuties might work for Chet.

Speaking of right choices, word on the grapevine is that you need to watch a second season of a certain show. Now, what show could that possibly be?

You're right. I have the blurays, the I do not have a lot of time right now.
I need a day with nothing planned and nothing on TV (no NFL games in other words) and nothing my family wants to do that day with me. So basically it has been a bit difficult and will be until possibly January. Maybe Ill fit an episode or two in before /after work sometime.
It may also be because you weren't posting here much when we were all watching the first one too. After that everyone forgot it even existed.
I was on vacation for the first week in August, so that may be it.
This is a REALLY short show, like 3 minutes long, but its got a different perverted gag in each one. You'll probably like it.

Yes, Cat Planet Cuties might work for Chet.

You're right. I have the blurays, the I do not have a lot of time right now.
I need a day with nothing planned and nothing on TV (no NFL games in other words) and nothing my family wants to do that day with me. So basically it has been a bit difficult and will be until possibly January. Maybe Ill fit an episode or two in before /after work sometime.

Yeah, the fact that it's really short makes it easier to catch up on.

They certainly are big.

You've been saying that forever. :/


You're right. I have the blurays, the I do not have a lot of time right now.
I need a day with nothing planned and nothing on TV (no NFL games in other words) and nothing my family wants to do that day with me. So basically it has been a bit difficult and will be until possibly January. Maybe Ill fit an episode or two in before /after work sometime.

Oh my, that's not good, it sounds like watching it would help soothe you and your busy life.


Maturity, bitches.
Why does Space Bro parents have a 16:10 tv o_O
It's the future wooooooo.

Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san Creator Denies 2nd Season

Either Yasuhisa Kubo doesn't understand how early magazine leaks work, or there's something else weird going on here.
Why must he tease me so?

I had a go at these scenes myself and have found JoJo gifs are pretty hard to optimise because they make so much use of camera pans and zooms which means the backgrounds are hardly ever static.



And bonus full walk.

gif is overused
And you only have yourself to blame for that.

If I can suffer through this, you guys can too.

Eh. That wasn't hard at all.

I can listen to MADs all day everyday.


I was on vacation for the first week in August, so that may be it.

Yeah, the fact that it's really short makes it easier to catch up on.

They certainly are big.

You've been saying that forever. :/

I know I have been saying it for a while but keep in mind I have an enormous backlog, and this season has only made it worse because the shows are actually good.
Right now I have exactly two days off each week from work and one of them is Sunday, so theres church, and of course my beloved football. Monday is like my only day to watch anime in any appreciable amount right now. I need to catch up on ep 32 of Space Bros and ep 7 of Tonari, as well as some other stuff. K-ON! isnt going anywhere. Ill get to it eventually.
Right now I just dont have the time to appreciate it.


Has anyone here seen the Library Wars movie? I really loved that show...

I'm afraid I haven't seen it and I don't think any of the people in Japan in this thread have. It's out on disc in January so I'm sure more people will have the chance to see it by then.

It's funny you should mention it, actually, as I hadn't realised there was going to be a live action film version. It seems like the kind of story that would suit live action, particularly in Japan.


I had a go at these scenes myself and have found JoJo gifs are pretty hard to optimise because they make so much use of camera pans and zooms which means the backgrounds are hardly ever static.

Honestly, with scenes that have tons of pans, I just go for file size over accuracy and take out some of the panning. Usually I clip every third frame. It sucks not being able to be completely accurate but I don't think most people notice.


Why must he tease me so?
It turns out that was actually posted by him before the first magazine pictures of the S2 announcement, so it's unrelated. The whole confusing timeline is something like:

Initial rumors of Azazel S2 -> author denies those rumors -> first magazine pic leak -> mixup due to some blog reposting the earlier denial -> 2nd magazine pic leak -> confirmed by natalie.mu.


Magi - 06

Hey, hey, this episode looked gorgeous. The art was detailed and expressive, there was clearly some budget involved this time. I love the art style of Magi, with its soft edges, it's really unique. The animation was really good too, with a nicely animated battle. I would've preferred they did that with the last episode, but I guess they wanted to give Mor a proper introduction.
I wasn't a huge fan of Morgiana's "arc" originally, so I'm glad they devoted a single episode to it, and since the execution was so great I enjoyed it much more than in the manga.

Next week the shit hits the fan and the real Magi finally starts. I can't wait, holy shit.

*Raises eyebrow* While I do really like magi I would never describe the art as being detailed or unique, it's far from it especially next to your usual shounen for example next to fairy tail it's characters aren't as varied or as detailed or next to naruto same thing, it's art is definitely it's weak point it looks very anime.

But what I really love about magi is, it's political debates in the balbad arc.


Sōichi Masuo work is too cool to worry about physics (because I assumed that was his work, given the effects seen and the fact that he animated a LOT of the scenes involving the Nautilus/New Nautilus).
I don't particularly care about physics, well I guess it is related to physics, but the thing that always got me was the effect surfacing like that would have on the crew, the bridge has the fancy chairs and shit with straps, they can handle an ascent straight up but the rest of the sub I've seen so far is like normal chairs, beds, shit like that, those poor guys and gals are headed straight for the wall. And they do it all the time. And whenever they show the nautilus underwater beginning its ascent it's nice and even and then it cuts to the surface with it piercing the surface like a rocket for the front to just come crashing down.
I haven't even gotten to her preachy vegetarian regime either! Otaku have weird taste in females.
I'm actually not that mad about her vegetarian preachiness, it's been my opinion so far that everyone else is just as much if not more-so an ass towards her over being omnivores. I honestly don't know if everyone's reaction to her vegetarianism is a product of the times or intentional, was being a vegetarian something that existed in any form in that time period? Either way the crew's totally insensitive towards Nadia as well in that matter.

