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Fallout 4 |OT2| Farming Simulator 2287


Holy hell, this guy's settlement is amazing




I imagine this is with mods?


Just downloaded the new DLC and I can say hand on heart that its the biggest load of rubbish since Horse Armour!

Hangman's Alley made a structure with the elevator, leaves gaps between floors, its very shoody.

The contraption part of it has plenty of switches but it's overall a novelty. Once you have done a little bit there is nothing more to do.

Gun racks and armour racks are cool in your own space but overall something a quick mod could have done.

The manufacturing is interesting, for 5 minutes. Built up a small system so I could have the same weapons and uniforms for settlers but a simple mod can spawn these things out of thin air.

Bethesda has made a great game in fallout 4, probably my game of the generation so far with the amount of hours I've sunk in to it, but damn the Season pass has been awful. Had I known I may have skipped it and just bought Far Harbor. I paid for content, I was expecting 4 DLCs like Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Nuka World needs to be similar in size to Far Harbor and have good writing otherwise I won't buy another season pass from them again until I see what the DLC consists of.

The Mods have been hellishly fun, and added so much to the game and I can't wait for more games to implement them.

After playing a bit with it it actually feels more like a modder's resource rather than a full fledged piece of DLC ...


Holy hell, this guy's settlement is amazing




It looks amazing but performance must be terrible. And i bet settlers just stand there having no idea what to do.

😵😵😵😵😵 why the fuck did i get this on console.. 😔

Not to sound elitist but when it comes to fallout or elder scrolls PC is the way to go.
If playing on PC is a possibility, do it.

But i have the feeling that with bethesda's future games they will try to force their mod platform on us.
I hope I'm not the only one that's having this problem but it looks like Bethesda broke the Script Extender program again with the 1.5.4 patch. It wasn't working two weeks ago but they patched it but now it's broken again.

BTW this issue only apply's to the PC version



Making a courtroom with settlements for a dumb modded LP idea took way more effort than it had any right to. Liked the result though haha. Can't wait to use the new contraptions DLC to make overly elaborate execution machines for the criminal.


So basically, the only real DLC we get is Far Harbor and Nuka World?
I was expecting something like F3 and FNV, i don't give a fuck about settlements and all that added shit. Don't get me wrong, i can clearly see that there are people that enjoy this, however i am not one of those and i expected more story wise. Kinda disappointing really.

N° 2048

So basically, the only real DLC we get is Far Harbor and Nuka World?
I was expecting something like F3 and FNV, i don't give a fuck about settlements and all that added shit. Don't get me wrong, i can clearly see that there are people that enjoy this, however i am not one of those and i expected more story wise. Kinda disappointing really.

Very very disappointed.
I feel so bad for people who paid the higher price.


I hope I'm not the only one that's having this problem but it looks like Bethesda broke the Script Extender program again with the 1.5.4 patch. It wasn't working two weeks ago but they patched it but now it's broken again.

BTW this issue only apply's to the PC version

Nevermind. It's broken. Latest version is 1.5.416


I feel like I got my money's worth for the season pass. But I got it like 23% off the original price on GMG before the game even released, so...

I mean let's do some quick math.

All the wasteland workshop, contraption, settlement DLC should be worth about $10 altogether imo.

Automatron has a bit of a quest, but let's be stingy and say it was worth $5.

The Vault-Tec DLC will have a bit of a quest with it, so let's say $5 for that.

Far Harbor was fairly large, had quite a bit to do, but let's cheap out and say it was only worth $15.

We don't know much about Nuka World yet, but let's say it's not as much to do as Far Harbor and say it's worth about $10.

Add it all up and you get $45 worth of DLC and that was being fairly stingy. Yeah the settlement stuff doesn't interest everyone, but you can't really bitch about getting stuff you didn't want if you chose to get the season pass because that's the nature of the beast. Personally I think Automatron was worth the $10 price point, so that'd be $50 depending on your point of view. But I can see how, depending on your view, season pass holders who bought after the price increase didn't get their money's worth.

