We assume that.
But all we technically have to work with is the show as it currently exists. There's no telling how long it will take to get to that point.
Would I have liked to see more about the breakdown of the system? Hell yes.
But they clearly want to show the breakdown of society from the perspective of this family, which is why so much of it has happened on the fringes.
They showed us that Walkers were around before the riot. They showed us the empty schools. We drove by traffic accident sites that became disasters because someone became a Walker. We saw YouTube footage of Walker attacks (though they didn't know what they were looking at).
We saw zombies killing and eating during the riot. We saw how hospitals had basically fallen to the Walkers. And we saw how in one night, a neighborhood fell into terror and death due to just a few Walkers.
Basically, we're seeing the fall, but only on the very edge of the frame, which can be very frustrating. We're denied access to see how the authorities handled all this, and how those initial breakdowns happened. But that's all by design, I think.
That's exactly what is happening and people are not used to Kirkman's style. It's a shame.