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Fallout New Vegas DLC Vol2: Honest Hearts |OT| I am the right hand of the Lord


Does anyone else using the Desert Ranger armor have the sleeve missing betweeen the pip boy and the left hand when holding a two handed weapon? I don't get that with the NCR armor.
Question for those who have gotten far in Honest Hearts or beaten it, concerning The Burned Man.

Within like 20 minutes of getting into Zion and just doing some random exploring after that first event, I stumbled into
Angel Cave, where I proceeded to slaughter a bunch of natives. As I progressed further into the cave, I came upon The Burned Man himself. I was pretty surprised I already found the fucker, he attacked me, so I killed him outright and took his shit.
I imagine doing that is going to have a huge effect on how the rest of HH story plays out right? I am thinking I should go load a previous save and just avoid that place for now......


Darkshier said:
Question for those who have gotten far in Honest Hearts or beaten it, concerning The Burned Man.

Within like 20 minutes of getting into Zion and just doing some random exploring after that first event, I stumbled into
Angel Cave, where I proceeded to slaughter a bunch of natives. As I progressed further into the cave, I came upon The Burned Man himself. I was pretty surprised I already found the fucker, he attacked me, so I killed him outright and took his shit.
I imagine doing that is going to have a huge effect on how the rest of HH story plays out right? I am thinking I should go load a previous save and just avoid that place for now......

Yeah he does have a pretty big role in this DLC, also those batch of tribals shouldn't be hostile towards you. Try to not shoot everything that moves lol


Junior Member
Wiseblood said:
Does anyone else using the Desert Ranger armor have the sleeve missing betweeen the pip boy and the left hand when holding a two handed weapon? I don't get that with the NCR armor.

Where you basically have an invisible wrist? That happens to me with a bunch of outfits on my female character, super annoying.


I've just completed it. Completely agree with Duckroll's comments.

Personally, I feel it's far superior in terms of design than Dead Money. The only things that Dead Money has over it is story, companions and challenge. That's it.

+ World design. It's gorgeous, a nice step away from the wasteland we've been used to. Atmospheric, weather effects (well... rain), and the night sky is stunning. It also felt perfect for my character, who heavily relies on sneak, critical hits and a sniper rifle simply due to the vantage points spread throughout. I absolutely loved that.
+ Exploration. I had a ton of fun exploring in this. I loved things like
the Survivalist stuff. And finally finding his skeleton on top of The Red Gate with the revelation that is the Father.
+ Random encounters! I never thought I'd see it, but random encounters are in.
+ Joshua Graham. Awesome voice and a great character. Though different to what I was expecting. It was neat to hear his back story.
+ More foreboding. Nice little hints we got about Ulysses and the Divide. I can't wait for Lonesome Road.
+ Enemies. Yao Guai and Green Geckos were great.
+ Quest design. Not phenomenal but it was nice to have more optional stuff.
+ Choices and story. However short it was, I really enjoyed it and tomorrow I'm going to try an other ending.
I sided with Joshua Graham at the end and destroyed the White Legs.
+ Loot! Glorious, glorious loot.
Survivalist's Rifle, .45 Auto Pistol / SMG, Compliance Regulator, A Light Shining in Darkness, Joshua Graham's Armour, Desert Ranger Armour.
Most of them I could see myself using.

- Companions. I... didn't like them. I felt they were a tad annoying and a step back from vanilla and Dead Money. And some of their banter was just irritating and more often than not, they would rush into fights even if I set them as passive. So I just sent them back to their camps.

I highly recommend it, I absolutely loved it. I can't wait for Old World Blues.
Really want to crack this and Dead Money open, but won't be able to until the PlayStation Store returns. But that's fine. New Vegas has a ton to do until then. I'm still doing DLC from Fallout 3, as well.


Dark Stalkers said:
Any good energy/unarmed weapons in this dlc?

The energy weapon in the game will make the whole non-lethal play through easier,
its called the compliance regulator and it paralyzes the enemy for 10 seconds

I can't really comment on the unarmed weapons since I haven't used them at all, but there is
a unique power fist


Finished it up today and while I would not give it a 6 I would say I pretty much agree with the Eurogamer review. Dead Money is by far the cream of the crop of just about all the DLC between Fallout 3 and NV. Honest Hearts somewhere in the middle. While HH might complement DM it doesn't really add all that much either save the loot/perks.