Don't get me wrong, I really wish we had another decent chunk of story content DLC, and a lot of the settlement stuff is hit or miss (why are the elevator floors higher than my house floors?). And it definitely feels like a cash grab for them to raise the price of the season pass only to reveal that Nuka World is the last DLC.


N° 2048

Imho, wasteland workshop should have never existed as DLC. It should have shipped in vanilla the game. I feel like they rushed the settlement features so they ended up making it DLC.

Vaults DLC is an exception. That is a cool DLC idea, glad they did it. Vaults should have been the only workshop DLC.
Anyone else having problems with conveyor belts? Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I connect the ammunition maker bit to a collector piece. I then power to a terminal, then connect to the machinery to the terminal. I put more than enough ingredients into the ammo section. I then select what ammo I want, then nothing.
I have to either reconnect the power, or remove then add an ingredient to set it off.
Am I connecting it correctly?
Sorry, I'm not able to look at the game, and I can't remember the name of the pieces used. It just connects to the end of your conveyor line and stores whatever you are making.
I used the reactor to power the conveyor, so I used maybe 15 of the 100 available from that type of generator, so power shouldn't be an issue.
Not sure how many other people have played survival mode but damn is it borderline ulcer-inducing. I made the mistake of not immediately going for the local leader perk and spent a good 25 hours making rigorous journeys back to Sanctuary before rectifying that mistake.

So far the greatest threat to my safety has not been sharpshooters or disease but rather explosives. Bottlecap mines, regular mines, traps and tripwires it doesn't matter, it all kills you in one go. Every building and street I roam I'm less concerned about enemies and more paranoid that some dumb landmine hidden in a crack is going to detonate and send me back another 20 minutes of progress.

The Cannibalism perk is another mistake I made because the withdrawal effects from not eating corpses every 2 minutes leads to crippling stat reduction and rampant death by starvation. Rest it off for 36 hours and never eat another corpse again.

Finally, avoid starting the Automatron storyline for as long as possible because once you do it's just wave after wave of Rust Devils roaming the streets fighting everything in their path. They are strong and a constant nuisance. I got dragged into a firefight with about 8 of them fighting feral ghouls while a small group of Gunners just randomly stroll by and join the fight.

I'm having fun and it's getting easier with more perks levelling up but yeah, the stress of not dying and trying to find any kind of bed is taking its toll.


Finally, avoid starting the Automatron storyline for as long as possible because once you do it's just wave after wave of Rust Devils roaming the streets fighting everything in their path. They are strong and a constant nuisance. I got dragged into a firefight with about 8 of them fighting feral ghouls while a small group of Gunners just randomly stroll by and join the fight.

I'm having fun and it's getting easier with more perks levelling up but yeah, the stress of not dying and trying to find any kind of bed is taking its toll.

Yeah I already knew this from my previous game. But I made the mistake of getting too near the caravan site and even though I walked around and didn't get close enough to participate, some how it resolved itself without me and the battle was "won by me". And apparently that's enough to get them to spawn. They are tough for me when I was in normal non survival at a higher level than I am now. Though made a lot easier at the time cause the hacking glitch that is now fixed that let me back from a distance. Now I can't even do that.
Not sure how many other people have played survival mode but damn is it borderline ulcer-inducing. I made the mistake of not immediately going for the local leader perk and spent a good 25 hours making rigorous journeys back to Sanctuary before rectifying that mistake.

So far the greatest threat to my safety has not been sharpshooters or disease but rather explosives. Bottlecap mines, regular mines, traps and tripwires it doesn't matter, it all kills you in one go. Every building and street I roam I'm less concerned about enemies and more paranoid that some dumb landmine hidden in a crack is going to detonate and send me back another 20 minutes of progress.

