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Fate/Grand Order |OT2| That's Hell You're Walking Into


Just finishing up part 6. Did I miss something? Shortly after waking up, they said master couldn't summon anymore and then later, master could summon limited servants. What changed? Was it before or after we sort of got a command seal back?
Just finishing up part 6. Did I miss something? Shortly after waking up, they said master couldn't summon anymore and then later, master could summon limited servants. What changed? Was it before or after we sort of got a command seal back?

Something to do with the Underworld borders. I'd have to go back and re-read it to be sure of the specifics. If you mean in general after the first border, then yeah, pretty sure it's due to getting a seal back.

EDIT: TV Tropes saved me time lol.

  • Dismantled MacGuffin: Tezcatlipoca didn't simply hoard the protagonist's Command Spells and Master Rights, he entrusted the spells to Camazotz to bastardize the already-hellish Underworld border crossing trials. Fortunately, this not only gives the Protagonist a loophole to summon in the Underworld borders, but clearing a trial lets them retrieve the Command Spell used on it; each one restores some of their summoning powers outside of the Underworld borders, and they reclaim their Master Rights by defeating Tezcatlipoca for the final time.
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Well, I wanted Koyan of Dark from the GSSR this year, which is why I picked what I did before getting NP6 summer Abby, but luckily I was able to snag her on the current banner in 12 tickets. NP2 now and I'm happy with it. Still sucks getting a NP6 on GSSR, but at least I'm kinda lined up with where I wanted to be at this point in time.

Bad thing is we got Tlaloc/Kukulkan coming in a few days and the pope in feb...


Fgo: use only levitating servants

Also fgo: must use 1 non-levitating servant as starting member.

Funny. Had more trouble with that fight than the last LB7 part 1 boss. 3 turned that last boss no problem.
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Stole from one of my discord servers lol

Wednesday the 15th on JP: FGO's rendition of How to Train Your Dragon.
Wednesday the 15th on NA: MEXICAN SPIDER APOCALYPSE.
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Damn, I was bamboozled. I thought we were getting both banners tonight, but looks like Kukulcan is next week.
Animated GIF
I'm still in section 15. Kind of annoying how they force you to use Mash or NPCs, though it makes sense in-story

Haven't had to use a revive stone since that first Tialoc battle in Part 1, at least. So far.

Also, aww, so that white dino is Lostbelt Arcueid and Tepeu is Lostbelt Tohno Shiki huh


Hell yea, first 11x roll got Kulkulcan, 2nd 11x roll got Tlaloc.

With the schedule ahead, I'm going to take my win and not go for NP levels at this time. Best FGO luck I've had in a while.

Still undecided on the pope, but I need to build up some savings for Tiamat/Nero Beast.
First ORT raid finished. Only DATA LOST 20-something of my 220 servants (most were 3*s and below, some even level 1, and only one or two 4*s)

A good trick is to send a single servant and give them Kaleidoscope CE and use Atlas Mystic Code (Gives 1 turn of Invincibility and another skill decreases skill cooldown by 2. And if they don't have a sklll to get their NP to 100% first turn, pop the invicibility on them and use a Mighty Chain, they'll be ready next turn.)

I'm glad they made Mash fucking useful for once with some buffs, even with the 4 battle cooldown (When I use her, I give her the Fragment of 2030 CE for crit stars).

Second raid next, might take my time on this one.
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First ORT raid finished. Only DATA LOST 20-something of my 220 servants (most were 3*s and below, some even level 1, and only one or two 4*s)

A good trick is to send a single servant and give them Kaleidoscope CE and use Atlas Mystic Code (Gives 1 turn of Invincibility and another skill decreases skill cooldown by 2. And if they don't have a sklll to get their NP to 100% first turn, pop the invicibility on them and use a Mighty Chain, they'll be ready next turn.)

I'm glad they made Mash fucking useful for once with some buffs, even with the 4 battle cooldown (When I use her, I give her the Fragment of 2030 CE for crit stars).

Second raid next, might take my time on this one.
Is the Ort raid one of those timed co-op raids or just a story raid?
Is the Ort raid one of those timed co-op raids or just a story raid?
Solo story raid.


Wew, what a ride LB7 was. And all my doom prepping for ORT paid off lol.

