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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Is the burning forest mission completely screwed up? I have gone through it twice with the same results - you get your stuff back but the hut is perpetually burning in a few spots and the characters never reappear. You can still hear the euiptment bag beeping as if you never picked it up.
Is this game worth an 9 EDGE gave it?

As someone who isn't the biggest far cry fan at all. I mean 1 and 2 I can barely remember and 3 I thought was fun but kind of lasted too long and the world wasn't anything to write home about... I'm really enjoying this one. The world is good with all the animals and interactions and the scenery is a nice change of pace. The missions are varied which is good because some will get repetitive. Nice to have stuff to choose from. Story seems ok so far. Really addictive. Grabbing me a lot more than 3 did.

I'm only not that far in but I could easily see a score like that give or take point something fitting. 8.5 minimum.
Yeah I fiddled around with the menu options. You can turn off the minimap icons but I haven't found a way to turn off the icons from showing up in the actual game world...

I'm pretty sure you can't hide the yellow mission markers or the capital letters for main missions. I have everything off except loot and I still have them. It's a pretty bad oversight when they want you to track something down with a tool and yet it's clearly marked EXACTLY where the thing is.


So are snow leopard only available in the north part of the map? Only thing missing for my crafting right now.

Also, the auto crosbow is just fucking amazing omg.


Is this game worth an 9 EDGE gave it?
I was surprised by the score tbh because edge normally demands Inovation for anything above 8. However I have played a few hours and the time just melted away I'm not liking the story so far but capturing towers hunting and just doing random quests is great fun. Also the first time I flew the helicopter I was amazing by the level of freedom.

N° 2048

Honestly this game has been a blast. Time flies when I am playing and I have barely done the campaign. For $36 I got a hell of a deal with this game.

One thing I would have loved is more NPCs and random events but there's still lots to do!


Just got this game today, isnt it supposed to come with a free demo that I can give my friends to play? (xbox one here)
Is this game worth an 9 EDGE gave it?

You liked FC3 ? it's the same but better. If you want more of FC3, you'll have fun. If you want more than just more of FC3, wait for price drop.

If you didn't clicked with FC3, give it a cheap try. It sucks in the begining as you're forced into collectaton to get enough holster but once this is done, there is enough sandbox and stuff to make your own fun.


Is this game worth an 9 EDGE gave it?

I'd say no but it's a very good sandbox game if you're into that genre. Probably a solid 8.

Personally, I think I finally realized that I don't like open-world / sandbox games even though I tried many times to have fun with high quality titles like this one or Red Dead etc.
It took me a dozen years or so but yeah.


So are snow leopard only available in the north part of the map? Only thing missing for my crafting right now.

Also, the auto crosbow is just fucking amazing omg.
They can be found in the Himalayan missions in the first half of the map.

Use bait there to find more.


Hmm I've done a couple of those missions but can you repeat them?

It's a bit random if I have to rely on story missions to go there.
Don't think you can repeat them but they do become somewhat abundant when you reach the north.

Wouldn't worry about it, the main narrative is quite short so presumably you're nearly there.
So are snow leopard only available in the north part of the map? Only thing missing for my crafting right now.

Also, the auto crosbow is just fucking amazing omg.

They can be found basically anywhere, they just don't have a dedicated area on the map. Throw bait down randomly in different areas and wait for what predator pops up.
I just beat this game last night. Damn, this is some of the most fun I've had in an open world, since, well, Far Cry 3. The guns feel great to use, doing takedowns are incredibly satisfying, especially if you have the chain takedown skill. I love the characters, especially Pagan Min. Troy Baker knocked it out of the park, as always. I really enjoyed just roaming the countryside and having random, emergent gameplay moments happen. I'd say this game is worth more than a 9, pretty close to a 10, if it weren't for some annoying stealth sections.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Four attempts and that Burning Forest mission will still never end. The world goes back to normal, you get your gear back, but the hut still burns and birds still fly around on fire. Ubijank. :-(

Ditched it for now and did the Willis airport mission. I have had the dumb luck of purchasing silenced and scoped "signature" weapons just before each of the two major stealth missions so far. Between that and checkpoints kicking in at just the right time, the stealth has managed to not be a complete headache. It isn't as good as something like Deus Ex Human Revolution, but decent enough to provide some tactical variety. Assuming the Yogi mission that never ends isn't critical to the campaign or the skill tree, I should be able to keep playing this without a patch. I'm about fourteen hours in now. Around two hours in, I thought this was going to have something I call "Arkham City Syndrome" where the game is overloaded with useless junk, but once you get more skills, everything is fun to complete. The first time you take an outpost on the back of an elephant is hilarious.

I wish you didn't have to get the item loot bag upgraded for it to be of any use. For the first ten hours, I had some strange combination of crafting items that didn't really add up to anything, but did not leave enough room to get additional items. Once I stumbled across the animal skin required to increase to sixty items, it got a bit better. But I'm still typically brushing against the limit with stuff that the vendor menu is advising me not to sell. Overall, great game beside that and the weird QA stuff that has become commonplace this year.


Damn, this game is great and addictive! I skipped out on FC3 since it ran so poorly on last gen consoles, haven't played a Far Cry game since 2. Game looks/runs nicely on PS4.