The Cannibalism perk is another mistake I made because the withdrawal effects from not eating corpses every 2 minutes leads to crippling stat reduction and rampant death by starvation. Rest it off for 36 hours and never eat another corpse again.

Finally, avoid starting the Automatron storyline for as long as possible because once you do it's just wave after wave of Rust Devils roaming the streets fighting everything in their path. They are strong and a constant nuisance. I got dragged into a firefight with about 8 of them fighting feral ghouls while a small group of Gunners just randomly stroll by and join the fight.

I'm having fun and it's getting easier with more perks levelling up but yeah, the stress of not dying and trying to find any kind of bed is taking its toll.

The Rust Devils are not really the problem though. The mechanists' robots are a lot worse. Those things are a nightmare.
I'd agree with the sentiment that Wasteland Workshop and Contraptions should have been free updates. They were expanding on existing mechanics. The Vault I could see justified as there's some new simulation stuff there with experimenting on vault dwellers and whatnot. But things like armor mannequins, additional structures and furniture should have been free items.


I enjoy the sense of urgency survival mode has. The need to eat, drink, rest, i like it.
But i hate some of the design decisions. Like not being able to use console commands or save menu. Sorry, but i don't trust bethesda games enough to let go of multiple save slots and console commands like tcl.


I enjoy the sense of urgency survival mode has. The need to eat, drink, rest, i like it.
But i hate some of the design decisions. Like not being able to use console commands or save menu. Sorry, but i don't trust bethesda games enough to let go of multiple save slots and console commands like tcl.
Mod that shit. I have gophers quick save mod for survival. It doesn't make sense to have to play a narcoleptic in survival mode.
Sleeping and immediately cancelling does save (on Xbox at least.)

But that only preserves daylight hours since all the Survival mechanisms seem to trigger on the saving and not the actual sleeping.


I enjoy the sense of urgency survival mode has. The need to eat, drink, rest, i like it.
But i hate some of the design decisions. Like not being able to use console commands or save menu. Sorry, but i don't trust bethesda games enough to let go of multiple save slots and console commands like tcl.

Same, that's why i use a mod to enable manual saving.


Got this for Xmas and started to play a couple of times and quit. Fired it up this weekend cause I saw it in my stack of games to play and all the sudden I'm 20 hours in. Fun so far just exploring and building my settlement.
FO4 gets a lot of shit on GAF. Some deserved. Some undeserved. But it's a great game as far as I'm concerned. Sunk more hours into it than I care to admit.

N° 2048

560 hours throughout 3 save games so far and I haven't played in a couple weeks (waiting for PS4 mods).

This game has it's flaws but it's still one of the best games I've ever played.


FO4 gets a lot of shit on GAF. Some deserved. Some undeserved. But it's a great game as far as I'm concerned. Sunk more hours into it than I care to admit.

I think it's a mediocre rpg. And yet i have over 300 hours. Sure, much of this time was spent tinkering with mods and reshade presets. But i can't say it wasn't fun.

These past days i've been going to bed at around 4am. I blame OCDecorator.
560 hours throughout 3 save games so far and I haven't played in a couple weeks (waiting for PS4 mods).

This game has it's flaws but it's still one of the best games I've ever played.

Yup been playing since the Mega Drive gen and i am about the same hour wise with mods as well.

Its flawed but up there with my top games as well. I look forward to Nuka world and I hope they improve on to flaws for the 5th installment


I'm 238 hours into my one playthrough. Just going through Far Harbor, nearing the end I think, so I feel I've completely gotten my monies worth, main game and season pass. I did get the pass pretty cheap. I have zero interest in the crafting DLC stuff but the main story driven packs have been great. The Machinist was short but fun. Far Harbor is massive and I'm getting lost in it and Nuka World looks like a lot of fun. And brighter which will be a nice change of scenery considering how drab Far Harbor is.


