Naoto is the worst character in 4, you god damn millenial
She had access to Hama, Mudo, and all of their upgraded versions. It made progressing through the dungeons significantly easier.
Naoto is the worst character in 4, you god damn millenial
Alright look Daniel Bryan fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Daniel Bryan will not be in the main event at Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Roman Reigns beats him. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna make an online petition, I might make an online petition because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Now don't get me wrong I like Daniel Bryan, great wrestler puts on good matches, I wish he'd be the champion again. I wish he going to Mania to fight Brock Lesnar, I think it's a great story. Right? Guy gets injured, NEVER really loses the title and then comes back wins the rumble goes on to face Lesnar the beast Brock Lesnar. The ultimate underdog versus the ultimate just bthis dude'll crush anybody he beats anybody. How can Daniel Bryan possibly overcome him!? Oh no, but that's not gonna happen that story will not be told. I'M SORRY. EHHHH, EHHHH. WHHYYYY!? WHY!?? Don't get me wrong, I'm upset too. Oh my god that would be a great story, but we're not gonna witness it, it's not gonna happen and I want you to accept it now.
You should've accepted it before the Royal Rumble. I KNEW Roman Reigns was gonna win, I told you this and you motherfuckers were still on here, "no, no, no I think the fans changed their mind." You think Vince McMahon gives a fuck what you think? You think Vince McMahon cares? He'll be dead soon. He wants Roman Reigns to be the fucking GUY and that's who it's gonna be. They been planning this all fucking year. Now I can say they gave you a way last year they gave you a fuck away last year and that was a whole different story. It ain't happening this year.
First off all you ruined everything last year. Batista was gonna win the belt, fucking BATISTA, Guardians of the Galaxy Batista he was go on Summerslam. I would think, right? And face Brock Lesnar, the Beast vs. The Animal, you ruined it, you ruined Vince Mcmahon's ultimate dream of that match.
And now you think, now you think he's gonna once again allow you to ruin Roman Reigns, ALLOW YOU to ruin everything he's built to get here. I mean he ended the fucking STREAK for this he made John Cena look like a BITCH for this. And you think you're gonna ruin it? You think he's gonna give all of that to Br- to Daniel Bryan you understand whoever beats Lesnar that beats the guy who ended the streak beats the guy that dominated John Cena, Brock Lesnar's a bad motherfucker and he's gonna be beat by Roman Reigns. You think they gonna allow Daniel Bryan to take all that?
Come on man it ain't fucking happening, you need to accept it now and I know they got ya'll hyped up now "Oh my god they're gonna fight at Fastlane!" Oh my god they're gonna have a match and whoever wins fights Lesnar. Who do you thinks gonna win that match? Are you this fucking dumb? Do you think they're gonna fucking let Daniel Bryan win that match? NO, all of this is Vince Mcmahon fucking with you that's all it is. Fucking with your emotions don't worry, don't worry will get that belt back one day when the time is right when Vince Mcmahon is ready to give your way to let you celebrate, but not this time, not this time, not THIS Mania. Not this Fastlane, not this Rumble it ain't fucking happening.
Just accept it please, I don't wanna see ya'll on here crying on the 22nd isn't that when the ppv is, crying and shit "Oh why Daniel Bryan deserved it, OH I can't believe it, ohhhhh." Booing and shit I don't even get why they boo Roman Reigns, I like Roman Reigns okay oh he's not the best promo well he'll get better. Okay? OKAY. We'll put him with a manager, there's plenty of solutions. OKAY, guy?
But I agree with you I wouldn't put Roman Reigns in there, I'd put Daniel Bryan but eth-I don't run the place okay, I don't fucking run it. I just watch the shit and I'm telling you right now Roman Reigns will be in the main event against Brock Lesnar. It won't be no triple threat. Dr Duncan on here talking about "It'll be a triple threat" NOO Dr Duncan DRUM alert THAT. It ain't gonna be nothing, it's gonna be Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar. Sting, Triple H and Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan is probably the opening match. Daniel Bryan will be the opening match, bet on it. BET ON IT.
And you motherfuckers will be upset too, you'll be like "Daniel Bryan's opening match!?? NOT FAIR. He main evented last year!" And you should be happy, you should be happy he got that main event. CM Punk never got his main event be happy for Daniel Bryan they gave Daniel Bryan that main event. Okay? They gave him that they ain't gonna give him it every year. Okay, you getting greedy now you're getting greedy. You want it all, you want it all and I'm hey, I totally understand, it's a great story I get where you're coming from, but Vince Mcmahon is getting his way this year. Accept it, deal with it and quit crying about it cause it isn't is you're wasting your fucking breath because ain't shit gonna change. It's gonna be Roman Reigns shove it down your fucking throat, he's shoving it down Bobo! He's shoving it in your throat and you're gonna have to accept it. Anyway, peace.
