I'm seriously terrified of what the internet could like like if Pai and the FCC get their way with this.
It will start off subtle. Companies like Comast, Verizon, Charter, and others will start offering a new "basic" tier of internet access. Something like $29/month, but you only get access to basic email, Facebook, and Youtube. That's it. Every other website you would try and access would be blocked. This is an obvious violation of net neutrality and the core principle of an open and free internet, but it would be marketed as a "basic" package for people who "don't need" anything more.
Fast forward 3+ years from now, and who knows what things could look like. ISPs could be requiring people to pay for "premium" packages just to access any website they want. They could be charging people $0.25 for every MB used on Steam, or $0.30 for every MB used when using Blizzard's game or services. $0.15 per MB when using Youtube. All on top of your normal bill. And of course, all of their own services (Comcast owns NBC Universal, AT&T is about to own Timer Warner) will be exempt from these extra fees.
The internet as we know it will truly be no more. What authoritarian regimes do in other countries to the internet, the ISPs will be doing the same thing here.
I kind of doubt it will play out exactly like that.
It'd be a very slow process, yes, but 3+ years from now someone else who supports Net Neutrality could be elected and overturn all of this.
ISPs aren't stupid enough to invest in the kind of tiered system that would involve throttling and blocking literally every other website imaginable because they know about that and millions upon millions of people would riot about this if they did and they'd get lawsuit on top of lawsuit.
It'd be an entirely useless endeavor that would only make them lose money.
Of course, nothing is certain, so that's why this still needs to be fought at every opportunity.