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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Well, so Mizark came back. Bryan-Punk rocked. And Bork killed Miz.

Three good things in three hours. This stupid show.
"wah the heels internet heroes that have been interfering in face matches delivering justice just got beat up by those faces getting revenge blowhard no talent super faces, waaaaah"


Sheamus seems to shoehorned into the whole thing. I was hoping brock would show up again and F5 everyone and their mothers just to prove a point.


I got grudge sucked!



lol, you're not serious are you. Its no different than the rare times Dusty Rhodes, Magnum TA and the rest of the super faces would run off the horsemen from time to time. I forget sometimes that smart marks are still marks


I was really hoping for bork and punk to come out. The Heyman Guys vs WWE.

unfortunately the only way this angle ends is the The Shield being sent to TNA and joining Aces n Eights
Rock wasn't even on the show at all? As your champion, I say damn. Is having the belt on him really that beneficial if its going to be like this? What angle are they even running? If Punk wins a the chamber, then his streak continues and Rock's win is erased?


Yeah, no problem with that ending as I was expecting Cena to run them off on his own. They also at least stood their ground instead of just running immediately. Better than most teams have done against main event faces.


Rock wasn't even on the show at all? As your champion, I say damn. Is having the belt on him really that beneficial if its going to be like this? What angle are they even running? If Punk wins a the chamber, then his streak continues and Rock's win is erased?

It would make sense if they could say Rock was busy doing Letterman or something and had some shots of him at the show with the belt.


I got grudge sucked!
People were expecting a Nexus style burial, they did not get it, just a flat ending brawl. I don't see people freaking out.

But thats classic wrasslin booking. The heels that have run roughshot over most of the roster are now about to get beat down, except they escape in the end, so the audience wants to buy the PPV to see them truly get it.


Yeah, no problem with that ending as I was expecting Cena to run them off on his own. They also at least stood their ground instead of just running immediately. Better than most teams have done against main event faces.

That's the rough thing.

I actually thought, "well, that's better than I expected", because WWE would usually just have Cena beat up the heels himself.
Rock wasn't even on the show at all? As your champion, I say damn. Is having the belt on him really that beneficial if its going to be like this? What angle are they even running? If Punk wins a the chamber, then his streak continues and Rock's win is erased?

Punks not winning anything. Its gonna be Cena vs Rock 2 at mania nothing else matters. Cena is your "Main Event" when Rock isn't there. Cena is gonna be unstoppable more-so than ever going into Mania. Punk will be lucky to curtain jerk Wrestlemania


But thats classic wrasslin booking. The heels that have run roughshot over most of the roster are now about they get beat down, except they escape in the end, so the audience wants to buy the PPV to see them truly get it.

It's because it's the three overpushed super faces. It's too typical that only Cena and his partners can run off the strongest heels.

I'd like some NEW people to step up to be the Shield's rivals. Not just the Vince-sponsored super faces that win everything.


Could have been worse.

People are being too down on the ending. Shield are entertaining as a Trish Stratus fuck (albeit in far different ways...unless you factor in Maddox--you know what, I'm rambling) and they're doing a slowish (or for WWE, fucking glacial) build to a final showdown payoff before April. Because you can't have a main event guerrilla ambush squad lurking around come Wrestlemania. It doesn't work.

They've pissed off a ton of people, they still have some mystery about them (are they just Heyman's blowhard mercs or do they actually have some sense of justice and no, I really do think creative has something in mind with them), they're being presented as a legitimate threat and have at least one decisive victory over the faces. It's a good storyline with a meaty build and it's dumb to get mad because they lost once.

Pass the popcorn.
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