I really enjoyed this chapter, though overall, I still think LB6 was the best story-wise. I suppose if I had to rank them (just the main ones, not counting the extra ones like Tunguska or Traum):

1. Avalon le Fae (LB 6)
2. Atlantis (LB 5.1)
3. Nahui Mictlan (LB 7)
4. Olympus (LB 5.2)
5. Anastasia (LB 1)
6. Yugakshetra (LB 4)
7. Gotterdamerung (LB 2)
8. SIN (LB 3)
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I've been making some more LB6 progress lately. I can't believe I did such a good job of avoiding spoilers for this long that I had zero idea that fucking Kazuradrop was in it. Here I thought she wasn't introduced until this past year in JP. Loving the story so far, it really sucks you in. Nothing unmanageable battle wise yet, playing blind, but most LBs don't get tough until the final sequences with a few tough fights spattered in. So far there haven't been many forced NPC fights either, which is a plus.


Looks like I spoke too soon about the forced NPC fights. Still not overly bad. I love that Mash gets her old armor back as Galahad.

I was a bit surprised how dark the game got, specifically with Fae Tristan. The Boggart section did seem a bit NTR-ish, and I understand why everyone was kinda bothered by that at first, but they did go out of their way to show that Mash pushed him through the wall when he was trying to bed her. Still, she did actually get married so now she's a widow?

Oberon has been way better than I was expecting. Some funny moments, and he actually isn't a fuck-up like most of the Chaldea-aligned servants we get in Lostbelts. Smart, useful, helpful. Knowing he's a Pretender though, I can't help but feel like there's some betrayal coming up.

Just hit the part where the main group meets back up with Mash in the blacksmith town and she doesn't recognize anybody but starts to cry. I had to take a break because it was late and I was falling asleep. I see why so many people liked this LB the best though. It does a far better job than most at setting up world lore/character traits and goals/etc. Really enjoying it so far. They actually made me like an Artoria too, something I never though possible since she's usually the most milquetoast character. It's nice seeing her have a personality. Also Beryl is a really good villain so far. No ambiguity, no "friendship is magic" vibes from him, hopefully no redemption arc. Wodime was such a disappointment in that regard as somebody that the game was hyping up for so long.

I really love the theme that the fairies are just imitating humans, it goes several layers deep (including the whole concept of having spouses to begin with, children, etc.) Hope there's a payoff for that plot point because they've done a really good job building it up in direct and subtle ways.


Finished LB6 part 1 and started a few chapters in on part 2. Loved the Mash/Master scene with the Calamity, that was really cool.

Can I just say though, for a billion dollar IP, it's insane to me that they put so little production value into the game. Instead of programming a choreographed fight or just letting us play it ourselves, they show "Anice" beating up a bunch of wolves in sub-HD .mp4 right in the middle of the story. Not only that, they were too fucking lazy to remove the damage numbers, which totally took me out of it.

Why are they so fucking cheap with a game that made them so much money? I just don't understand. I'm all for FMV scenes to help paint the overall picture of the story, but that was the LAZIEST way I've ever seen a game do it. I do like the brief FMVs of the areas/environments changing though, those are awesome. But still, unforgiveable to show damage numbers in a main story FMV. So fucking cheap.

Wasn't thrilled to see peeepeepperoni show up again. At least he was a small part this time (so far). I like his character, but he doesn't need to show up in every damn LB. That could have easily been a servant or a friendly fairy or something. Even better if it would have been Koyan.

I gotta say, I'm genuinely unsure who the hooded "The Chaldean" is, if it's not Romani(?) or Daybit. We saw that bit of discussion between Romani(?) and Wodime in Olympus, so I'm guessing that's him again, but Nasu does a really good job of keeping secrets. Really excited to see that plot come to fruition.

I am unsure if it's typical localizer stuff, but I was surprised to see how much of a smartass memester Lancelot has been in the main story. Usually they reserve that behavior for events, but she feels kinda out of place considering the general mood/language being used by all of the rest of the characters (from Fae Britain at least). Wonder if that will be addressed in the future or if it's just typical localizers taking liberties because "omg so funny lol meme".


We're slowly getting some animations in the story but they probably didn't want to change the overall appearance of the game too much from the earlier parts.

The one clan leader you mentioned isn't who you mentioned. Similar in appearance but separate characters. The one you mentioned is more with BB and Seraph.

The Chaldean still isn't fully explained in the US version (I'm still working my way through LB7 though).

From what I gathered, Lancelot was basically an outcast from everyone due to her behavior so she isn't like everyone else.

My main gripe with LB6 is nothing is done with the beehive in the north. They put it in but did nothing with it!!!!

