Gold Member

If you've been having trouble with the Fallout 4 achievements, you're not alone. Looking at data and reports from players in our forums, the Fallout 4 achievements on Xbox are broken, as not a single player has been able to pop an achievement in the Xbox RPG since the end of March.
According to data, the last time someone unlocked a Fallout 4 achievement in the base game or any of its DLC expansions was on March 30. Since then, reports about the issue have trickled in, but as of the release of Amazon's new Fallout TV show, which has clearly inspired many to either return to or pick up Fallout 4, we've seen a Megaton-sized explosion in players saying they too are unable to unlock any achievements in the RPG.
Thankfully, Bethesda has acknowledged the issue. A Bethesda Support post reads,
"We are currently investigating an issue where achievements are failing to unlock for Fallout 4 on Xbox." Hopefully, we won't have too long to wait until the problem is fixed, but until then, it might be worth holding out from playing Fallout 4.
via TrueAchievements