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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


oh look:


de pleur
oh look:

de pleur

That's weird, where did you see that?

Also, I have a question about one of the skills on the Tiger skill tree. It requires that I liberate two outposts without being detected. If I'm running out of Outposts, will it count if I do it via Outpost Master on one of the outposts that I already liberated?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really enjoying the game, but I'm finding every open firefight scenario to be really frustrating. Maybe I just suck, but it feels like my accuracy is shit, it's hard to see enemies that haven't already been tagged, I die way too quickly, enemies beat the shit out of you if you get in melee range while you can't hit them, enemies are bullet sponges unless you get head shots and it's just overall not a lot of fun. With that said, the stealth gameplay is a blast.


That's weird, where did you see that?

Also, I have a question about one of the skills on the Tiger skill tree. It requires that I liberate two outposts without being detected. If I'm running out of Outposts, will it count if I do it via Outpost Master on one of the outposts that I already liberated?
Yes, Jeff from Giantbomb mentioned that's how he got it. Strangely, I found the harder outposts easier to do undetected.


That's weird, where did you see that?

Also, I have a question about one of the skills on the Tiger skill tree. It requires that I liberate two outposts without being detected. If I'm running out of Outposts, will it count if I do it via Outpost Master on one of the outposts that I already liberated?

80m east of bhanapur.

and outpost master doesn't count.
if you run out of outpost, you have to beat the game(?) and then reset all outposts.
and outpost master doesn't count.
if you run out of outpost, you have to beat the game(?) and then reset all outposts.

I managed to get it done on one of the last 3 or 4 outposts. Just sniped everyone in the head with a suppressed sniper rifle. Seems like it doesn't matter if they find dead bodies, they just can't hit alarms or see you.

Also, what's that song that plays
after you take Pagan Min's stronghold and go off after him


So how many endings are they exactly?

He gives you the choice of killing him or sitting down to eat.

I sat down, then went outside with him and did the ashes thing. Then he took off in his chopper and I destroyed it with my grenade launcher (lol)... Then I got a message saying "The king is dead" and roll credits.

So is that the same end result as if I had killed him at the table? Can you actually let him leave in the chopper and what happens if you do?


Any body have an extra keys to kyrat? Just downloaded the demo, and it says I have to have a key to play on the ps4. Kind of lame that it does that.
Kyrat is mine.

Sent Amita into exile. Allowed Pagan to live. And then put a .45 round in the back of Sabal's head, and then I shut off the game.

From here, this is my head canon ending: Ajay frees Badara from the whole Goddess thing, seizes control of Kyrat from both the Golden Path and Royal Army, becomes King, and leads Kyrat into a golden age.

True Hero, yo.

I managed to get it done on one of the last 3 or 4 outposts. Just sniped everyone in the head with a suppressed sniper rifle. Seems like it doesn't matter if they find dead bodies, they just can't hit alarms or see you.

Also, what's that song that plays
after you take Pagan Min's stronghold and go off after him

'The River' by The Bombay Royale.

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iNxpIhjLws

Great band.


So how many endings are they exactly?

He gives you the choice of killing him or sitting down to eat.

I sat down, then went outside with him and did the ashes thing. Then he took off in his chopper and I destroyed it with my grenade launcher (lol)... Then I got a message saying "The king is dead" and roll credits.

So is that the same end result as if I had killed him at the table? Can you actually let him leave in the chopper and what happens if you do?

if you
kill him at the table you can't scatter the ashes.
Finally started this game the other day, having loads of fun. My friend also got it, so we decided to try out co op and had a blast last night....

....until we found out that nothing of value carries over unless you're the host :( This could've been such an awesome co op mode if you and your friend could work together to find all of the collectibles if it persisted between both player's games :/ We dont really have a lot of time to game so it would've been fun to do this together.

Oh well, the game is awesome anyway!


Did it? I played FC3 on the 360 and I don't remember anything catastrophic.

FC3 on 360 was unplayable with all that sttutering and tearing, was literally unplayable, headache inducing even.

Just got this one over that 4games1pick thingy hopefully I can download it tonight, still at work.


Credits rolling as I type this.

Put a bullet in his head because I can scatter ashes on my own, can't I?

Really liked the gameplay additions and improvements this time around, but couldn't get into the story all that much.


Credits rolling as I type this.

Put a bullet in his head because I can scatter ashes on my own, can't I?

Really liked the gameplay additions and improvements this time around, but couldn't get into the story all that much.

I didn't care for the story much until the very end. I feel like you missed the best part.


Yes, sadly. I'm sure you can find a video of the alternate ending easily on Youtube.

I might just do that, yeah. I think I just wasn't into the storytelling devices they used early on and never really got into the politics of Kyrat. The acting was solid, though, and I can respect the effort put into that part of the game.


I might just do that, yeah. I think I just wasn't into the storytelling devices they used early on and never really got into the politics of Kyrat. The acting was solid, though, and I can respect the effort put into that part of the game.

I feel the same way and it's a shame that most of the cast was underutilized. I wasn't expecting too much out of the story after Far Cry 3, though. Both endings rubbed me completely the wrong way and I hated everyone by the end.


I feel the same way and it's a shame that most of the cast was underutilized. I wasn't expecting too much out of the story after Far Cry 3, though. Both endings rubbed me completely the wrong way and I hated everyone by the end.

Just watched the other ending and you're absolutely correct- it's definitely the neatest bite of story in the game.
So I just put a skill point into getting Duration Boosts....and then it didn't unlock. So I'm out a skill point. WTF?!

Nevermind, I'm dumb lol. Those skills can be learned multiple times.


Anybody knows if there's a way to cancel the currently active mission?

