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Fallout 4 players pissed that Next-Gen Update completely broke mods, corrupted saves, full of glitches


Just shows Bethesda's attitude towards PC now, as Todd told us all to upgrade our PC,s to play Starfield last year then 4 weeks later a patch gets released that massively improves performance, the Fallout update on PC is just a middle finger to PC gamers,

Bethesda should remember who kept their games relevant and selling since Morrowind to this day, PC modders who game on PC

They are not the same company they were from the Skyrim days and before, Corporate suits now and I'm not hyped for TES 6, whenever it comes


Gold Member
welp it exploded my ps5 i picked a safe in that enclave quest and got stuck on “preparing to shutdown ps5”. had to unplug it


Gold Member
I’ve had multiple crashes on PS5. I’m going to wait for a patch or two, if they can be arsed, because I can’t be arsed saving every 2 minutes.


Played on Series X. Achievement popped, smooth frame rate. The performance toggle seemed to do nothing though. Granted went out the vault and then died to a Raider lol.


Gold Member
As far as I can tell, Bethesda is a company past its prime that doesn’t even understand their own engine these days, likely because the talent has long since left or haven’t updated their skills.

We’re going to get an Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 built atop this stale trash.


Gold Member
The mod complaints are kinda silly tbh. Fallout 76's mods are broken with every single update but the mod author is usually on top of it.

The real issue here is the lack of bug fixes (two of the Reddit links in the OP are LONG-standing bugs that should have been fixed with this update), introducing new bugs (the exclamation point thrower in the OP), and barebones next-gen "upgrades".

The ultrawide support is apparently just an .ini edit that stretches all HUD elements:

Like I said in the other thread, I honestly feel bad for people that were looking forward to this update to jump back in. All of the game's bugs are well documented by this point and Bethesda did absolutely nothing to try to fix them. They did the absolute bare minimum.... the players deserve better.



This might sound sarcastic, but is Bethesda studio just full of old crusty programmers that are pissed that everyone has moved on from old computer languages and just sit in the office angrily writing on computers as old and dusty as them, complaining about this engine called unreal something or other. Their engine is so out of date, the bugs are laughable, and it happens all the time. They seem to just get away with releasing game after game and people say 'oh bethesda you've done it again you silly, silly moo'.
Starfield engine is the same one they made for Morrowind 20 years ago. Does that answer your question?


Starfield engine is the same one they made for Morrowind 20 years ago. Does that answer your question?
It is heavily heavily modified. Though, it’s like saying the call of duty engine is the same as it used to be. It has some connection for sure but it is disingenuous to say it’s the “same”.


It is heavily heavily modified. Though, it’s like saying the call of duty engine is the same as it used to be. It has some connection for sure but it is disingenuous to say it’s the “same”.
It is the same since it has the same limitations. Fallout 4 doesn’t allow you to change graphic settings in game, need to go through the launcher. Same with very clear world cells and all dungeons that have to be made into a cave or a building because of the cell structure of the engine.
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Gold Member
The mod complaints are kinda silly tbh. Fallout 76's mods are broken with every single update but the mod author is usually on top of it.

The real issue here is the lack of bug fixes (two of the Reddit links in the OP are LONG-standing bugs that should have been fixed with this update), introducing new bugs (the exclamation point thrower in the OP), and barebones next-gen "upgrades".

The ultrawide support is apparently just an .ini edit that stretches all HUD elements:

Like I said in the other thread, I honestly feel bad for people that were looking forward to this update to jump back in. All of the game's bugs are well documented by this point and Bethesda did absolutely nothing to try to fix them. They did the absolute bare minimum.... the players deserve better.

I dont think too many people are buying F4 10 years later for sake of next gen patches. So any decent free patches are better than nothing. But for those of you who actually bought F4 anticipating awesome upgrades, it goes to show for the millionth time..... just wait a day or two for info. Dont blindly buy games. You'll get all the info you need from gamers literally within 24H the good, bad and ugly.


I dont think too many people are buying F4 10 years later for sake of next gen patches. So any decent free patches are better than nothing. But for those of you who actually bought F4 anticipating awesome upgrades, it goes to show for the millionth time..... just wait a day or two for info. Dont blindly buy games. You'll get all the info you need from gamers literally within 24H the good, bad and ugly.
There are definitely some people that have watched the TV series and have never jumped in before that were waiting for the patch to drop in order to play for the first time

90% off them being casuals that didnt know any better. 5M people were playing Fallout games last week, ffs.

And for some, nothing would actually be better, since it broke many mods on PC (including script extender, necessary for many mods to work) and added basicaly nothing of value

And the cherry on top is that Fallout London was scheduled to be released 2 days before the patch, but they had to postpone it. And since Script Extender is now broken, they have to wait until it gets fixed (if ever)

I swear to God, Bethesda is something else
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Console guys wont understand. Just like PC guys didn't understand cyberpunk being ass at launch.


Very on brand. Sucks that Fallout London has been delayed because of this. Especially when this did no good for anyone and just broke so much, lol.


It is the same since it has the same limitations. Fallout 4 doesn’t allow you to change graphic settings in game, need to go through the launcher. Same with very clear world cells and all dungeons that have to be made into a cave or a building because of the cell structure of the engine.
I guess if you want to pick and choose sure and there are certainly issues but there has been loads of changes to it.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You're always that guy lmao, you corporate slave.


What mods would you suggest?

FoV 85, Cheat Terminal.

These are my two essential. There are others like the unofficial patch and Vivid Fallout but I'm not sure how well they work with this new version of the game since they're bigger modifications.
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It’s as if there’s a part of the community that just LOVES to shit on anything BGS releases.