You should know where my avatar came from now. ;)


We're slowly getting some animations in the story but they probably didn't want to change the overall appearance of the game too much from the earlier parts.
Yea it's just a shame that they don't put some better effort in. There's no reason the CG has to be that poor quality. I do appreciate the environmental scenes though, those are great. And the little mini-cutscenes like Tristan chopping off those Faeries' feet. I just wonder where the heck the money goes.
The one clan leader you mentioned isn't who you mentioned. Similar in appearance but separate characters. The one you mentioned is more with BB and Seraph.
I mean it's exactly her design, with added fairy wings, but yea I get what you mean that it's not "her" specifically. Probably an easter egg to people that engaged with the "Extra" universe. Still no sign of my favorite Sakura 5, Violet.
The Chaldean still isn't fully explained in the US version (I'm still working my way through LB7 though).
I'm pretty happy with the community that despite JP being 2 years ahead, there hasn't been an egregious spoilers. I don't go out of my way to look up JP or anything, but still, it's nice. Really looking forward to seeing what they're cooking up with him.
From what I gathered, Lancelot was basically an outcast from everyone due to her behavior so she isn't like everyone else.
Well, it's good that at least there's some measure of explanation for it. I haven't interacted with her much in the story yet, I just found her manner of speaking strange.
You should know where my avatar came from now. ;)
I must have missed something or not reached it yet. That guy was just a nobody fairy in the first village where Master meets Artoria. Does he become more plot relevant in the future, or did I miss something early on with him?
I'm pretty happy with the community that despite JP being 2 years ahead, there hasn't been an egregious spoilers.

Well there's a simple explanation for that: Even on JP nothing has really been revealed about him, so there's nothing to spoil. There's only fan theories.
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Does he become more plot relevant in the future, or did I miss something early on with him?

From the moment I saw him, I knew I finally found my avatar

is he dead? Is he the final boss? Is cheese wiz actually cheese? Check back on the same bat time, bat channel! ;)
Well there's a simple explanation for that: Even on JP nothing has really been revealed about him, so there's nothing to spoil. There's only fan theories.
Hopefully that means there's still more left in the game for them to do.
I probably should have saved that 30 quartz I got from the login thing for Draco but I threw it at the Kingprotea banner and was rewarded with best kaiju daughter. I'm sure my Melt and Lip are thrilled lol.

Then maintenance hit when I was almost finished leveling her. Guess that Valentine's event is about to start.
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Took more than I'd hoped to get a copy of the Pope, but did manage to get her eventually. Going into hoard mode now until Tiamat. I have about a hundred interludes and strengthen quests still to farm, and I haven't done a "free quest" since Babylon, so I should be able to amass a nice stash, provided I have the time and motivation.

I should probably do an inventory enema before doing the event and getting all of those valentine dupe CEs.


Whew, took a few hours, but I did it.

Active roster, was nearly maxed out in both since I wasn't bothering with inventory management for a long time.

Mailbox down from 250~ items.

All that's left in the mailbox is a few of the 100 stacked embers for future servants I roll. I ended up leveling/ascending a huge number of servants I was just sleeping on. Only a handful of 2-3* servants left that aren't MLB.

Also got "Mark on a Smiling Face" leveled up a bit with some CE bombs. Man I don't get why they make leveling CE's so fucking painful. There's like a thousand of them, and I've been playing since launch and only have 2 level 100 CEs.

Only things left in my second archive are gold fous and a handful of sentimental CEs that are useless but I like the art for.



I really should start doing CE bombs to level my other CEs up, I've just never bothered to learn how to do them.
This is basically what I did, but I skip the 2* CE part and just start with the 3* ones. (I have 2* and below CEs set to auto-burn when pulled to reduce inventory clutter).

  • feed 18k on exp to a 2* CE (18k fodder)
  • feed 5 (18k fodder) to a [3* CE or LB 1* CE] (100k fodder)
  • feed 20 (100k fodder) to a MLB 1* CE (2M fodder)
  • --feed n (100k fodder) to a MLB 1* CE (nM fodder) in order to get the exp needed to fill the Exp gap
  • feed 1/4/8 (2M) + a (nM fodder) to the MLB 3/4/5* CE
The real advantage is just saving a lot of QP. This entire system is stupid though, you should be able to max these CEs much easier. I don't know what Lasagna is scared that players are going to do with a bunch of level 100 CE options.


I've got several level 100 kscopes. I haven't bothered to level other CE's.

I need to clear out my CE storage but it's an undertaking...


I've been actually farming this event more than usual too. It kinda came at a bad time for me though, it pretty much stonewalled my progress in LB6 because it ate the time I was spending on playing FGO.

Also don't know who to use that bonus chocolate on, and i'm just wasting time/potential by dragging it out. I love the idea of a chocolate that gives them infinite Kaleido, but some of the servants I want to farm bond on are single target, so it feels like a waste to use them in the event.

