pokemon fans are the worst :|
edit: or was that sonic fans? Whatever.
pokemon fans are the worst :|
edit: or was that sonic fans? Whatever.
Bootista chant is prolly the most amazing chant I have ever heard.
To think we wouldn't even be in this Bootista situation now if Jason Mamoa hadn't been a greedy fuck and demanded more money than Marvel were willing to pay.
AJ fans are worse.
she's been champion for 250 days you know.
Because that role worked wonders for TNA, am I right?Hogan would be great in a long-term commissioner or GM role.
Well I bet you didn't know she likes videogames AND comic books!
Take that, G-Nobody.
Because that role worked wonders for TNA, am I right?
My batshit WM prediction.
CM Punk agrees to come back
WWE title match is a 3 way between Randy, Batista and Punk
Bryan still jobs to HHH
WWE app was updated with WWE Network. 6 hours away!
I wonder if bean breath is gone in order to debut with a new gimmick.
Chill out DM, it's not like Joker Sting will give a introduction
Eva Marieas penance I will wear any avatar you see fit for whatever period of time deemed necessary.
Sorry to post this again but:
It's annoying being in a situation where I want to throw money Vince's way but he doesn't want my Great British Pounds
Also I was in the rumble and never Peckified I just never got around to it, as penance I will wear any avatar you see fit for whatever period of time deemed necessary.
Don't future endeavour me wrastle Gaf
Think you've been demoted to Saturday Shotgun duty. Work hard and we'll see you again in a few months. Perhaps not on the Main Roster, but maybe a dark match here and there. Might even creep onto Superstars.
I'm below JTG
50 dollars tho
dat black metal fan in the frontBRING BACK JOY GIOVANNI
It's a time of rejoicing, for the era of Archie is over. The era of Axel has arrived.Serpentine you did not celebrate the end of the archibald peck era with a curtis axel avatar
Mania season the past two years has been awful... although, I'd be lying if that awfulness didn't result in some pent-up rage-filled audiences in those post-Mania Monday night RAWs.Welcome to Mania season wrasslin fans....it's gonna be a ride.
More importantly....in just over 3 hours....welcome to the mother fucking Network.
Thinking back over it, that Chamber match really was great. Loads of memorable moments and everyone in it got to look like a badass. Sheamus hasn't look that awesome since summer 2011 when he Brogue Kicked the pod Orton was hiding in, and Cesaro is absolutely main event material.
I don't think it was better than Shield/Wyatts, what with that tired holding pattern ending, but the best Chamber match in years now.