Meanwhile on steam charts it’s at almost 140k concurrent players on a 9 year old single player game…
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No surprises here, its their signature mark. I guess people either forgot that part or just miss those days.
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In case you were wondering, this is why Microsoft was and is unable to beat Sony/Nintendo. Both had highly successful new installments of their franchises (TLOU/Mario) ready to come out when the transmedia pieces hit big and they sold tons of copies at full price.

Meanwhile this FO patch (which by itself wouldn't have been enough anyways) took 2 years to come out, missed the show's v. successful launch by a couple of weeks, and it came out in this state. Literally failing on all counts.

This reminds me of when TNA was competing with WWE in the mid-2000s, completely awful company that never managed to compete even when fortune somehow went their way.
Yes. 100%

The Fallout show is fantastic, so it's a shame. Xbox is so mismanaged at this point. There should have been a new Fallout ready to go. They could have bought the London mod/team a year ago, polished and released. But that would have been good management... actually they should still do that, polish and release for Christmas.
In case you were wondering, this is why Microsoft was and is unable to beat Sony/Nintendo. Both had highly successful new installments of their franchises (TLOU/Mario) ready to come out when the transmedia pieces hit big and they sold tons of copies at full price.

Meanwhile this FO patch (which by itself wouldn't have been enough anyways) took 2 years to come out, missed the show's v. successful launch by a couple of weeks, and it came out in this state. Literally failing on all counts.

This reminds me of when TNA was competing with WWE in the mid-2000s, completely awful company that never managed to compete even when fortune somehow went their way.
Kmt What GIF by Levelle London

Do you not remember how Skyrim ran on PS3? Or BGS games in general across every pretty much every platform? Not even considering how old the title being updated is or the history of the studio?

This has less to do with MSFT and more to do with Bethesda being Bethesda. Dunk on MSFT all day for the right reasons. This ain't it though. You are conflating two separate things to have a console war.

Hell, it's not even a BGS release unless there is a ton of glitches/bugs/etc.

game of thrones agree GIF
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Bethesda is a very awkward spot right now. When it comes to their big narrative open world RPGs which is "what they're known for", this is their most recent track record:

TES5 was 2011
Fallout 4 was 2015
Starfield was 2023
TES6 is targetting what, 2031? and Fallout 5 what, 2040?

Starfield was too ambitious for their internal tools, they should have taken the opportunity to transition into a modern game engine custom-made that supports their needs instead of spending 8 years trying to twist and mangle gamebryo into something that supports space travel.


I don't know, is this they're first time playing a Bethesda game? it's been like this for over a decade whenever Bethesda updates their games.


This is what happens when you release a useless update for a ancient game that has a big modding community.
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Kmt What GIF by Levelle London

Do you not remember how Skyrim ran on PS3? Or BGS games in general across every pretty much every platform? Not even considering how old the title being updated is or the history of the studio?

This has less to do with MSFT and more to do with Bethesda being Bethesda. Dunk on MSFT all day for the right reasons. This ain't it though. You are conflating two separate things to have a console war.

Hell, it's not even a BGS release unless there is a ton of glitches/bugs/etc.

game of thrones agree GIF
The "this is Bethesda" shit is beyond irrelevant here.

They knew they had a show coming out since the deal was signed (Todd Howard probably got dailies from the shoots too, they definitely knew this was shaping up well), how do you not have a new game? or at the very least a properly QA'd patch? This is a past-gen title with tons of modding already done for it. Literally just implement the best QoL fan patches, QA test, then ship it out. It's not fucking rocket science.

Why the fuck did they dick around with Starfield for almost a decade (a title that will likely never see the popularity of Fallout) instead of capitalizing on a TV show that they knew was coming and likely knew was gonna be good too! You don't even need to make a full-blown game, just make a smaller scope title and rake in cash @ $50-$70 a piece instead of having the sales surge go to titles on %70-80 discounts!

It's a complete clown car handling of one of the easiest slam dunks of this gen.

Now I know how Bryan Alvarez felt when he made the infamous TNA gold boat rant.

Bethesda head honchos have no fucking clue what they are doing. Like even before you add MS to the mix.


Linux User
Bethesda is a very awkward spot right now. When it comes to their big narrative open world RPGs which is "what they're known for", this is their most recent track record:

TES5 was 2011
Fallout 4 was 2015
Starfield was 2023
TES6 is targetting what, 2031? and Fallout 5 what, 2040?

Starfield was too ambitious for their internal tools, they should have taken the opportunity to transition into a modern game engine custom-made that supports their needs instead of spending 8 years trying to twist and mangle gamebryo into something that supports space travel.
Fuck it they should just transition to Unreal 5 like almost everyone else. Now their new hires first have to spend months learning their shitty engine.


I do not want them to change the engine. The engine is what makes these games as popular as they are. I’d be totally fine paying $70 for a new Fallout with FO4/Starfield level graphics. Zero issues with that. Hell, I wish I could.

Moving to a new engine ends modding. Or at least cuts it by 95%. I don’t ever mod the games too far afield from the vanilla experience, but they are absolutely necessary in every Bethesda title.


Played on ps5 for around 4 hours yesterday and not a single issue. Im enjoying it so far. Base building is much easier than the 30 fps mode, oddly.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Works fine for me on xsx, in fact it fixed a bug that had no audio for my gun.

When ms bought Bethesda, almost unanimously gaf wanted them to be left alone to be Bethesda and still make the same games. Fast forward to now, outrage when the games are still buggy, like Bethesda games have always been. 🤪


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Works fine for me on xsx, in fact it fixed a bug that had no audio for my gun.
Played on ps5 for around 4 hours yesterday and not a single issue. Im enjoying it so far. Base building is much easier than the 30 fps mode, oddly.

Looks like PC Bro's are the ones not having a good time.

Console versions seem to be fine going by most impressions.
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