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Favorite fighting game throw moves?


Makoto's Karakusa Command Throw (hcb+k)-

EVIL EVIL EVIL. So simple but leads to so much, combined with her dash and hayates it's something to look at in awe. Also killing your opponent with it is always a good laugh.

Rock's Shinkuu Nage Command throw (360+p)

Not that great, but has an awesome cool factor. Also quite unique due to it's braking ability, ie qcb+k, 360+p, Brake, Raging Storm.


Yeh. Fighting-Goober-ese.

I always liked Clark's Argentine backbreaker in KOF, especially when you could follow it up with the elbow drop.



Hmm..where to start...

Sarah's (VF4) hand hold neck cut. From her flamingo stance, it's d+K, P+G, and you have to time the P+G just as the low kick hits. It requires precise timing, and looks cool too. Took me forever to master, but I rarely miss the timing now.

Any number of Vanessa's throws I love, particularly Hell's Gate and Heaven's Gate. Hell's Gate (forward, down P+G in defensive stance), she grabs the opponent's ankles and knocks them onto their back, then flips over forward and lands her leg smack down on their crotch, making them cry out and writhe in pain. It's particularly satisfying.

Guy's (SFA3) Bushin Musourenkin (had to look up the name) super combo, hcbx2+p. Although I don't play Guy much, this move looks so cool. He grabs the opponent, the screen is filled with black and white flashes, and you see Guy's shadow beating up the opponent and kicking him in the air at the end. He then turns his back to the opponent proclaiming "what a cool move".

All I can think of at the moment.


Hanzo's throw moves/super/Zettsumei Ougi from Samurai Shodown 64/IV/NGPC/V special where he breaks the opponent's bones

Honorable mention: Lei's "body bounce" throw from Tekken 2 and Law's "run up the opponent" slam


It's so awesome when you grab the opponent out of the air with Guile's backbreaker, just the look on their face is priceless ^_^


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Spinning Piledriver... the pause at the end of the match as someone watches their life bar drain away.... while their character is frozen smashed on the ground as Zangief jumps away... priceless.
Shermie - your face in her crotch smash throw ^_^
Shermie - your face in her boobs throw.

Goenitz super was cool too, rip you to shreds and then holds you while blood is spurting then he slams you into the ground.


Hugo's Gigasbreaker.

Q's Knee bash throw (neutral + LP/LK)

Gief's FAB of course, especially the VS series version, which is really souped up. It looks awesome delivering the final hit on one of the opponent's characters (while the other is still alive) Gief turns red and yells out BUSTER!!!!! and the opponent flies away on fire and dies, and Gief is jumping back from the impact with the cool super trail in slo mo.

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Unconfirmed Member
All the funky command throws

Rainbow Mikas L3 (only cause the player receiving it should feel retarded after getting Superplexed off the top corner)

Final Atomic Buster, Gigasbreaker and Alex's Powerbomb with the victim facing the other way (I think four or five reverse suplexes in quick fashion).

Edit: Oh, and though I think he sucks, Tizoc's super where he throws the other player into the air.
Hugo's moonsault press.

Zangief's spinning piledriver.

Wolf's giant swing.

Goh's guillotine choke.

Jeffery's headbutt/knee combo.

Shuns drunken master flip.

Kage's ten foot toss.

Earthquake's fart throw.


I particularly like Akira's grasping mind throw (db, f P+G). He grabs the opponent's arm and then thrusts his shoulder, with all his might, into the opponent, sending him or her five feet from the collision or straight into a wall. :D I really like to use this move to finish off the opponent to knock him or her out.


sp0rsk said:
does the spod count.

I don't think that spod is considered to be a throw move, but I guess you can count it as one. On Akira's movelist at gamefaqs.com, the spod is listed under "special attacks/combos."
Ferrio said:
Makoto's Karakusa Command Throw (hcb+k)-

EVIL EVIL EVIL. So simple but leads to so much, combined with her dash and hayates it's something to look at in awe. Also killing your opponent with it is always a good laugh.
OMG, capture and deadly blow = best command throw. >:)
Ahh, I forgot about Q's neutral throw, how could I?

Easily the most disgusting looking move in any game, ever. Cracks their head open like a damned egg.
Pff...tiers. I eat Chun-Lis and Kens for breakfast. Q cracks their heads open and I eat the delicious yolk concealed inside.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!


I've never been able to do that.

Bear in mind, i'm using an Xbox pad...i'll have to get an adaptor for my Namco Arcade Stick.


I've always loved Kage's TFT from VF3 - but I love the completed version. Its the way he pauses in that stoop, then yells out, "YEEEEEEEEE!" Bad-ass. Not really that practical for damage compared to some TFT starter combos, but I always used the full throw to charge myself up.

edit- gotta add Leon's air grab in DOA3. Especially useful for tossing little bitches like Ayane, Kasumi, and Jann Lee through windows.


hmm...no Tekken King love?

He has a 3 move link that ends in a giant swing that takes off massive energy. I think it started with a german suplex to a "standing" powerbomb or something. It's been so long since I've played it.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
EdLuva said:
hmm...no Tekken King love?

He has a 3 move link that ends in a giant swing that takes off massive energy. I think it started with a german suplex to a "standing" powerbomb or something. It's been so long since I've played it.

Count me in for King... I love his string that leads to the giant swing!!! Even if it isn't as powerful as his death cradle roll


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Crucifix Piledriver - Virtua Fighter, Wolf and Jeffrey - I believe Wolf lost it in all future versions.
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