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Favorite Game Endings


For me I would have to list FF9 and Kingdom Hearts. FF8 gets an honorable mention too, though I don't like it as much as the other two because I didn't like the game. Feel free to list some of the worst endings ever as well. The worst ending that comes to mind immediately is the 'bad' Otacon/Snake homoerotic ending. Karnov and ET also get an honorable mention.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

No other ending I've seen even comes close.

FFX is the best I've seen this gen though.


Futurama: The Game.

At the beginning, your crew learns that Prof. Farnsworth has sold Planet Express to Mom, giving her control of over 50% of the Earth. For no reason at all, he's wearing a sombrero. She takes it over, makes a giant warship of it, and is planning on taking over the galaxy. Your ship is mysteriously wrecked.

After your crew flies all over the universe to try and find a way away, you finally decide to just go back in time before all this happens. Time is turned back, the ship is wrecked into the hangar, the crew steals the old (unwrecked ship), and goes to Mom's compound. However, right as you're about to run up to stop the Professor from signing it (the second time around, after escaping) the toaster (re-animator) breaks. "I guess we'll just have to be careful not to die now."

All three of you die, of course.

Farnsworth rips up the contract, yelling "Nobody kills my crew but me!" then breaks Mom's hip (she's been limping for the entire game). She offers him a sombrero, and he accepts.

The game ends with the beginning of the game.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

Kingdom Hearts - One of my favorite endings, I just loved the whole ending sequence after the final battle. Even the credits were great

Ico - Whats not to love, great from start to finish.

The Legend of Zelda: OoT


Onimusha 1 and Onimusha 2 has some majorly lame endings. Onimusha 2 is one of my favorites games on the PS2, but damn that ending was crap

Final Fantasy X - Loved the game itself, but I didn't like the ending sequence. The speech was what ruined it for me, it just took away from the ending for some reason. Sometimes its better to leave things unsaid rather than downplaying the player's intelligence by explaining everything.

The Mark of Kri - Eugh, another great game with a lame ending. The whole epic legend feel they had going was nice, but I just walked away with nothing.


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

It's great because after saving the world of a terrible tirany...people want to kill you instead of thanking you.
Awesome, KCEO.


It's defanetly not my favorite, but I liked Far Crys ending. When that dude start bullshiting Jack, and Jack just goes like STFU bitch *bang* *bang*


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ico - visual poem
MGS2 - it was you!
ZOE2 - i still feel the metatron running through my veins
Kingdom Hearts (japanese ver.) - almost made me cry


Has problems recognising girls
Chrono Trigger - anything with multiple endings can be a major pain but a huge blessing in disguise.

Final Fantasy VIII - as much as I dislike CG at times, no one can deny that Square are kings at what they do with it. 15-20 mins in length, plus it involved my favourite version (so far) of the Final Fantasy theme. *salutes Uematsu*

Illusion of Gaia/Time - probably disliked by 99.99% of gamers, but I enjoyed it for what it was worth :D

Pocky & Rocky - nothing can beat this. EVA


TTP said:
Ico - visual poem
MGS2 - it was you!
ZOE2 - i still feel the metatron running through my veins
Kingdom Hearts (japanese ver.) - almost made me cry

I didn't want to to say it because I thought it would be super gay, but yeah I got a little emotional too the first time I saw the KH ending (american version). I didn't cry, but it was definitely sad and it leaves you dying to play the next game. In FF9, you don't feel sad all but totally happy for some resaon, I dunno now I am venturing in the land of Suerte now so I had better stop while I can.

FF6 had the best ending for the longest period of time (at least for me). It was just so long and everything felt complete when it was done. I never felt Chrono Trigger had an amazing ending, even though it was an amazing game. In fact, I thought the PSX version, which although a terrible port, had a better ending sequence. Everything was kind of resolved at the end of CT and the PSX port gave it a better ending, though it was a lot of fun collecting all the endings in the SNES version.
Thief: DS - Perfect if you've played the first 2
Fallout - Changed depending on what u did in the game although the main item occurs each time and damn its perfect

Mafia- Perfect
speedpop said:
Illusion of Gaia/Time - probably disliked by 99.99% of gamers, but I enjoyed it for what it was worth :D
Still can't believe I sold that game mint and complete at a garage sale years ago. *punches self in face*

Final Fantasy IX
Metal Gear Solid
Ocarina of Time
A Link To The Past


Laguna finally getting a chance to propose his love to Raine. Even though they could never be together again, at least she'll die as his wife. All the while, Eye's on Me is being sung in the background.


Not as subtle as the previous two, but still effective.

Breath of Fire V
Finally a BOF game with a great ending. That moment of seeing the green covered land was quite overwhelming


Gold Member
Y's Book I & II - The ending seemed to go on forever. I loved it. I would also have to add ICO.


This thread is somehow familiar... ;)

Mine would be Terranigma, Link's Awakening, The Wind Waker, FFVIII, and FFIX.


Ryu's in the original Street Fighter 2 for the SNES. Come on, how badass was that when you first beat the game with him and find out he only craves the next challenge, and then they show him doing the dragon punches into the firewall. One word: BADASS.


I umm... Liked the ending to FFVIII (please don't hurt me).

Metal Gear Solid
Ace Combat 4
Twisted Metal 2
Halo on Legendary


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I liked the Climax portion of FF9 more then the Ending :)
Probably one of my favorite FF sequences.

*Climax refers often to the turning point of the game, in the case of FF9, the long cutscenes towards the middle of the game with the summons.
I'm sticking with my choice from a previous thread: Dragon Warrior IV.

Does it really hold a candle to most endings today? No, not really. However, in an age when most game endings didn't go beyond "Congraturations! Game Over. Thanks for playing!", it was such a great thing that really made you feel like you accomplished something.

I love that game.


Super Mario 64 was great, Peach baking a cake and giving Mario a kiss was really sweet.
I also liked the endings in Super Monkey Ball 1&2. Sure, they weren't really spectacular, but the idea of playable credits should be copied by other games.
I think I cried during the ending of Dragon Warrior IV. Maybe not, it was ten years ago, so I don't remember too well, but it was the first RPG that I beat fairly and the first to have a real (and awesome) ending. I was very happy to see that Celia still lived, even if it made no sense: Celia is still alive and hugs the hero while everyone you just left at home comes to cheer you on!

Still, I loved seeing everyone off at the end. Plus, the Zenithian revelations about your mother were cool.
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