I was familiar with health care exchanges and group pooling already because I worked in the insurance industry for a time. I understand, of course, that Republicans should be for it, as I did in 2009 when the bill was announced. Sadly we live in a world where politicians disagree with positions they should ideologically support to ruin the country in the hopes of increasing their chances to win elections.
This recent article by the New York Times highlights one of the many ways Republicans are putting effective healthcare solutions out of reach for many Americans.
Doesn't it just drive you to the point of insanity? The fact that at my job 2/3 of all the people are die hard RAH RAH MILITARY RAH RAH Republicans, and that Fox News rotates on the main television four out of the five main work days makes it on the border of being able to drive any rational minded individual to have their mind break. This is a place so fucked up that after Obama was elected a second time, I and the other floor supervisors were obligated to once again (because we had to do it in 2008 too) put everyone in my group to a seminar to train about how not to be racist fucktards, since there was blatantly racist graffiti and comments being thrown out every two seconds around election day. "It's not the Black House, it's the WHITE HOUSE" har har har. Stuff like that.
Anyway, the point of this story is no matter how many facts you bring to the table, Republicans - and I'm sure Democrats on the reverse side of the coin when it gets right down to it - are dog headed and stubborn to an extreme. The political environment has become so toxic that compromise is unselfconsciously labeled a real flaw to people now. Giving up any ground is considered somehow weak, like you're less of a person to do it.
So during the health care debate, the one I always got was "Oh yeah? If you hate this countries health care so much why don't you move to Canada? Right, you won't because you know the Canadians all fly to AMERICA to get their major health procedures done! Why? Because America has the best health care system IN THE WORLD. Case closed."
Their point, for as much as I can suss out a point, is that the 'proof is in the pudding'... the president kept trying to say the Health Care system is broken, but somehow it's not actually broken and saying so is unpatriotic. It doesn't matter that you show them that left unaided, the percentage of our GDP being used toward health care spending is already crazy and is predicted to be legit astronomical by the mid 2020s. That what Americans actually get for what the country is spending is so insultingly and transparently tilted toward giving benefits to the health care companies over Americans that it should frankly be considered treason.
You can tell them that no, countries with Universal Health Care don't have some spectacularly long waiting time that forces some people to die in the waiting room. You can show them data to support the notion that countries with Universal Health Care at worst have waiting times merely as long as ours; at best it's often quite better.. Doesn't matter.
To them, mentioning that we need to gather idea from Europeans is just as bad as the notion that there is something corrupt with our Health Care system.
After years of debating this stuff privately with some of my extreme Republican friends at work, I realize it is beyond pointless. They have shut off their brains, and languish in ignorance. And they find that a value. The same reason Sarah Palin's value is solely "she's just like one of us" to these guys.