EG sums it up well for me;

As a side story to the main event, Honest Hearts is forgettable and predictable. Where it justifies its asking price is in the takeaway benefits it supplies to the long-term wasteland wanderer. More levels, more perks, new weapons and new enemies - this is what really benefits the game, and Honest Hearts delivers more than enough to make it a worthwhile diversion for players of all levels. It would just be easier to recommend if the story wrapped around the gameplay additions was more compelling.

Hoping the final two bring that level of intensity and story back up to DM level.

Dr. Chaos

Just finished.

Zion Canyon was a much funner place to explore than the claustrophobic setting of Dead Money, loved the lil survivalist tales left behind on the various terminals. It was also nice not getting raped by exploding slave collars and red mist.

I don't think the story was as good as Dead Money though. Just wasn't hitting that crazy adventure soft spot for me.

The experience is more in line with what you would expect from the main game, it'll have less critics than the first DLC, I imagine.

More Fallout. Buy it, especially if you went nuts for Point Lookout.


Gold Member
Finished it and got both main endings not too long ago. Overall, not too bad. Spent about 6 hours on it.

The survival tale you read on the terminals was fun and
I liked Obsidian expanding somewhat on the survivors of Vault 22. Wonder how bad that group contaminated the Wasteland with the spores?

The weapons and definitely the new armor was worth it.

My only complaint is that I felt a bit underwhelmed with Joshua Graham. Main story New Vegas really set up The Burned Man to be something more (to me) and this didn't really fulfill it.

Dr. Chaos

TheUsual said:
My only complaint is that I felt a bit underwhelmed with Joshua Graham. Main story New Vegas really set up The Burned Man to be something more (to me) and this didn't really fulfill it.
I felt similarly.

Really would have preferred them to have stuck to the original idea of the character. Wasn't really interested in him finding redemption as much as I was waiting for him to go batshit insane/evil.

In Honest Hearts, it felt like his most interesting days have already passed and we walk in and have to deal with the washed up mild version.

Dr. Chaos

Darkshier said:
Question for those who have gotten far in Honest Hearts or beaten it, concerning The Burned Man.

Within like 20 minutes of getting into Zion and just doing some random exploring after that first event, I stumbled into
Angel Cave, where I proceeded to slaughter a bunch of natives. As I progressed further into the cave, I came upon The Burned Man himself. I was pretty surprised I already found the fucker, he attacked me, so I killed him outright and took his shit.
I imagine doing that is going to have a huge effect on how the rest of HH story plays out right? I am thinking I should go load a previous save and just avoid that place for now......
You killed Follows-Chalk (companion) at the start of the DLC, didn't you?

I almost did too.

Right after the caravan gets assaulted and you head across the bridge, you'll see a white leg tribal shooting at you from nearby, Follow-Chalks is supposed to come up behind him and shoot that guy and then initiate conversation with you. I imagine a few people shot up the poor bastard along with the white leg, possibly causing both Sorrows and Dead Horse tribes to go hostile, pretty much cutting you out of a big part of the story.

Dr. Chaos

Plasmid said:
y u do that :(.......

Joshua is a great man.
He kicks ass for the lord!

sided with him during the finale. I don't like to shoot first but there was no way in hell I was going to leave Zion to those nutcases so they can massacre whatever poor innocent bastards stumble across the canyons next.

Dr. Chaos

One thing I'm particularly fond of here is Zion Canyon is alot more sniping friendly.

The villa and Sierra Madre were abit cramped so it was nice to get back to stalking prey from hiding above and below.
Aw, why did this have to come out at the same time as The Witcher 2? Hopefully I'll get to it soon, good to hear it has the Duckroll seal of approval.


You lucky bastards with your gun characters. My first run through Zion with my original character means I'm only using the melee and energy weapons. I can't wait to jump in with my newer guns character later on. I'm almost at the end of Honest Hearts now, since I'm player slower than most people, but overall it looks like exploring the entire place and doing all the quests would be a 6-7 hour adventure at most, while the DLC will be 4-5 hours long for most average players.

