Alright look Wrasslegaf fans, accept it right now. Accept it right now. On this very day that Plywood will not be making the OT for Wrestlemania. Please accept it right now. I don't wanna hear you crying after Fast Lane when Mr Sandman beats him to the punch. I don't wanna hear you crying "I'm gonna snitch to the mods, I might make an off topic thread because I'm very upset". I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit. I just want you to accept it.
Ah screw it, I'm too lazy to adapt things further, please enjoy this classic gif.
Fuck both of you, I'm making the WrestleMania OT
And then I'm walking out with the WrassleGAF Championship and then maybe I'll take my thread making quality to gaming side, or maybe I'll take it over to MarvelGAF!
Hi Colt Cabana