They ran down THE CONTROVERSY. No Rusev in this at all. Lots of talking. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO CARRY ON A LEGACY EXCEPT FOR STEPH! AFTER 21 MINUTES Seth told Bryan Brock would eat him alive. Loved him saying the deep end is "where the big boys play" After 5 more minutes, HHH makes Seth vs. Bryan tonight for a match to face Roman at Fastlane and the winner of that goes onto WM for the title shot. HHH says it's tough for Roman, but HE CAN END THE CONTROVERSY AND END THE BOOING. The balls on them for that. "The most defining moment of your career" is everyone chanting for Daniel Bryan. Then we got the announcement of Show vs. Reigns again - they're trying to kill Roman. That's the only logical explanation here. And then Show beat Reigns after a case shot and interference.
He's doomed - there is nothing they can do with the path he's on now to save him. They've outright said the goal is to do this to end the boos, but him winning at Fastlane will make those worse since Bryan is now directly in the mix. The best bet is to have Bryan beat him, put Roman with Dean in a Shield-ish faction, have them dominate for a long time and then redo Roman's push in a year.
Loved Axel being delusional and pointing to the WM sign. Not a fan of it leading to Ambrose killing him and then wanting to be IC Champion, even if his "I take a good mugshot!" line ruled. The guy's done enough jobs without having that albatross around his neck. Ascension killed the Dusts. Stardust rambled to himself backstage before Goldust slapped CODY and then Stardust hissed. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. OF STARDUST. CAN FUCK OFF!
Cena's eye's fucked up and now they're playing up that NXT is just HHH's way to replace Cena - so are the NXT guys defacto heels? Sting on Raw recap. WE MADE HISTORY AND NOW WE'RE GONNA DO IT AGAIN...with the return of Dolph, Ryback, and Erick Rowan. They all get some sub-par matches next. Harper-Ryback wasn't exciting in theory, but was pretty good in execution thanks to Harper. Cesaro-Jey was a backdrop to an app angle, but had a great finish. BRAY-DOLPH SUCKED.
Bray can't even have a good match with Dolph, who is super-fast. I can't believe how bad Bray-Taker will be. Paige-Alicia was nothing. Miz-Sin Cara was a showcase for Mizdow's angle and his titties. Cara won with a distraction cradle. Bray talked about HOW THEY FEARED YOU but now he's the new face of fear. Bray-Taker is a fun video game match, it will not be a fun match unless Bray figures out how to have exciting matches. Rusev-Rowan was an excuse for an awesome Rusev video package and THE FLAG FAILING TO FALL. That ruled! Then Roman was a cock to Bryan backstage.
Main event was fantastic. Loved the goons getting laid out with the dive and then Seth taking an amazing bump on the table. Finish was a bit too wacky though, with THE BIG DOG helping Bryan win. Good post-match promo from Bryan, but it seems like they're either still set on Roman main eventing or deciding on the night of Fast Lane what to do.
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