This hit me like a ton of bricks.
Get him to be a trainer in NXT. That way he can be part of the next generation and doesn't have to completely abandon what he loves.
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
I was totally fine with this past Monday. They're doing some minor rehab with Ziggler's character and Owens reacted appropriately to getting cheated for his loss. Sensible booking compared to what we've seen even between the same two people before.Owens is jobbing to Ziggler on Raw
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
Owens is jobbing to Ziggler on Raw
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
If we ever get a face General Manager character again, Bryan would be perfect for it.
That hot commodity Ryback who's burning up the charts. Those smattering of boos mixed in with silence that he gets every time they send him out now.Bray just needs to do something evil.
I mean even last night all he did was have his goons beat up Ryback.
Which everyone else does to get their heat back because the product is overexposed.
I'm glad I got to see one of Bryan's last few matches at Mania 31. Seeing 60K+ people doing the Yes chant was just amazing in person and it's a wonder how WWE missed the boat on making it bigger than it was.
Their hand was never forced until the live crowds started regularly revolting against the product live on air.Sadly, by the time WWE got onto the Bryan bandwagon it was too late. It's amazing how long it took them to get behind Bryan considering how massively over he had been for so long. Between WM28-30 Bryan was quite possibly the most over talent WWE has had since Rock.
Owens is jobbing to Ziggler on Raw
This is not how non-competes work. In fact, non-competes are completely unenforceable if they bind you from your job for any significant length of time.
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
GoddamnThis hit me like a ton of bricks.
He was important to them. Not to the level his popularity warranted, and there was some revisionist history going on as always, but they always saw him in an upper card spot (their repeated attempts to drop him down to this level can attest to that), which is higher than they see 90% of their roster. They never got behind him as completely as they should, but there is a middle ground between "top guy" and "Zack Ryder".
I think it would be foolish to act as though Bryan didn't change many of the ways they do things, however. Given how resistant the WWE is to change, the influence he did have is pretty significant.
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
Lol. Angle is a FAR worse case than D Bry is in several ways. They are not comparable.In the end, I think WWE was correct to not let this guy wrestle based on the current climate and what they knew. Dude would probably try to die in the ring if they let him. Same reason Kurt Angle isn't setting foot in a ring for any reason other than to collect his ring.
In the end, I think WWE was correct to not let this guy wrestle based on the current climate and what they knew. Dude would probably try to die in the ring if they let him. Same reason Kurt Angle isn't setting foot in a ring for any reason other than to collect his ring.
And some possible wrasslin' savants 20+ years from now.I hope those kids come fast for D. Bry.
Fatherhood is going to fill the missing void for him.
people have been saying (joking or not) that Kurt's gonna die in the ring for the past 10 years, yet he's still wrestling in 2016. So let's stop with that regarding Bryan. WWE feared a lawsuit and bad press from a concussion story the most, not that Bryan would actually die in the ring.
I'm not gonna give any grand statements or whatever, but with Bryan gone, my interest in WWE is at an all-time low. I think I might be all worn out after NXT Takeover.
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
See all of Bryan's Gratitude talk? he knows the secret.Some people here need to read The Secret, imo.
I tended to describe Bryan to my lapsed wrestling fan friends that Bryan was a bit like Benoit without the brain damage.I mean, good god, a favourite wrestler of mine for years and years as I watched was Chris Benoit.
Bryan's retiring early in context is much better off.
As did I.I wish Glenn had been up there.
Lol. Angle is a FAR worse case than D Bry is in several ways. They are not comparable.
Angle has been reaching Big Poppa Pump levels of overall being fucked up physically and mentally.
This hit me like a ton of bricks.
Bellator is probably calling Bryan as we speak.To clarify, a WWE ring. There's lots of local carnies that will let him take as many bumps as he wants.
Owens may be stuck in a meaningless promo-free 50/50 angle nobody gives a damn about with Ziggler but he's making the most of it in spite of it all by focusing on being the absolute best heel possible. There is no complacency from a man who happily talks trash about Ziggler's inept standup comedy career while giving him a thorough beating. Dude's leading by example. He's like an expert craftsman demonstrating his skill while surrounded by broken-down machinery that is clearly flawed and doesn't work any more (i.e. the WWE creative apparatus).Yes WWE most certainly kept him in a permanent holding pattern, at the same time it was up to him after a certain point to make his character a little fresher as time went on. Modern WWE is all about making art out of the piles of feces creative hands you.
Owens may be stuck in a meaningless promo-free 50/50 angle nobody gives a damn about with Ziggler but he's making the most of it in spite of it all by focusing on being the absolute best heel possible. There is no complacency from a man who happily talks trash about Ziggler's inept standup comedy career while giving him a thorough beating. Dude's leading by example. He's like an expert craftsman demonstrating his skill while surrounded by broken-down machinery that is clearly flawed and doesn't work any more (i.e. the WWE creative apparatus).
Couldn't have said it better myself.Owens may be stuck in a meaningless promo-free 50/50 angle nobody gives a damn about with Ziggler but he's making the most of it in spite of it all by focusing on being the absolute best heel possible. There is no complacency from a man who happily talks trash about Ziggler's inept standup comedy career while giving him a thorough beating. Dude's leading by example. He's like an expert craftsman demonstrating his skill while surrounded by broken-down machinery that is clearly flawed and doesn't work any more (i.e. the WWE creative apparatus).
Owens may be stuck in a meaningless promo-free 50/50 angle nobody gives a damn about with Ziggler but he's making the most of it in spite of it all by focusing on being the absolute best heel possible. There is no complacency from a man who happily talks trash about Ziggler's inept standup comedy career while giving him a thorough beating. Dude's leading by example. He's like an expert craftsman demonstrating his skill while surrounded by broken-down machinery that is clearly flawed and doesn't work any more (i.e. the WWE creative apparatus).
That's the biggest reason I love Owens, he's always trying to make whatever he's doing the best it can be, even when working in the extreme restraints of RAW.
You know when I suggested earlier to Bronx-Man to check out of wrestling aside from Lucha Underground until NXT Takeover Dallas... I was mistaken.
Bryan's said that he doesn't think he's a good teacher, and I think we should believe him.
The skillsets for teaching and for high achievement are not the same, and because high achievers rely so heavily on intuition/feel, it can make it very difficult for them to try and teach that to others.
Just remember friends in the words of Jim Herd:
Wrestling is like a pizza. There aren't evil toppings or good toppings there are just toppings and if you don't work a match in under 30 minutes your PPV is free.
Get him to be a trainer in NXT. That way he can be part of the next generation and doesn't have to completely abandon what he loves.
But he's not being bound. He is being paid as per his contract, and the WWE offered him a variety of ways to still be involved in his employer (all non-phyiscal due to Bryan's injury). Bryan refused them.
Read up on Randy Couture's attempt to use retirement to get out of his UFC Contract.
best ryback is the heel one that beats up backstage workers
bring him back, otherwise ryback is dead to me
This hit me like a ton of bricks.