Rarely. NXT runs their own house show circuit in Florida.
Alright look Daniel Bryan fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Daniel Bryan will not be in the main event at Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Roman Reigns beats him. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna make an online petition, I might make an online petition because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Now don't get me wrong I like Daniel Bryan, great wrestler puts on good matches, I wish he'd be the champion again. I wish he going to Mania to fight Brock Lesnar, I think it's a great story. Right? Guy gets injured, NEVER really loses the title and then comes back wins the rumble goes on to face Lesnar the beast Brock Lesnar. The ultimate underdog versus the ultimate just bthis dude'll crush anybody he beats anybody. How can Daniel Bryan possibly overcome him!? Oh no, but that's not gonna happen that story will not be told. I'M SORRY. EHHHH, EHHHH. WHHYYYY!? WHY!?? Don't get me wrong, I'm upset too. Oh my god that would be a great story, but we're not gonna witness it, it's not gonna happen and I want you to accept it now.
You should've accepted it before the Royal Rumble. I KNEW Roman Reigns was gonna win, I told you this and you motherfuckers were still on here, "no, no, no I think the fans changed their mind." You think Vince McMahon gives a fuck what you think? You think Vince McMahon cares? He'll be dead soon. He wants Roman Reigns to be the fucking GUY and that's who it's gonna be. They been planning this all fucking year. Now I can say they gave you a way last year they gave you a fuck away last year and that was a whole different story. It ain't happening this year.
First off all you ruined everything last year. Batista was gonna win the belt, fucking BATISTA, Guardians of the Galaxy Batista he was go on Summerslam. I would think, right? And face Brock Lesnar, the Beast vs. The Animal, you ruined it, you ruined Vince Mcmahon's ultimate dream of that match.
And now you think, now you think he's gonna once again allow you to ruin Roman Reigns, ALLOW YOU to ruin everything he's built to get here. I mean he ended the fucking STREAK for this he made John Cena look like a BITCH for this. And you think you're gonna ruin it? You think he's gonna give all of that to Br- to Daniel Bryan you understand whoever beats Lesnar that beats the guy who ended the streak beats the guy that dominated John Cena, Brock Lesnar's a bad motherfucker and he's gonna be beat by Roman Reigns. You think they gonna allow Daniel Bryan to take all that?
Come on man it ain't fucking happening, you need to accept it now and I know they got ya'll hyped up now "Oh my god they're gonna fight at Fastlane!" Oh my god they're gonna have a match and whoever wins fights Lesnar. Who do you thinks gonna win that match? Are you this fucking dumb? Do you think they're gonna fucking let Daniel Bryan win that match? NO, all of this is Vince Mcmahon fucking with you that's all it is. Fucking with your emotions don't worry, don't worry will get that belt back one day when the time is right when Vince Mcmahon is ready to give your way to let you celebrate, but not this time, not this time, not THIS Mania. Not this Fastlane, not this Rumble it ain't fucking happening.
Just accept it please, I don't wanna see ya'll on here crying on the 22nd isn't that when the ppv is, crying and shit "Oh why Daniel Bryan deserved it, OH I can't believe it, ohhhhh." Booing and shit I don't even get why they boo Roman Reigns, I like Roman Reigns okay oh he's not the best promo well he'll get better. Okay? OKAY. We'll put him with a manager, there's plenty of solutions. OKAY, guy?
But I agree with you I wouldn't put Roman Reigns in there, I'd put Daniel Bryan but eth-I don't run the place okay, I don't fucking run it. I just watch the shit and I'm telling you right now Roman Reigns will be in the main event against Brock Lesnar. It won't be no triple threat. Dr Duncan on here talking about "It'll be a triple threat" NOO Dr Duncan DRUM alert THAT. It ain't gonna be nothing, it's gonna be Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar. Sting, Triple H and Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan is probably the opening match. Daniel Bryan will be the opening match, bet on it. BET ON IT.