Definitely shorter than Dead Money, but a pretty different unique experience. Although, I would think that HH is much more fun to replay than DM. I haven't done DM on my second character yet (only about lvl8+ for that character), but I also don't feel a great urge to replay DM anytime soon. I really enjoyed it, but it's the sort of experience that you need to be in a certain mood to replay. On the other hand, HH feels generally very welcoming in both the lack of a level recommendation, and also how the overall DLC is structured and designed. The various optional and multiple solutions to almost every quest also means that replays can be much more varied, while the variation in DM is mostly limited to how you interact with the characters in it.

Dr. Chaos

The survivalist caves are getting me in the mood for a new New Vegas playthrough.

I never did actually get around to creating an Explosives specialist in FO3 or this one.

I feel the sudden urge to don a stealth boy and lay a shitload of plasma mines to teach the Deathclaws holed up in Quarry Junction a lesson while spraying them with grenade launcher rounds in the ensuing fireworks.


Dr. Chaos said:
One thing I'm particularly fond of here is Zion Canyon is alot more sniping friendly.

The villa and Sierra Madre were abit cramped so it was nice to get back to stalking prey from hiding above and below.

Yes! It's a wet dream for my sniper character.
So I just encountered friendly geckos wandering among the
. This is a glitch right? No one's reacting to them in any way, and they keep bumping into people. It's kinda fun watching their idle animations up close. They lick their eyes and scratch their heads.

Also found a friendly dog earlier near the
general store
I think? Just hanging out next to a hostile "wild dog".


HadesGigas said:
So I just encountered friendly geckos wandering among the
. This is a glitch right? No one's reacting to them in any way, and they keep bumping into people. It's kinda fun watching their idle animations up close. They lick their eyes and scratch their heads.

Also found a friendly dog earlier near the
general store
I think? Just hanging out next to a hostile "wild dog".

Yeah, I found that dog. It got caught in a crossfire between me and some Coyote. :(

Dr. Chaos

HadesGigas said:
So I just encountered friendly geckos wandering among the
. This is a glitch right? No one's reacting to them in any way, and they keep bumping into people. It's kinda fun watching their idle animations up close. They lick their eyes and scratch their heads.
I was hoping that was on purpose.

IN FO2, the most harmless of them never seemed to attack unless I took the first shot. They just ran around looking ridiculously adorable.

It's kind of sad putting the lil ankle biters down in New Vegas.


I'm trying to finish Dead Money by Friday so I can get this without regret. DM is a good DLC, but yeah, you gotta be in the mood. The story parts are good, but the maze environment with repetitive textures is hard to swallow. Especially with the poison gas and bear traps everywhere.

HH looks awesome all around though. And I love me some guns.
Is is pointless to wait for a pricedrop on the DLC ?
I'm starting to think it won't happen for another 6 months at least . I'm not in a hurry , since I still haven't beaten the main game (saved right before the hoover dam battle) , but still , I'm wondering ... And I don't know which DLC to start with .
Is Honest Hearts that similar to Point Lookout ? Because that was by far my favourite Fallout 3 DLC .


I beat Honest Hearts. I'll definitely agree that story-wise, Dead Money is much stronger. Honest Hearts isn't bad, but I never really felt a connection to any of the characters in the story. The factions and characters were just people who were looking out for themselves, and the only reason I was even helping them was because a) I was interested in helping with their situation, b) they promised to help me return to the Mojave if I helped them. Yet I was always an outsider, and definitely felt treated as such. It's probably the intention of the setting, which is fine, but it wasn't very meaningful to my character in the end.

The setting on the other hand, is fantastic. So much pure exploration, great location design, really pretty stuff everywhere. The Survivalist subplot was pretty awesome, and added a great layer to the overall scenario and history of Zion. I especially loved how the area design took into consideration all character types and how much fun you can have with different weapons. There are tons of far off ranges for sniper characters, and there are many cliffs which melee and unarmed characters can knock enemies off - possibly to their doom! In terms of weapons, there's a good range of fun new weapons of all types, and they're definitely more interesting and unique than the ones in Dead Money.

