Net Neutrality - from the same entity that doesn't want you see a nipple on broadcast television.
After reading through the summary on the FCC's website, I've realized how truly scary this all is. Although they try to cushion it by specifically exempting broadband from some of the rules that now apply to it, we cannot expect it to stay that way forever. It never does with the government. They slowly worm their way into every nook and cranny they can until they have control. We are talking about the government here, and if there is one thing government has proven to be over the last, oh I don't know, 5000 years, it would be corrupt and inefficient. If people had any kind of forethought, they would have opposed this. Its just the start, people. The internet in its current form (that is, it being a part of our every day lives) has really only been around for about 10 years and they are already starting to regulate it. Now they just have the rest of eternity to continue regulating it. Have fun while you can folks, it'll will be very different in just a few years, and I'm not talking specifically about the effects of these net neutrality rules, but the endless laws and regulations that will inevitably pass in the coming years. They were just testing the waters here and I pity anyone who can't see these rules for what they are - a first step.
Besides that more philosophical argument, the rules are extremely unfair. My website that has maybe 400 hits per month should not be forced to be treated the same as, say, Youtube, which has over 1,000,000,000 users, by the broadband providers. And add to that the fact that, had they not passed this bill in 2010 and just approved these new rules, our communication through email and web-browsing would have been basically the same as they are now, maybe with some minor differences in which content providers you have access to on your specific service.
But, it passed. And, as usual, the corporations will continue to exist and the added costs of business will be passed on down to the consumer, as they always are when the government intervenes in the economy. Yawn. Wake me up when the government passes laws that are good for the people.
You actually think the FCC is the reason nudity isn't the norm on tv?