I got near the Hurk point and it told me "You should really have the vehicle takedown skill for that mission" but then started the mission anyway...
Okay, I need your guys' help. I entered the promotional code that came with the Limited Edition (the Hurk's content stuff) but I accidentally exited the PSN Store before actually downloading the content. Now when I go back into the store, I can find the content in the Far Cry 4 section, but it takes me to a page that says "Choose a Version." Both options are "Add-on Content" but when I select download nothing happens.

EDIT: Nevermind, there was a drop down option when I select the game in the UI game feed.


Been playing quite a bit and digging this game. Is it weird if I say I like everything except the first person shooting?

Also the stealth is better than Unity. God that title is a mess.

Anybody knows if there's a way to cancel the currently active mission?

I got near the Hurk point and it told me "You should really have the vehicle takedown skill for that mission" but then started the mission anyway...

Hit start, abandon mission.


Now I'm trying to get my last tower... It the most northern one. It starts with a grapple point, I grapple and climb up but it won't get over the ledge...

Edit: Ok, fidging around for a while I finally got on top...ugh


Death Prophet
FC3 on 360 was unplayable with all that sttutering and tearing, was literally unplayable, headache inducing even.

Just got this one over that 4games1pick thingy hopefully I can download it tonight, still at work.

It is not "literally unplayable" but it's pretty bad. My dad's playing it right now.


My game is glitched and I no longer hear any voices. It's not that I really care for the story, but even things like animals are now silent which makes it an odd experience. Will try to restart after this mission.

e: Restarted, now the voices are working but everything's looping. Apparently every woman in this village has a tall thin husband in prison.


Found time tonight to platinum the game after beating it earlier.

Enjoyed the new mechanics a good amount, but about done with it I think. Can't see myself revisiting it for the DLC and the other collectibles don't offer enough of a pat on the back reward to keep me going.

Plus, I can get $40 for it at Best Buy! Looks like I'll make a trip tomorrow and turn than $40 into a copy of GTAV.
Been playing this game for a couple days on PC. I checked out the PvP multiplayer and there were about five servers. I guess multiplayer ain't quite this games fancy.

Game is great. Really improved on 3 in pretty much all ways and is far more enjoyable to me than any other entry in the series. The writing so much better than the disaster that 3 was.


One problem I have with this game is wingsuit is too easy to accidently deploy when sprinting and jumping and if you're somewhere far from a checkpoint/fast travel, making a sprinting jump that turns into mid-jump wingsuit smash into wall death restart while climbing a mountain...it's pretty annoying.

Also have a problem sometimes when trying to do Death From Above stealth kills where it doesn't activate by hitting R3 on the way down and instead I land, stumble to my feet right in front of the enemy who kills me while I'm recovering from the fall :\

Otherwise it plays great.


One problem I have with this game is wingsuit is too easy to accidently deploy when sprinting and jumping and if you're somewhere far from a checkpoint/fast travel, making a sprinting jump that turns into mid-jump wingsuit smash into wall death restart while climbing a mountain...it's pretty annoying.

Also have a problem sometimes when trying to do Death From Above stealth kills where it doesn't activate by hitting R3 on the way down and instead I land, stumble to my feet right in front of the enemy who kills me while I'm recovering from the fall :\

Otherwise it plays great.

Only problem I have with the wingsuit is that you have to open it before opening the parachute... I wish I could just open the parachute directly and do some base jumping.


Just started playing through FC4 on PS4. Maybe it's just me but I actually feel kind of sick playing the game. First game that's done it to me in ages. I have a feeling it's probably the FOV.

The controls are kind of weird and going to take some time getting used to for me. It's pretty beautiful game (though the pop in is pretty glaring )and enjoying the story thus far. The eagles are annoying. Melee kind of seems hard to use with the R3 button.

Overall, hope it remains good.
So I'm roughly halfway through the game and I'm wondering... if I prepare like a mad man (I'm already pretty well upgraded) and head straight for Pagan Min's fortress, do I stand any chance? Like, is it theoretically possible to succeed or is there some sort of mechanic in place to block players at that point?


Well looks like the multiplayer on PC is pretty much dead... Me and my friend are trying to start a game but we're setting in the lobby with nobody else joining.


So I'm roughly halfway through the game and I'm wondering... if I prepare like a mad man (I'm already pretty well upgraded) and head straight for Pagan Min's fortress, do I stand any chance? Like, is it theoretically possible to succeed or is there some sort of mechanic in place to block players at that point?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the fortresses have any bearing on the story. They are harder if you don't do certain missions first, but beating them doesn't allow you to skip ahead or anything. You should be able to take them on at any time.


Death Prophet
One problem I have with this game is wingsuit is too easy to accidently deploy when sprinting and jumping and if you're somewhere far from a checkpoint/fast travel, making a sprinting jump that turns into mid-jump wingsuit smash into wall death restart while climbing a mountain...it's pretty annoying.

Also have a problem sometimes when trying to do Death From Above stealth kills where it doesn't activate by hitting R3 on the way down and instead I land, stumble to my feet right in front of the enemy who kills me while I'm recovering from the fall :\

Do you even have to hit R3 for death from above? I thought as long as you jump on an enemy it will execute the attack.
Just wing suit swaggered across the map for a minute and five seconds, over a huge waterfall and coming very close to striking trees and ground at a couple of points. Was fucking amazing.
wow the hindi swearing in this game is off the charts! I was really surprised to hear it the first time. I heard behnchod (sister fucker) for sure and maybe madarchod (motherfucker), at the part when you reach the first tower and have to defend it.

i am glad I was playing with my head phones on!
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