Fallon laughs opening his mail, no surprise there.Somewhere Jimmy Fallon is laughing at this
Fallon laughs opening his mail, no surprise there.Somewhere Jimmy Fallon is laughing at this
This will probably inspire Colbert to make jokes about Cockholsters, his new rooster carrying harnesses
The most that will happen is a fine for CBS. This is only going to do good for Colbert and his ratings. This smacks of Trump getting involved though.
Where are you all alt-right assholes who kept crying for free speech now, huh?
Somewhere Jimmy Fallon is laughing at this
The most that will happen is a fine for CBS. This is only going to do good for Colbert and his ratings. This smacks of Trump getting involved though.
And crying.Somewhere Jimmy Fallon is laughing at this
They are hypocrites beyond death.Conservatives will be hypocrites until the day they die.
They define thin skin.
I so hope Colbert doubles down and tells 45 to suck his fucking ck.
But free speech 🤣
Yeap checked t_d and this is absolutely something they've been trying to do. It's supposed to be some sort of revenge for Milo and O'Reilly.
It has alreadyI hope this boosts his ratings even more.
It turns out that the backlash only made him stronger. The show scored a scored a 2.5 rating, according to CBS, easily outpacing its late-night competition, NBCs Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, which topped out the night with a 1.9 rating. The margin between the two shows was the largest to date. The episode was also up 19 percent from the previous Thursday and a whopping 32 percent from the same night a year ago.
So Trump can flat out say he grabs women by the pussy and gets to be President, yet Colbert can't say anything? Its his show, get over it.
What does? Unless he sent the complaints there's nothing happening that would require his influence. It's automatic.
I hope Colbert ends up suing someone, I'm sure he can get a pretty good lawyer with his pay.
Fallon laughs opening his mail, no surprise there.
If you can't imagine Trump making a phone call voicing his displeasure then you've been living under a rock. The motherfucker sued Bill Mahar for saying his Mom fucked a gorilla for christ sake.
I thought it was a funny joke. I'm not understanding what the backlash is. People have said much worse about Drumpf.
Scary times. You guys also see all monitors and TV's at the FDA that show news have been ordered to only have Fox News on?
And crying.
Colbert is now too dangerous for the US Government. What an accomplishment.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't immediately want somebody fired when they express a viewpoint I don't agree with.
It is somewhat hilarious how each side screams free speech when the person is on their side yet demands a person be burned at they stake when they say something they don't agree with.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't immediately want somebody fired when they express a viewpoint I don't agree with.
It is somewhat hilarious how each side screams free speech when the person is on their side yet demands a person be burned at they stake when they say something they don't agree with.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't immediately want somebody fired when they express a viewpoint I don't agree with.
It is somewhat hilarious how each side screams free speech when the person is on their side yet demands a person be burned at they stake when they say something they don't agree with.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't immediately want somebody fired when they express a viewpoint I don't agree with.
It is somewhat hilarious how each side screams free speech when the person is on their side yet demands a person be burned at they stake when they say something they don't agree with.
FCC ain't gonna do shit cause they can't do shit.
Though it's hilarious/sad/strange/crazy/scary that they're basically goons for Trump.
And ofc Freedumz brigade is never anywhere to be found.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't immediately want somebody fired when they express a viewpoint I don't agree with.
It is somewhat hilarious how each side screams free speech when the person is on their side yet demands a person be burned at they stake when they say something they don't agree with.
Ain't gonna do shit. What a fucking weird world we live in.