I hate my indecision sometimes.
I've been actually farming this event more than usual too. It kinda came at a bad time for me though, it pretty much stonewalled my progress in LB6 because it ate the time I was spending on playing FGO.

Also don't know who to use that bonus chocolate on, and i'm just wasting time/potential by dragging it out. I love the idea of a chocolate that gives them infinite Kaleido, but some of the servants I want to farm bond on are single target, so it feels like a waste to use them in the event.

I hate my indecision sometimes.

Since the chocolate gave extra Bond points, I used them on two of the mains in my farm team (Melusine and Oberon (I shoulda done Koyan but she has more bond than Oberon so...)).

Just an idea. If you've got a farm team, use them on whoever you use most.
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I've been actually farming this event more than usual too. It kinda came at a bad time for me though, it pretty much stonewalled my progress in LB6 because it ate the time I was spending on playing FGO.

Also don't know who to use that bonus chocolate on, and i'm just wasting time/potential by dragging it out. I love the idea of a chocolate that gives them infinite Kaleido, but some of the servants I want to farm bond on are single target, so it feels like a waste to use them in the event.

I hate my indecision sometimes.
There's a lock on Oberon's gift if you didn't beat LB6 part 2 yet. ;)

Since the chocolate gave extra Bond points, I used them on two of the mains in my farm team (Melusine and Oberon (I shoulda done Koyan but she has more bond than Oberon so...)).

Just an idea. If you've got a farm team, use them on whoever you use most.

Guess that'll learn me for not reading the event description.

I'll probably use the special chocolate on the pope and Caren since I've been using them this event.

Reached 1m points, almost done with gold drops.

Then the chocolate collection begins.... I'm still maintaining a 100% (minus the 2 summer valkyries) servant summon rate.

Still been poking LB7. On act 17 now.


Started going through the new valentines scenes. Huyan Zhou's was hilarious. Wish she was a more important character, her lines always crack me up.


Remind me, is Act 19 the conversation with Daybit where all the bombs get dropped?
Yep. How we're the baddies all along? Just started act 21 so don't know if things will get explained better or not. So the bleached earth is the foreign world taking over Earth?

The map UI hide feature is cool. Lets you take better screenshots of the temporary map changes. At the point where the map turned blue.

At least Wak got closure.
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Yep. How we're the baddies all along? Just started act 21 so don't know if things will get explained better or not. So the bleached earth is the foreign world taking over Earth?

The map UI hide feature is cool. Lets you take better screenshots of the temporary map changes. At the point where the map turned blue.

At least Wak got closure.

Once you finish LB7, the Ordeal Call Prologue will explain much of that.

Right now, just focus on ORT. :p
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Once you finish LB7, the Ordeal Call Prologue will explain much of that.

Right now, just focus on ORT. :p
You might want to put that last word in a spoiler tag.

Been averaging 1-2 servants per HP bar for the first raid. Solo'd one bar with Astolofo Saber. ;)

I'm having fun explaining what's going on to my sister while she looks at me in disgust.

Yep. The giant robot caught the alien flying saucer while the flying dino lures the sun away in the underground area made by alien mushrooms.
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That form was the easiest, in my opinion, outside of that 5th sun bs.

Didn't have a single cassualty and he did his 5th sun thing. Was a nail biter, I almost lost merlin and castoria but merlin's healing kept them going. Wasn't able to get him in 1 turn after the 5th sun thing, and he wiped me.

Didn't have a casualty the 2nd time either but made sure to switch a support out for dps before the 5th sun bs and got him.
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Just wanted to say thanks and that I appreciate you guys marking spoilers for LB7.

Also, just finished getting the last points item a few hours before the event ended. I kinda got burnt out 2/3rd of the way through and stopped farming.

I always like the valentines events, but it'd be nice if they made new valentines events for old servants, even if just a few lines of text. After you get the 10~ or so new ones each year, the rest is just inventory clog.


My first 5* was Ruler Jean. This was back in story part 1 back in 2017. We were still allowed back in to "true human history" back then with extra classes.... Did we just get too many or is that an oversight?

Then again... Did we survive the incineration of humanity in order to do the first 7 singularities because we weren't part of "true human history" then? And how Chaldea was able to float around during the time temple part? But it still doesn't add up on how we were able to rejoin humanity after the time temple...

I'm also confused by the 100 year in the future thing. Was humanity teleported 100 years into the future or was it transported present day and we're just watching 100 years later in true humanity? And it was after we established that connection that their future equipment malfunctioned?

Ordeal Call Prologue asked more questions than it answered....

I somehow made it through collecting all the valentine CE.

The Three in the Black CE summon dialogue for the new event is... Interesting...
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