What kills me is her preachiness on everything. Eat meat and you're a bastard, on an armed ship and you're a bastard,
shoot someone who just shot at you
and you're a bastard, her outlook offers you no option to be a good person unless you spend your time running away from everything in cotton eating vegetables.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 6

Poco ftw. I think the major fight was better last episode and the one with Targus is kind of uninteresting, thus far...though
if Zepelli dies and he has to pass on his will to his successor like the episode says, noooo, I really like him and hes a good and interesting character but to already die in just seven episodes?! I was hoping he'd stick around for this trio, best personality of the three!

Arent they confused about the law of ripple or rather isnt it inconsistent, how is it not about destruction yet we see it destroy stuff? It cant destroy a chain but it can destroy and crack rocks, shift water, and even destroy zombie bodies...

Fairy Tail 156

It felt like they expanded more on the middle of the place than the manga. I was disappointed in the eye part it felt funnier and handled better in the manga. Hope they dont drop the ball with the upcoming events.


Man, I love all the JoJo GIFs. That show is just everything I currently want from an action series. It just shows how you can take all the typically bad aspects of the 90s "xtreme" attitude and make them awesome. I mean, it's a show about super buff dudes, supernatural fights, fabulous vampires and rock music. It has characters named Robert EO Speedwagon and Tonpetty. It should be ridiculous, and it is, but in exactly the right way.
Cute can only defeat you if you let it.
I know these things. Just stand in there, hold your ground. Take the moenuke to the face and soldier on.
OK master of cute ..i'll try to hold my ground from now on .. i hope you'll teach me new tricks should i be in a position of overcuteness in the near future !

Seitokai Yakuindomo: Episodes 2-3

Perverts. Everyone in this show is a pervert.
NOt really the show is divided into 3 categories..
-the perverts ( kaicho , secretary , female professor , ect ect)
-the ones with too much contact with the perverts and thus must try to set them up in teh right path ( 99.5% of chance of a failure )..this include tsuda , hagimura and plenty of others
-the "normals" this includes tsuda classmates, the judo club ect ect those characters are imune to the perverts actions

in short the setokai yakuindomo casting is in a perfect balance of normal/semi perverts/perverts to ensure that you get sex jokes every minute .. trully a magnificent anime !!

initial d stage 5 2

So takumi dumped the whore for a golf chick?

And more racing.

she wasn't dumped , takumi told her to pursue her "dream" in tokyo ..the perfect place for a girl like her ... for "studying" ..(lol)


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 6
Arent they confused about the law of ripple or rather isnt it inconsistent, how is it not about destruction yet we see it destroy stuff? It cant destroy a chain but it can destroy and crack rocks, shift water, and even destroy zombie bodies...

Part of it varies user by user, but part of it is just, like. Think of how real martial artists can crack a plank or a cinderblock, but then imagine how useless they'd be against an iron door or meters-thick stone wall.

As for the zombie thing in particular, that's not physical destruction per se, it's the ripple disrupting the energy used to animate them.


Darker Than Black Vol. 2 Ep. 2

This was certainly the most...peculiar episode so far. There's always been a bizarre and mysterious aspect of this show, but this one had more of a sense of humor to it.

I can't tell if I'm going to love or hate Detective Kurasawa and his assistant. They were quite the pair. I guess I have to appreciate a girl dressing up as a catgirl and giving pictures of herself cosplaying in order to lead a search for a missing cat. And Kurasawa smokes like crazy. And then there was that part where the rich girl whose cat they were looking for was cleaning his ears. I had assumed that he had gotten laid, and I guess he did, in a weird way. That's a very bizarre fetish though.

Like is always the case with the first parts of this show's arcs, I can't wait for the conclusion. This show sets the table for these so fucking well. Perfume CEO's ex-wife is obviously involved in some shady stuff, and there's a lot of questions about this to be answered.
Darker Than Black Vol. 2 Ep. 2

This was certainly the most...peculiar episode so far. There's always been a bizarre and mysterious aspect of this show, but this one had more of a sense of humor to it.

I can't tell if I'm going to love or hate Detective Kurasawa and his assistant. They were quite the pair. I guess I have to appreciate a girl dressing up as a catgirl and giving pictures of herself cosplaying in order to lead a search for a missing cat. And Kurasawa smokes like crazy. And then there was that part where the rich girl whose cat they were looking for was cleaning his ears. I had assumed that he had gotten laid, and I guess he did, in a weird way. That's a very bizarre fetish though.

Like is always the case with the first parts of this show's arcs, I can't wait for the conclusion. This show sets the table for these so fucking well. Perfume CEO's ex-wife is obviously involved in some shady stuff, and there's a lot of questions about this to be answered.
While they certainly have a different tone, the detective episodes are good stuff. If nothing else, they provide an outside perspective on everything that's happening. I think you'll come to love them.


While they certainly have a different tone, the detective episodes are good stuff. If nothing else, they provide an outside perspective on everything that's happening. I think you'll come to love them.

I really disliked the detectives

They strike me as characters who can add something positive to the show, so long as they don't get too much screentime and take away from the atmosphere from the rest of the show.
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