I've probably only done 3-4 of the main campaign missions but I've been having so much fun just running around the world liberating towers and hunting animals and crafting and just in general getting pulled into this world. I'm hooked man, probably one of my best game experiences this year.
Damn, this game is great and addictive! I skipped out on FC3 since it ran so poorly on last gen consoles, haven't played a Far Cry game since 2. Game looks/runs nicely on PS4.

I've probably only done 3-4 of the main campaign missions but I've been having so much fun just running around the world liberating towers and hunting animals and crafting and just in general getting pulled into this world. I'm hooked man, probably one of my best game experiences this year.

If you ever get the opportunity to play Blood Dragon on PC I highly suggest that if you like FC4. FC4 and 3 are very similar in almost all respects and Blood Dragon is B Class Cheese at its finest.
I played FC3 on the PS3 and I don't remember anything game breaking or major issues. Granted, I'm bad at noticing things like screen tear or slow FPS

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man... this game is great. Really glad I bought it.

I wasn't a fan of a Far Cry 3. It just didn't click with me for whatever reason, but I'm having a blast with this game.

Damn beautiful game with great performance on PC, too.


I'd say no but it's a very good sandbox game if you're into that genre. Probably a solid 8.

Personally, I think I finally realized that I don't like open-world / sandbox games even though I tried many times to have fun with high quality titles like this one or Red Dead etc.
It took me a dozen years or so but yeah.

I'm the same way. Red Dead, GTA 4 and 5, etc.
I don't complete these games at all anymore, however, I think Far Cry 4 is a good balance between open world and completing campaign missions. I'm around the half way mark of the story and see myself completing the campaign, but really enjoy roaming around from time to time doing side missions or testing the limitations of the the environment.


Man... this game is great. Really glad I bought it.

I wasn't a fan of a Far Cry 3. It just didn't click with me for whatever reason, but I'm having a blast with this game.

Damn beautiful game with great performance on PC, too.

My experience to a tee. I'm on PS4 though.


Death Prophet
Man... this game is great. Really glad I bought it.

I wasn't a fan of a Far Cry 3. It just didn't click with me for whatever reason, but I'm having a blast with this game.

Damn beautiful game with great performance on PC, too.

I like this game a lot, and I'm starting to like it more than Far Cry 3. Still, I thought Far Cry 3 was just.... so good. I liked the environment more, I think. Sucker for beach/tropical settings.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I like this game a lot, and I'm starting to like it more than Far Cry 3. Still, I thought Far Cry 3 was just.... so good. I liked the environment more, I think. Sucker for beach/tropical settings.

Yeah, I think it really just comes down to the setting since the gameplay is so similar.

I hated the characters in Far Cry 3 and tropical islands are cool, but they aren't my favorite setting. Snowy mountains and forests, though? That's much more up my alley.


Why does the limited edition come with 2 codes? One for Keys to kyrat and one for hurks redemption/hurks return. And when I enter the keys to kyrat code it also adds hurks return. Now I can't use the other code because I already got hurks return.


The game looks great, the atmosphere is awesome and the OST is surprisingly good. At first I was really having fun with this game. But now I have to force myself to play this game. I think I am not the guy for this kind of game, because everything what I do in Far Cry 4 now feels the same. Climbing up those towers, conquering those camps and this extremly bad and boring story. It is a little bit sad, because as I said I like the setting of this game, but if a game feels forced, you should stop playing.
After wrestling with terrible, *terrible* performance until I realised that my Laptop (an Alienware17 with a 780M) was running on Low power mode because my Power cable wasn't plugged in correctly (Now it's running at 60-120FPS on Medium and it is GLORIOUS), I'm finding FC4 an absolute blast to play. The gunplay is superb, especially when I'm stalking around with my bow and Arrow or the Warrior Silenced AK. Headshots Galore!

Since I skipped FC 2 and 3 (But not Blood Dragon, Because Fucking Blood Dragon), I'm having a ridiculous amount of fun, and while at first I thought it was another crappy Ubisoft port, after realising it was my own damn fault this time and playing it properly, it's a solid experience.

Until I get thrown off a bridge by two random Rhinos who appear out of nowhere and Knock my car into the river..


The game looks great, the atmosphere is awesome and the OST is surprisingly good. At first I was really having fun with this game. But now I have to force myself to play this game. I think I am not the guy for this kind of game, because everything what I do in Far Cry 4 now feels the same. Climbing up those towers, conquering those camps and this extremly bad and boring story. It is a little bit sad, because as I said I like the setting of this game, but if a game feels forced, you should stop playing.

I haven't made it to the northern part of the map but I'm still enjoying killing everything and taking down outposts and fortresses n stuff.


So huh... I just found out about the "FC4 Arena Master" app on iOS... It's not particularly good but whatever... I'm sitting here watching Top Gear and leveling up my Arena Rank.

I got to rank 7 in like 45min. Bushman here I come!


Neo Member
I have a question, I got this game for xmas for my xbone and a 1tb WD external drive. I installed this game to my external without any problems and everything ran as normal.

The next day the game takes forever to load, once it does it will stop running and present a loading icon during certain parts. Also the menus and just bringing up the camera take way too long to load.

Is this a know issue with the game being installed on an external drive or is it my drive?
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