I thought my normal dreams were weird, and my drinking dreams were even weirder, but my stopped drinking for a few days dreams are the weirdest.
One had someone trying to fuse a tiki hut roof with a blow torch with disastrous results. Then a guy jumping from the top of a water slide that was on top of a trampoline and nailing the rim of the trampoline head first. Then a bunch of people walking down the road and coming into my aunt's garage at 3 in the morning to start a party. And at this party, I heard some crazy screaming/singing and go out to see that Axl Rose, Bumblefoot, and a scrub drummer are playing an impromptu show. Which makes me sad because that isn't far off from what GNR will be in a year or so, but Axl sounded like prime Axl instead of out of breath Mickey Mouse Axl of today. And then he did a cover of Came Back Haunted by NIN. It was pretty rad. Also, someone pooped in the pool and I heard Vince's WBF calls in my head all night. It was a pretty solid dream.