Honest Hearts is totally a "gameplay" DLC scenario, where the focus was on fun things to do, cool exploration to be had, interesting and unique new weapons and equipment to play with, and giving the player various options and choices to tackle the various quests. It's shorter than Dead Money, and the story is significantly less satisfying, but it's a ton of fun and should be very replayable for different character builds.

Can't wait to see what Old World Blues has to offer next.

Edit: One thing I found hilarious about the end of the DLC:

[Sneering Imperialist] Time to die, General Gobbledegook!


Very well said Duckroll. Completely agree. Everyone on the fence... I reckon it's worth the 800 points. I had a lot of fun exploring Zion.

The comparisons to Point Lookout are right IMO, but it's just a matter of preference.
Dr. Chaos said:
You killed Follows-Chalk (companion) at the start of the DLC, didn't you?

I almost did too.

Right after the caravan gets assaulted and you head across the bridge, you'll see a white leg tribal shooting at you from nearby, Follow-Chalks is supposed to come up behind him and shoot that guy and then initiate conversation with you. I imagine a few people shot up the poor bastard along with the white leg, possibly causing both Sorrows and Dead Horse tribes to go hostile, pretty much cutting you out of a big part of the story.
That's exactly what happened to me. I eventually just restarted the scenario as I wasn't able to do anything other than collect a map and leave back to the Mojave.

So far HH is really awesome. The landscape is beautiful and Zion is a really well designed place. Really like just running around so far and just exploring. The survivalist is also really well done and really connects to the story of Zion. Also, loving the .45, can't get enough of that awesome round.


I went back to the save I made before the end decision to pick the Graham route, and wow I like it much, much better. I think I'm going to keep this save instead. Pretty badass conclusion. :D
So I'm still playing through the base New Vegas game, but purchased Honest Hearts already. I just read about the bug with the ED-E quest, but it isn't very useful on the information front. I'm not sure the circumstances that can occur to cause the quest to bug out in the way that breaks the DLC, but I want to avoid doing anything that could until it is patched. Anyone that has an answer that can do it in a non or light spoiler method care to tell me if things like completing the quest are OK or not? Should I just leave the quest alone (which could be hard, I know I'm at a part where
he can get activated a second time by just hearing conversation, and I don't know who activates it or what happens and as a result, the quest breaks.
Thanks in advance.


Unconfirmed Member
For the people who have finished it, did you hit the level cap again or did you still have some room to gain xp after?


piratepwnsninja said:
So I'm still playing through the base New Vegas game, but purchased Honest Hearts already. I just read about the bug with the ED-E quest, but it isn't very useful on the information front. I'm not sure the circumstances that can occur to cause the quest to bug out in the way that breaks the DLC, but I want to avoid doing anything that could until it is patched. Anyone that has an answer that can do it in a non or light spoiler method care to tell me if things like completing the quest are OK or not? Should I just leave the quest alone (which could be hard, I know I'm at a part where
he can get activated a second time by just hearing conversation, and I don't know who activates it or what happens and as a result, the quest breaks.
Thanks in advance.

I'm not 100% sure, because I haven't run into any of these bugs, but here's what I think the problem is:

- you cannot bring companions into HH
- there is a bug in the game where you could possibly lose ED-E, but the game still considers him to be in your party
- since you cannot dismiss him (as he is somewhere missing and lost in the Mojave), you cannot start HH

The bug of companions going missing should have been patched a long time ago, so I don't think this is an issue anymore. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

SCHUEY F1 said:
For the people who have finished it, did you hit the level cap again or did you still have some room to gain xp after?

I went in at lvl35. Completed it at lvl39. Went back in to clear two areas which I skipped previously, and to get optional subplot notes and loot. Got to lvl40 while killing enemies in the second area.
Nice! I finally had time to fire up FNV last night and test out HH.

I had forgotten that my last FNV save was made right before you exit the Villa after completing DM. So I got a cut-scene refresher on the likes of Dog, Domino and that chick w/o a voice. It reminded me how excellent the writing is in that DLC.

For HH, I really liked that it forced you to travel light. I arrived in Zion with just some combat armor, my perception +1 bandana, and That Gun, my modded hunting shotgun, and my scope trail carbine.

