I love the series. Its been crazy to see how the world has become. I wish they would of shown more of everything going to shit though.
Yeah, it dawned on me during Travis' sniper scene.Anyone else thinks that the camera work or production quality in general is so much better than The Walking Dead? It kinda reminds me on TWD Season 1's quality (which Imo was MUCH better than any of the new seasons).
Also the camera work reminds me alot on Breaking Bad, which is a good thing.
Can't wait to watch the season finale. Three Dog and the drug addict will be great companions in the next season.
Good lord the look Alicia gave Chris in the mirror while she was trying on the dress. And then he scurries away. She looked stunning. I liked her smirk right after Chris runs off. That needs a gif asap.
That would honestly be a better show than this one. The novelty is wearing off real fast because the world is going to shit and we don't even get to see it which was supposedly the whole point.
The first installment of the 16-part web series Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 will coincide with Fear The Walking Deads Season 1 finale on Sunday, October 4.
The online series is set to premiere on October 4, and then air as promos during two commercial breaks within The Walking Dead season 6 premiere episode on Sunday, October 11. Subsequent episodes, each less than one minute long, will debut every Sunday, online and then on-air as promos during new episodes of The Walking Dead, for the duration of Season 6.
16 parts, less than 1 minute long, spread out over 16 weeks sounds like a terrible idea...but maybe its just me.
so far, i keep liking this show.
a shame they are still unable to portray how exactly the army lost control over the infected.
Even this episode, they just couldn't show the army guys being overwhelmed by walkers.
Then again, bythey might have justlocking the doors to the stadiumcreated a walker horde of critical mass by themselves.
I doubt that'll have happened all over the country, though.
So who bites it in the finale ?
Pretty much my views right now. If you want to tell a story about society collapsing because of Zombies, you need to show it from the top down otherwise is "Societal Apocalypse #583 this time featuring Zombies"
We know that everything goes to hell, we know society and civilization collapses. What we don't know is what its like to be at the very top watching this unfold. You need to show the politicians sitting in their bunker desperately trying to keep control and order. You need to show high military slowly losing chain of command as more and more independent cells form, show some choice CEOs getting munched on for fun and lastly you need the family on the ground showing the lives of the layperson as everything goes to shit.
Think about it, after this season is done; its going to go right back to the Walking Dead formula of an untrained, unknowing group hiding in the woods trying to survive while slowly getting picked off by invisible zombies, it'll essentially be Ricks group-lite. Imagine if they shifted it up and instead of this group we are following now, we followed the military from the beginning.
Instead of following a drug addict, we are following a soldier containing the riots. Instead of wimpy people wondering whats going on, we get trained soldiers trying to regain the hospital/city. Imagine if the rolls were reversed and we followed the soldiers guarding outside the fence watching as their fellow soldiers were taken by the zombies and morale falling leading up to the 'friendly fire incident'. Then we could move into the second season with a small ex-military group trying to locate their families. They could continue it up to the Military Camp mentioned in season 3(4?) being overrun with the military groups split (one of those groups being slaughtered by the Governor to further tie in the stories)
Sure that doesn't sound "The Walking Dead" but isn't that the point of making spin offs of a series? You don't spin off for more of the same, you spin off to tell a different story in the same universe..
16 less then one minute clips that you have to wait a week for? Can they milk the shit out of this show anymore. This is just reaching stupid level now. lol
Travis for sure.
Man, the horror of being stuck inside that stadium. Shit.
- I don't know who the guy is with Nick, but something tells me he got rich by selling drugs. Good eye, expensive taste in clothing plus others and he likes to talk a lot. Seems like the best dope salesman in the area. Swiping that key will help too.
Yeah with these qualities he couldn't have possibly sold cars, houses or whatever.... Has to be the cliche black drug dealer lol.
Well at least he survived the episode which is already more than one can hope for on this show.
"Making his move" is just an expression and not exclusive to drug dealers or gamblers.. Sure he could be one of both but it's funny always getting the same - a black guy in a suit = drug dealer - reactions lol.He mentioned Vegas, and talked about "making his move." Also after he riled up the dad, he had a brief breakdown before moving on. Personally I see him as a high rolling gambler.
Jesus this show is so bad.
Pre episode 3: Humanity is fully intact and now aware of zombies. Police and military shoot heads, armed forces are sweeping the neighbourhood. Slow ass zombies can be controlled by housewifes with sticks. The outbreak should be over in a week.
After episode 3: Virus and plotholes are now airborne. Somehow the army lost against the zombies and the majority of the population is now dead.. somehow. Doesnt really bother anyone though, since th virus now has infected the brain of everyone on earth. Sideeffects: You are now unable to act like a normal human being and will be forced to live as a badly written stereotype.
Jesus this show is so bad.
Pre episode 3: Humanity is fully intact and now aware of zombies. Police and military shoot heads, armed forces are sweeping the neighbourhood. Slow ass zombies can be controlled by housewifes with sticks. The outbreak should be over in a week.
After episode 3: Virus and plotholes are now airborne. Somehow the army lost against the zombies and the majority of the population is now dead.. somehow. Doesnt really bother anyone though, since th virus now has infected the brain of everyone on earth. Sideeffects: You are now unable to act like a normal human being and will be forced to live as a badly written stereotype.
After episode 3: Virus and plotholes are now airborne. Somehow the army lost against the zombies.
I have my concerns from before but after that scene with the wife dying I could see this happening. More and more Travis is seeing a lot. He needs to pull that trigger. I want to see him grow before he's killed off. The thing with Griselda did not leave Salazar in a good light. I assumed she was talking about him and the things they experienced, things he did and perhaps did to her and how she dealt with them. Might have to watch again but I also got the impression that the daughter might not actually be biologically his. I could see the episode with him doing something perhaps noble or just straight out good for the others and dying as a result. Making the title The Good Man refer to him as something he tries to become. With the contrast being Travis stops being one with him perhaps not just killing a zombie for the first time but maybe he sacrifices someone.
Then again this could be asking to much.
Well, considering its the Walking Dead it wouldn't surprise me at all actually.Yeah with these qualities he couldn't have possibly sold cars, houses or whatever.... Has to be the cliche black drug dealer lol.
Well at least he survived the episode which is already more than one can hope for on this show.
Can't imagine. Anybody think that maybe someone is alive in there?
Why would they go when they know they're going to bomb LA off the map? What leverage do they have on the military besides the skin off the right arm of the one soldier's capture? That'ld just make them shoot the entire cast in retaliation BEFORE letting the place be bombed.
Are Alicia and Christopher going to become a thing?
i find it funny that people still complain about the unlikeable characters so much.
As if that had been a strength of the Walking Dead universe so far.