Very very disappointed.
I feel so bad for people who paid the higher price.

yup even though it was great dlc F3's was the last I bought... I had mods for skyrim and new vegas so I didnt need it lol never even beat the story line for either lol for me the fun was downloading a new mod and playing with it. I would have been mad even if I bought F4's dlc at the lower price... doesnt seem worth it and that coming from someone that likes the settlement stuff... stuff like that should have been kept mods for free... it should have been 4 big dlcs like the past games.
My character has permanently lost 5 perception points. When I searched for a bug that reduces perception I found a ton of people from last year claiming that sometimes after your head is crippled the perception debuff never goes away. Some people claim they got their perception to come back later in the game by getting their head crippled again, but others say that didn't work.

Guess I'm finally done with this game. Possibly permanent -5 perception is a crazy handicap. PS4 version, no mods.


So turns out you can use the Logic Gates to automatically lock your settlement's entrance whenever it's under attack.

You can also use it to make your defense 0 up until the settlement is attacked and then automatically trigger all defenses online the same way the door is locked. So you can like trick raiders into attacking you thinking you have 0 defense then basically having your settlement go into lockdown mode haha.

Had a lot of fun playing supervillain.
So turns out you can use the Logic Gates to automatically lock your settlement's entrance whenever it's under attack.

You can also use it to make your defense 0 up until the settlement is attacked and then automatically trigger all defenses online the same way the door is locked. So you can like trick raiders into attacking you thinking you have 0 defense then basically having your settlement go into lockdown mode haha.

Had a lot of fun playing supervillain.

Wow.... That is incredible! Sigh looks like it's back to the settlements


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Yeah this might be true but considering that the Season Pass was 30 bucks before they raised the price and Far Harbor itself is already 25 bucks I don't think it was a mistake to get the seaon pass. Automatron was fun and I think Nuka World will be too.

Are there trophies for the new DLC?
Far Harbor was a $15 (maybe $20) DLC priced at $25.

It was very good don't get me wrong, but I don't feel it delivered all that much more compared to Point Lookout or Old World Blues.


Wow.... That is incredible! Sigh looks like it's back to the settlements

One more awesome thing you can do with Logic Gates is a combination lock. So if you are like me and really get into the whole "make settlements hypothetically safe" thing, it's great. I've walled all my settlements now and make sure the only entrance is locked my a combination lock that triggers a spinning blade of death if you enter it wrong haha.
I've been doing the Learning Curve quests (escort scribe) for the BoS at ~L30, and the scribes basically insta-die the second we get into a fight.

It feels like these guys didn't get upgraded for Survival mode. On the plus side, it's a pretty easy way to get ~400 XP.


The new machinery elements truly are infuriating ...

Considering there's barely anything useful you can build with those, save for a few items you can get a proper supply of (Lunch boxes, gauss rifles, some rare ammo ...) I though to myself why not try a system that just breaks down all the junk you carry home into it's components so that you can easily use them and sort them for when you need them in those rare cases.

Well ... can't do that either ... or at least not entirely.

The sorters, only sort the items that have the required components instead of breaking them down and only letting said component enter the builder, which leaves you with a ton of crap left in the builder you have to remove yourself, because it doesn't spit them out and because vacuum hoppers can't be told what to get from the container you point them to meaning they'll take out the componenets you need as well as the leftovers ..

There are some basic functions that makes complete automation impossible :
- Having containers linked to your workshop to draw items from
- Having hoppers that can select which component(s) to draw from said container
- Having a sorter that breaks down items into their components
- Having the ability to store your output in a container linked to your workshop
- Having something to do with most of the items you can build.

It completely defeats the whole purpose of the system, which is a shame, because as a whole it's way less buggy than I would have thought (unless you blatantly ignore basic rules of physics)
It doesn't boil down to much but having that, not conveniently forgetting some ammo types and items in the selection of what you can build, maybe have a few extras unique things even if just cosmetic, and maybe involve settlers in a way in the process would have made this a very good piece of content, but yet again we need mods to save the day.
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