And you motherfuckers will be upset too, you'll be like "Daniel Bryan's opening match!?? NOT FAIR. He main evented last year!" And you should be happy, you should be happy he got that main event. CM Punk never got his main event be happy for Daniel Bryan they gave Daniel Bryan that main event. Okay? They gave him that they ain't gonna give him it every year. Okay, you getting greedy now you're getting greedy. You want it all, you want it all and I'm hey, I totally understand, it's a great story I get where you're coming from, but Vince Mcmahon is getting his way this year. Accept it, deal with it and quit crying about it cause it isn't is you're wasting your fucking breath because ain't shit gonna change. It's gonna be Roman Reigns shove it down your fucking throat, he's shoving it down Bobo! He's shoving it in your throat and you're gonna have to accept it. Anyway, peace.
Naoto is the worst character in 4, you god damn millenial
Alright look Daniel Bryan fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Daniel Bryan will not be in the main event at Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Roman Reigns beats him. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna make an online petition, I might make an online petition because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Now don't get me wrong I like Daniel Bryan, great wrestler puts on good matches, I wish he'd be the champion again. I wish he going to Mania to fight Brock Lesnar, I think it's a great story. Right? Guy gets injured, NEVER really loses the title and then comes back wins the rumble goes on to face Lesnar the beast Brock Lesnar. The ultimate underdog versus the ultimate just bthis dude'll crush anybody he beats anybody. How can Daniel Bryan possibly overcome him!? Oh no, but that's not gonna happen that story will not be told. I'M SORRY. EHHHH, EHHHH. WHHYYYY!? WHY!?? Don't get me wrong, I'm upset too. Oh my god that would be a great story, but we're not gonna witness it, it's not gonna happen and I want you to accept it now.
You should've accepted it before the Royal Rumble. I KNEW Roman Reigns was gonna win, I told you this and you motherfuckers were still on here, "no, no, no I think the fans changed their mind." You think Vince McMahon gives a fuck what you think? You think Vince McMahon cares? He'll be dead soon. He wants Roman Reigns to be the fucking GUY and that's who it's gonna be. They been planning this all fucking year. Now I can say they gave you a way last year they gave you a fuck away last year and that was a whole different story. It ain't happening this year.
First off all you ruined everything last year. Batista was gonna win the belt, fucking BATISTA, Guardians of the Galaxy Batista he was go on Summerslam. I would think, right? And face Brock Lesnar, the Beast vs. The Animal, you ruined it, you ruined Vince Mcmahon's ultimate dream of that match.
And now you think, now you think he's gonna once again allow you to ruin Roman Reigns, ALLOW YOU to ruin everything he's built to get here. I mean he ended the fucking STREAK for this he made John Cena look like a BITCH for this. And you think you're gonna ruin it? You think he's gonna give all of that to Br- to Daniel Bryan you understand whoever beats Lesnar that beats the guy who ended the streak beats the guy that dominated John Cena, Brock Lesnar's a bad motherfucker and he's gonna be beat by Roman Reigns. You think they gonna allow Daniel Bryan to take all that?
Come on man it ain't fucking happening, you need to accept it now and I know they got ya'll hyped up now "Oh my god they're gonna fight at Fastlane!" Oh my god they're gonna have a match and whoever wins fights Lesnar. Who do you thinks gonna win that match? Are you this fucking dumb? Do you think they're gonna fucking let Daniel Bryan win that match? NO, all of this is Vince Mcmahon fucking with you that's all it is. Fucking with your emotions don't worry, don't worry will get that belt back one day when the time is right when Vince Mcmahon is ready to give your way to let you celebrate, but not this time, not this time, not THIS Mania. Not this Fastlane, not this Rumble it ain't fucking happening.
Just accept it please, I don't wanna see ya'll on here crying on the 22nd isn't that when the ppv is, crying and shit "Oh why Daniel Bryan deserved it, OH I can't believe it, ohhhhh." Booing and shit I don't even get why they boo Roman Reigns, I like Roman Reigns okay oh he's not the best promo well he'll get better. Okay? OKAY. We'll put him with a manager, there's plenty of solutions. OKAY, guy?
But I agree with you I wouldn't put Roman Reigns in there, I'd put Daniel Bryan but eth-I don't run the place okay, I don't fucking run it. I just watch the shit and I'm telling you right now Roman Reigns will be in the main event against Brock Lesnar. It won't be no triple threat. Dr Duncan on here talking about "It'll be a triple threat" NOO Dr Duncan DRUM alert THAT. It ain't gonna be nothing, it's gonna be Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar. Sting, Triple H and Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan is probably the opening match. Daniel Bryan will be the opening match, bet on it. BET ON IT.
