I've been having a great time with Fantasia. I did not see a Deluxe version on disc, ordering from Amazon, so I have the basic; will wait for a DLC sale.
Initially I had some reservations about the non-classical music, but I'm over it now. The track selection is great, and fiddling with the mixes adds even more variety. Change keeps it fresh.
I was expecting more challenges and interactivity from the several realms; they're essentially underused as an unlocking mechanism, and it doesn't look like there's much replay value from the story mode. That's okay, though - 'cos a plain ol' playlist from the Song Library will be all I need, once I'm done with that. Nailing the individual songs is gonna take some time, and is where the replay should be anyway.
I would have preferred each song to have variable difficulty (like Harmonix did with Dance Central: Spotlight), but even as is, there's a decent spread of difficulty to choose from among the various songs.
The response from Kinect is awesome. I started off flailing about with huge, mosquito-swatting swings. Now, my motions are a lot smaller, faster and precise; that's the way to go, when using the same hand with several rapid arrows in the same direction. The control of the Muse ball is a lot faster and more accurate than the Xbox's UI dashboard hand, too.
Things I'd like to see:
A DLC pack or playlist of the OG soundtrack. Just 'cos.
Online options, with a better leaderboard & some challenges.
In short, awesome gameplay; so-so presentation. Definitely recommend, though. Don't worry too much about the connection to the Fantasia film, and just go with the flow of the tunes.