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Fan shown sleeping on broadcast suing Yankees, ESPN for defamation

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I swear if this guy and his lawyer gets their way, the future is going to get so boring.

I mean it has already gotten bad now, compared to past....because of political correctness. ...but I can't believe it might actually get worse.

My memories are all I'm going to have. :/


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
For someone concerned about being disparaged by internet trolls after a public shaming, he done Streisand Effect-ed himself.
Seriously. I mean, the vast majority of people never would have recognized him from the video – for example, when dealing with a client at his job. Now that he went and did this, though, his name is out there. What an idiot. I guess he figured it was worth taking the risk to get rich.

Actually, no... he probably didn't think about the inevitable blowback at all.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
If those insults are in fact true and this goes to a jury, they most certainly will.
The audio broadcast was right there in the article linked to in the OP. Accordingly, we know that the broadcasters never made those comments. In fact, the comments were made by random people on the internet commenting on the video, yet the complaint erroneously attributes those comments to Kruk and Shulman, and bases its claims upon these demonstrably false attributions.

So, no, they most certainly will not.


You know what....

In this day & age, they have to know that if you train a camera on someone doing something even mildly silly or unattractive, the internet is going to devour it and basically ruin the life of the subject and a not give a single flying fuck.

For 10 seconds of on-air yucks, I am sure that the guy DOES have a case as far as embarrassing the fuck out of him and in a way, publicly shaming/disgracing him. People have zero manners. Can you imagine the guy walking down New Lots avenue where people speak before thinking? God. Is it worth 10million dollars? No. But does he have a case?

I don't know. That's what laywers are for. He was in a public place at a televised event, so he had to know that if he nodded off... there's a chance one of those cameras would catch it. I bet he said he has a 1 in 22,000 chance of getting "caught" and decided to snooze.

I think there is a case here.
I think we found his lawyer.



This is absolutely incredible.

Look at his foot with those spasms of random pleasure. This guy is clearly master of his own destiny.


Neo Member
personally, i hope he wins because its downright shameful and nasty for people to single someone out and name calls them on live television...especially with that fat shaming. i don't think he deserves 10 million but something in the range of 10k would be suitable


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
personally, i hope he wins because its downright shameful and nasty for people to single someone out and name calls them on live television...especially with that fat shaming. i don't think he deserves 10 million but something in the range of 10k would be suitable
He won't get a penny. Nor should he.


They just interviewed him on the Today show. Haven't seen any links up yet but they should put the segment up on their website within a few hours. Matt Lauer actually asked some decent questions in my opinion including pointing out that if he'd let this go it might have faded away instead of reminding everyone (and the media) by suing.


They just interviewed him on the Today show. Haven't seen any links up yet but they should put the segment up on their website within a few hours. Matt Lauer actually asked some decent questions in my opinion including pointing out that if he'd let this go it might have faded away instead of reminding everyone (and the media) by suing.

Confirmed that Matt Lauer is a GAFer.


This is America, so sadly he'll probably get some kind of settlement.

The main reason you don't fall asleep at the ballpark or hockey game is obvious, baseballs and hockey pucks traveling at high rate of speed can seriously mess you up.


personally, i hope he wins because its downright shameful and nasty for people to single someone out and name calls them on live television...especially with that fat shaming. i don't think he deserves 10 million but something in the range of 10k would be suitable

They never called him any names or "fat shamed" him on TV. Jesus Christ.
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