After arriving in Zion
and watching my caravan get hopelessly massacred
, my game crashed. lulzy

But for the first 10 minutes I really liked what I saw.


Unconfirmed Member
duckroll said:
I went in at lvl35. Completed it at lvl39. Went back in to clear two areas which I skipped previously, and to get optional subplot notes and loot. Got to lvl40 while killing enemies in the second area.

I see. I wish the the xp gap between levels was larger, because I would still like to gain xp in the main game.


Ha! I'm on the second playthrough. Don't even know what was with me these days because I just keep on playing and playing for hours with the most marvelous DLC I've seen so far in atmosphere & landscape with that clean blue water. In the first playtrough, I'm glad I was lucky and took only necessary weapons. I was about to choose some weapons that I could find them in Honest Hearts. Same that
you don't find any ammo for Assault Rifle
but when I took the Survivalist's Rifle, oh my, the days are numbered for my enemies. I can't believe how great the rifle goes, you can kill enemies with or without VATS from some mountains across the river or killing a yao guai only from three bullets.

This DLC was short, but with all of this brown canyons made a brilliant DLC having the freedom to scout and hunt whatever you like and what weapon you like and Joshua Graham
repairing my weapons up to 100%
is all you need in this DLC. Reminds me a lot of Far Cry 2 rain and fog where I'm used more to travel on foot by using sniper rifles in stealth mod on the highest grounds in this paradise, no need to be aware that someone will just pop-off you head from the back.

Now I'm packed with the Survivalist's Rifle, Gobi, Anti-Materiel Rifle with incendiary bullets, This Machine, Binoculars just for the landscapes, Riot Shotgun, Hunting Shotgun, Pew Pew, Holorifle that does a very good damage and the last, using the Compliance Regulator on packs of bears changing with Grenade Launcher for the fireworks show :D, (I love this weapon) being at 60% of gameplay II. I'm glad they put the yao guai back into the game.
The 45 Auto Submachine Gun
really kicks some of my health if I'm shoot by enemies even on level 49
, putting me into a good fight. I've notice
in hard mode you don't get hungry or dehydrated not so often, therefore I get a lot of aids in my pack and get full very quick, only the sleep goes much faster than the others
. You really don't need to take the entire armory into the Honest Hearts because the map is filled with what you need. I haven't got bored a bit.

Took some pictures with my beloved character.










Similar to the expression:
They said I could be anything in the game ... so I became a god
This one of those reasons I love Fallout Series so much. So many options


And for the final pic ... this


BeeDog said:
I was just wondering, will White Legs enemies still spawn in Zion canyon after you've finished the DLC?

I just checked my saves.

If you crush the White Legs, I checked the Three Marys area and there were only Dead Horse and Sorrows tribals there instead of White Legs.

If you evacuated Zion, there are still White Legs tribals in Three Marys.

Didn't do a substantial investigation, but I believe if you evacuated Zion, there will be no Dead Horse or Sorrows tribals anywhere in Zion, but there will still be White Legs. If you crushed the White Legs, there will still be non-story friendly tribals in the various camp areas, but no White Legs anywhere.


Many thanks for checking. Seeing as how many pricey weapons White Legs enemies carry, the end-DLC choice seems easier now.
Finished the DLC. I didn't do all that much exploring (beyond what you're forced to do) and only a couple of the optional quests. Total time elapsed was about 3.5 hours. I was actually a bit surprised that I hit the end so quickly.

I don't really understand what
Ghost of She'
was actually supposed to be. Anyone know what exactly went on in that mission?


bonesmccoy said:
Finished the DLC. I didn't do all that much exploring (beyond what you're forced to do) and only a couple of the optional quests. Total time elapsed was about 3.5 hours. I was actually a bit surprised that I hit the end so quickly.

I don't really understand what
Ghost of She'
was actually supposed to be. Anyone know what exactly went on in that mission?



bonesmccoy said:
I don't really understand what
Ghost of She'
was actually supposed to be. Anyone know what exactly went on in that mission?

Well, from what I understood from the tribal person
Waking Cloud is that the bear have eaten a little girl a long time ago and now they believe the bear and the girl are the same person/creature, naming "The Ghost of She". You need to kill the bear in order to bring back stability and peace in her soul.
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