And you motherfuckers will be upset too, you'll be like "Daniel Bryan's opening match!?? NOT FAIR. He main evented last year!" And you should be happy, you should be happy he got that main event. CM Punk never got his main event be happy for Daniel Bryan they gave Daniel Bryan that main event. Okay? They gave him that they ain't gonna give him it every year. Okay, you getting greedy now you're getting greedy. You want it all, you want it all and I'm hey, I totally understand, it's a great story I get where you're coming from, but Vince Mcmahon is getting his way this year. Accept it, deal with it and quit crying about it cause it isn't is you're wasting your fucking breath because ain't shit gonna change. It's gonna be Roman Reigns shove it down your fucking throat, he's shoving it down Bobo! He's shoving it in your throat and you're gonna have to accept it. Anyway, peace.
It's what that weird guy said in the video. Plywood wrote it down.
It's being run by people that think the post is legitimately QFT worthy.I check wrasslegaf for the first time today and see that Plywood's block of text is still being quoted from last night
What happened to Wrestler's Court?
On Friday, WWE announced a second NXT show will be coming to Ohio, scheduled for Cleveland's Agora Theater on Friday, March 6th. This is the day after a sold out show at an 800 seat building in Columbus, OH, done in conjunction with the Arnold Fitness Expo.
Announced for the show so far: NXT Champion Sami Zayn, Charlotte, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami and Tyler Breeze.
I check wrasslegaf for the first time today and see that Plywood's block of text is still being quoted from last night
What happened to Wrestler's Court?
NXT is running another Show in March:
oh hey, if you like indie games and stuff, Northernlion and friends just released the first episode of a new podcast
sounds good so far
appreciate it...been on a indie game/early access kick lately. Thinking about pulling the trigger on Stranded Deep since my dream is to have a game based on the movie Cast Away.
Thank you for this link. Made my day. Vince McCunt.
God damnit Hunter put an NXT show up in Wisconsin so I can go!
So, assuming Balor wins the #1 contender tournament and Zayn retains the NXT title, I'm torn on if I want an NXT Title match to happen at WrestleMania. It would be great exposure for the brand and be a hook to get people to sub to the Network, but I don't know if Zayn/Balor would get as hot of a crowd at Mania as they would at Full Sail
So, assuming Balor wins the #1 contender tournament and Zayn retains the NXT title, I'm torn on if I want an NXT Title match to happen at WrestleMania. It would be great exposure for the brand and be a hook to get people to sub to the Network, but I don't know if Zayn/Balor would get as hot of a crowd at Mania as they would at Full Sail
I bought Dankest Dungeon last night, played for about 45min and I still don't know what the hell i'm doing! I love roguelikelikes
NXT Champion Sami Zayn
so spoilers for next week?
If I wasn't on mobile where I can see the thumbnail, I probably would've clicked this you sonuvabitch
Alright look Daniel Bryan fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Daniel Bryan will not be in the main event at Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Roman Reigns beats him. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna make an online petition, I might make an online petition because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Now don't get me wrong I like Daniel Bryan, great wrestler puts on good matches, I wish he'd be the champion again. I wish he going to Mania to fight Brock Lesnar, I think it's a great story. Right? Guy gets injured, NEVER really loses the title and then comes back wins the rumble goes on to face Lesnar the beast Brock Lesnar. The ultimate underdog versus the ultimate just bthis dude'll crush anybody he beats anybody. How can Daniel Bryan possibly overcome him!? Oh no, but that's not gonna happen that story will not be told. I'M SORRY. EHHHH, EHHHH. WHHYYYY!? WHY!?? Don't get me wrong, I'm upset too. Oh my god that would be a great story, but we're not gonna witness it, it's not gonna happen and I want you to accept it now.
You should've accepted it before the Royal Rumble. I KNEW Roman Reigns was gonna win, I told you this and you motherfuckers were still on here, "no, no, no I think the fans changed their mind." You think Vince McMahon gives a fuck what you think? You think Vince McMahon cares? He'll be dead soon. He wants Roman Reigns to be the fucking GUY and that's who it's gonna be. They been planning this all fucking year. Now I can say they gave you a way last year they gave you a fuck away last year and that was a whole different story. It ain't happening this year.
First off all you ruined everything last year. Batista was gonna win the belt, fucking BATISTA, Guardians of the Galaxy Batista he was go on Summerslam. I would think, right? And face Brock Lesnar, the Beast vs. The Animal, you ruined it, you ruined Vince Mcmahon's ultimate dream of that match.
And now you think, now you think he's gonna once again allow you to ruin Roman Reigns, ALLOW YOU to ruin everything he's built to get here. I mean he ended the fucking STREAK for this he made John Cena look like a BITCH for this. And you think you're gonna ruin it? You think he's gonna give all of that to Br- to Daniel Bryan you understand whoever beats Lesnar that beats the guy who ended the streak beats the guy that dominated John Cena, Brock Lesnar's a bad motherfucker and he's gonna be beat by Roman Reigns. You think they gonna allow Daniel Bryan to take all that?
Come on man it ain't fucking happening, you need to accept it now and I know they got ya'll hyped up now "Oh my god they're gonna fight at Fastlane!" Oh my god they're gonna have a match and whoever wins fights Lesnar. Who do you thinks gonna win that match? Are you this fucking dumb? Do you think they're gonna fucking let Daniel Bryan win that match? NO, all of this is Vince Mcmahon fucking with you that's all it is. Fucking with your emotions don't worry, don't worry will get that belt back one day when the time is right when Vince Mcmahon is ready to give your way to let you celebrate, but not this time, not this time, not THIS Mania. Not this Fastlane, not this Rumble it ain't fucking happening.
Just accept it please, I don't wanna see ya'll on here crying on the 22nd isn't that when the ppv is, crying and shit "Oh why Daniel Bryan deserved it, OH I can't believe it, ohhhhh." Booing and shit I don't even get why they boo Roman Reigns, I like Roman Reigns okay oh he's not the best promo well he'll get better. Okay? OKAY. We'll put him with a manager, there's plenty of solutions. OKAY, guy?
But I agree with you I wouldn't put Roman Reigns in there, I'd put Daniel Bryan but eth-I don't run the place okay, I don't fucking run it. I just watch the shit and I'm telling you right now Roman Reigns will be in the main event against Brock Lesnar. It won't be no triple threat. Dr Duncan on here talking about "It'll be a triple threat" NOO Dr Duncan DRUM alert THAT. It ain't gonna be nothing, it's gonna be Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar. Sting, Triple H and Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan is probably the opening match. Daniel Bryan will be the opening match, bet on it. BET ON IT.
And you motherfuckers will be upset too, you'll be like "Daniel Bryan's opening match!?? NOT FAIR. He main evented last year!" And you should be happy, you should be happy he got that main event. CM Punk never got his main event be happy for Daniel Bryan they gave Daniel Bryan that main event. Okay? They gave him that they ain't gonna give him it every year. Okay, you getting greedy now you're getting greedy. You want it all, you want it all and I'm hey, I totally understand, it's a great story I get where you're coming from, but Vince Mcmahon is getting his way this year. Accept it, deal with it and quit crying about it cause it isn't is you're wasting your fucking breath because ain't shit gonna change. It's gonna be Roman Reigns shove it down your fucking throat, he's shoving it down Bobo! He's shoving it in your throat and you're gonna have to accept it. Anyway, peace.
I mentioned it earlier but D-Bry's teacher, the immortal HBK, was put in a similar situation with Big Daddy Cool Diesel almost exactly 20 years ago. Only difference was Diesel was already champion. HBK stole the show and put over Diesel in the least strong way possible, putting that coked out of his mind little pretty boy back in the main event scene only a year later.
It's time to use some ring magic to politic your ass, Daniel Bryan.
Somebody sneak some cocaine into D.Bry's vegan burger for gawd's sake.
Somebody sneak some cocaine into D.Bry's vegan burger for gawd's sake.
Sneak some cocaine into everybodys food. Can only improve the current product
Alright look Wrasslegaf fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Plywood will not be making the OT for Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Mr Sandman beats him to the punch. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna snitch to the mods, I might make an off topic thread because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Ah screw it, I'm too lazy to adapt things further, please enjoy this classic gif.
D. Bry ain't losing. He's too short to raise Reign's arm.
I mentioned it earlier but D-Bry's teacher, the immortal HBK, was put in a similar situation with Big Daddy Cool Diesel almost exactly 20 years ago. Only difference was Diesel was already champion. HBK stole the show and put over Diesel in the least strong way possible, putting that coked out of his mind little pretty boy back in the main event scene only a year later.
It's time to use some ring magic to politic your ass, Daniel Bryan.
Now this is the dose of truth WrassleGAF needs.Alright look Wrasslegaf fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Plywood will not be making the OT for Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Mr Sandman beats him to the punch. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna snitch to the mods, I might make an off topic thread because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Ah screw it, I'm too lazy to adapt things further, please enjoy this classic gif.